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Take Advantage Of This No Down Program... - Berkshire Lending. Good Morning!

Take Advantage Of This No Down Program... - Berkshire Lending

If you are looking for a home in the outter suburbs or in a rural area make sure your realtor knows about this great USDA 100% financing program. -Up to 100% of the Appraised Value – Total LTV of 102% – How VA Treats Bankruptcy And Foreclosure - Berkshire Lending. How To Purchase A Home Using A Reverse Mortgage? This is an example of how one of my borrower’s purchased a home using a Reverse Mortgage in Plano They owned their home free and clear, and lived in a small town not too far from Dallas.

How To Purchase A Home Using A Reverse Mortgage?

Their home was worth around $150,000. Both husband and wife decided they didn’t want to live their retirement years in their current home. Best Loans To Use For Buying In Rural Areas - Berkshire Lending - Berkshire Lending. If you need financing to purchase a home in the country then use either USDA, FHA, or VA.

Best Loans To Use For Buying In Rural Areas - Berkshire Lending - Berkshire Lending

As you can see we didn't mention conventional loans here, The reason is a conventional loan generally will have more restrictions on the comparable sales used in the appraisal. Specifically conventional loans have a conservative limit on how far they will allow the comparable sales used in the appraisal to be away from the subject property. For this reason, you often run into a Catch-22 using conventional loans in a rural environment. …Yes you can use a conventional loan, but if the comps are too far away from the subject property so you can’t use a conventional loan, etc… VA Loans Available in Houston, Texas, USA.

Plano Mortgage Company - Berkshire Lending. Mortgage Loan Calculator, Texas. Apply for Home Loan Today. FHA Loan And Its Requirements: Brett Sampson. Best Mortgage Company Texas. Jumbo Loan Texas Berkshire Lending. Creative Way To Come Up With Down Payment On A House... - Berkshire Lending. VA Loans — Advantages and Disadvantages – Berkshire Lending. VA Loans: VA purchase loans allow a qualified borrower to buy a house with no down payment.

VA Loans — Advantages and Disadvantages – Berkshire Lending

This is one of the very best loan programs in the mortgage market today. If you are a veteran you should definitely try to take advantage of this program. What it takes to qualify for VA: You should be a veteran. You will need a Certificate of Eligibility from the VA. Credit: The VA has no minimum credit score listed in their guidelines. Generally these banks have a 620 minimum credit score cut off. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: The discharge must be at least 24 months old. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: If the borrower has made 12 months of payments to the trustee with no late payments, and Trustee gives his permission for the new credit, the lender may give an approval. Foreclosure: A borrower whose previous residence or other real property was foreclosed on or given a deed-in-lieu of foreclosure within the previous two years since the disposition date is generally not eligible for a VA insured mortgage.

Tax Bills Come Out This Time Of Year... - Berkshire Lending. This is the time of year counties are sending their property tax bills out.

Tax Bills Come Out This Time Of Year... - Berkshire Lending

There are two issues I see every year with regard to property taxes. …Issues that put people in tough spots. 1) Some people just don’t have the money saved up to pay their property taxes. …They might have had the money, but had to use it on an emergency. …or any number of other things. 2) Some people that have an escrow account on their mortgage – but their mortgage company didn’t collect properly. If you are in either one of these situations – there’s usually an easy fix for it. We can often refinance someone in either one of these situations, and we pay the property taxes through the new refinance loan.. Please let me know if you have more questions about how this refinance works. Who Can Give A Gift On An FHA Loan... - Berkshire Lending. Mr. Brett Sampson - Best Mortgage Advisor In Texas. Who Can Give A Gift On An FHA Loan... - Berkshire Lending. Berkshire Lending - Solutions to Your Property Needs. If you want to buy a house, and you see your needs would be met by the loan parameters below… Contact us!

Berkshire Lending - Solutions to Your Property Needs

We want to help you! Loan amounts from $55,000 up to $2,000,000.Credit: We accommodate perfect credit down to challenged credit.No Down Payment loan options.Financing 3 years after a foreclosure.Financing 2 years after chapter 7 bankruptcy.No limit on credit collections.FHA loans with scores as low as 580.Seconds up to $350,000.Interest only payments.Texas cash out loans – up to $900,000.FHAVAUSDAManufactured HomesModular HomesBuild Out LoansOwelty loans to separate equity between former legal owners. …and many other loan options! Restrictions apply. Berkshire Lending - Best Mortgage Company in Texas. What Is Bank Statement Loan? According to Mr.

What Is Bank Statement Loan?

Brett, an expert in this field clarifies all about bank statement loans here. Bank Statement Loans are designed for self-employed people who have income deposits flowing through their checking account, but they don’t show much income on their tax returns due to any reason. If you are self-employed then the below mentioned information will definitely help you in taking right decision. There are three types of loans options are available for self-employed insolvents. 1. 2. 3. Requirements: At least 2 years self-employment is must Qualify with as few as 1 month bank statement (personal) 4 months PITI reserves in the bank for loan amounts under $1 million, 6 months for loan amounts over $1 million We do not take into account withdrawals or tax returns.

If have more questions about this type of loan or any type of mortgage loan give us a call on 888-875-7675, or shoot us an email How to Apply For Home Loan Online? Good Morning!

How to Apply For Home Loan Online?

I’ve written about this before, but it’s important, so I wanted to touch on it again. Before you go house hunting make sure you have enough money available to get your loan approved and your house closed. …I know it sounds simple, but many people don’t realize the number of funds they will need to get into a house. Here is a simple breakdown of your out of the out of pocket costs you could expect from the loan program. Berkshire Lending - Mortgage Company in Dallas Texas. What To Do If You Can't Get A Loan Right Now... - Berkshire Lending. Simple Steps to Refinance a Mortgage - Berkshire Lending. Good Morning!

Simple Steps to Refinance a Mortgage - Berkshire Lending

This may sound funny coming from a mortgage guy, but sometimes it’s not necessary to refinance your mortgage to reduce the number of years left on your mortgage. I have to tell people sometimes that it just doesn’t make sense to refinance. The drop in rate isn’t significant enough to warrant the costs of the refinance. …but, what do these people do when they want to refinance to reduce the number of years on their mortgage? One simple thing you can do is simply pay more each month on your current payment. I’ll give you an example… Berkshire Lending : Refinance Loans in Dallas.