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Streetlight © 2009 - Produced by Bombay Flying Club for Afrika InTouch. Eclipse solar - Fotos del día - ELPAÍ (Ne pas) oublier 2010 : dix mots franglais nunuches des magazines féminins, actualité Société : Le Point. Grand Format. Cali:Oiga, Mire, Vea. Un recorrido virtual por el desarrollo de Cali - Reportaje 360. Platon: Photographs of World Leaders. In 1976, Richard Avedon went to Washington to photograph Henry Kissinger. As Avedon was leading him to his mark, Kissinger said, “Be kind to me.”

Artists have been making portraits of the mighty for centuries—from Velázquez’s Philip IV to Lucian Freud’s Elizabeth II—and the act of portrait-making can leave the royal or the tyrant, the President or the diplomat with a sudden feeling of disequilibrium, of a transfer of power. Avedon knew that Kissinger was trying to manipulate him, but what, exactly, did he want? “Did Kissinger want to look wiser, warmer, more sincere than he suspected he was?” Avedon wrote later. “Isn’t it trivializing and demeaning to make someone look wise, noble (which is easy to do), or even conventionally beautiful when the thing itself is so much more complicated, contradictory, and, therefore, fascinating?”

And so what did the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, ask the photographer before the shutter clicked? But the anxiety persists. Photo Booth: Postcard from China’s Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region. Last night, over the happy-hour din at the Half King, the talented and ever-so-humble Carolyn Drake shared her pictures with a room packed full of photographers and attentive fans. Though Drake discussed her ongoing project on the former ’stans, the focus of the evening was her work on the Uighurs, a Muslim ethnic minority on the edges of the Taklamakan Desert in Western China. In recent years, Drake explained, millions of Han Chinese have migrated into Uighur territory, bringing an influx of infrastructure, government, and pursuit of natural resources.

In images that are beautiful, subtle, and unexpected, Drake’s series, “Becoming Chinese,” documents the slow demise of the Uighur’s ancient culture. Though the Half King may be a non-traditional space to exhibit photographs, it’s worth a visit, and you can get a burger and a pint while you’re at it. If you can’t make it before January 29th, here’s a selection, with Drake’s captions. Photographs by Carolyn Drake/Panos Pictures. Burkhard Bilger on the Smith Tugboat Family: Audio Slide Show.

Weber Americana. 24 hours in pictures | News. Les emmurés : vivre sourd et aveugle. A Photokina, les appareils servent-ils encore à faire des photos ? Noël dans tous ses états. A Space Wardrobe - Interactive Feature. 2010: The Year in Pictures - Slide Show. Fold-Ins, Past and Present - Interactive Feature. Capturing the Atom Bomb on Film - Audio & Photos. Vancouver’s Olympic Venues - Interactive Feature. Corée du Nord: la diplomatie du Kimchi.