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How to Write a Good Blog Comment and Bypass the Spam Filter in WordPress. Have you ever thought about what makes a good blog comment? Want to know of a sure-fire way to bypass the spam comment filter in WordPress? In this article, we will show you how to write a good blog comment and bypass the spam filter in WordPress. Comments are a great way to interact with the blogs you read. Most site owners love and crave comments. In their eyes, comments show that readers found their content engaging and useful.

Sadly, comments are now being used by spammers and bots as a promotional mechanism rather than a micro-conversation tool. Let’s take a look at how to write a good blog comment and get noticed. 1. Before you leave a comment, you need to ask yourself why do you want to leave that comment? Think out loud what you want your comment to accomplish before you write it. 2. It goes without saying that if you want to be heard and noticed, then you should be polite, respectful, and kind. Friends and good manners will carry you where money won’t go.– Margaret Walker 3. 4. 5. Blogs vaak niet meer dan bijverdienste.

Meer dan de helft van alle bloggers wil graag zijn brood verdienen met zijn blog. Dit blijkt uit het bloggersonderzoek dat bureau Cherry Picker uitvoerde onder 206 Nederlandse bloggers. De resultaten werden deze week gepresenteerd tijdens de eerste editie van het Cherry Picker #Storymakers event, waar ruim 130 bloggers en dertig merken bij elkaar kwamen. Iets meer dan de helft van alle blogs heeft minder dan 15.000 unieke bezoekers per maand. Ruim één derde trekt 15.000 tot 100.000 bezoekers per maand en zo’n tien procent meer dan 100.000. Van alle deelnemers bleek 85 procent vrouw te zijn. De passies van waaruit bloggers schrijven variëren sterk: van travel tot food, van design of architectuur tot sport en beauty. Bloggers willen graag samenwerken met merken, producten en bestemmingen, maar sommige zaken zijn een echte ‘no-go’ voor bloggers.

Hoewel de meeste bloggers hun blog als bijverdienste hebben, hoopt ruim de helft uiteindelijk te kunnen leven van hun blog. Saaie markt? Vijf tips om toch succesvolle content te realiseren. Je kunt op een slimme manier leads werven als je content realiseert in de vorm van blogartikelen, whitepapers en webinars. Dat is een stuk eenvoudiger als je in een ‘sexy’ markt werkt zoals bijvoorbeeld mode of reizen. Maar wat als je nu content wilt realiseren als je in een ‘saaie’ markt opereert zoals bijvoorbeeld kantoorartikelen of netwerkapparatuur?

Het goede nieuws eerst Het voordeel van een saaie markt is dat er ook vaak minder concurrentie is. Er zullen natuurlijk uiteraard concurrerende bedrijven aanwezig zijn in jouw markt maar door zelf regelmatig originele content te publiceren, onderscheid je jezelf al snel ten opzichte van jouw concurrenten en boek je daarom sneller succes. In dit artikel geef ik je vijf tips om succesvolle content voor een saaie markt te realiseren zodat je meer leads kunt gaan genereren. Tip 1: Los de problemen van je potentiële klanten op Wanneer zijn potentiële klanten bereid om bij jouw bedrijf te kopen? Tip 2: Gebruik tools voor content inspiratie. 6 Ways to Find Blog Topics When You're Stuck. You’re out of ideas. Everything you could possibly write about in your niche…. You already have. Well at least it feels that way. Even worse, your readers are expecting consistent content because that is what you have delivered in the past.

You’re paddling upstream, and the boat’s going nowhere. (Sometimes, when you stop paddling, it feels like you’re going backwards) The harder you try to fill your calendar with killer blog topics, the worse it gets. No blog posts = no site traffic = no business = back to the 9-5 corporate grind. What choice do you have? As a freelance blogger my bank account, and all those gorgeous shoes waiting for me on their respective shop shelves, depend on an editorial calendar packed full of kick-ass blog topics. Which, I admit, is hard.

At times it is pulling-my-hair-out-in-frustration-and-banging-the-laptop-screen hard. So, over time I have come up with a way to avoid these frequent bursts of non-productiveness. 1. I’m an avid eBook reader. Ugh. Voila. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 4 Secrets to a Professional B2B Blog Post. Writing is hard, and writing well is even harder. B2B companies are discovering this as they try to put content marketing initiatives into production. Companies realize that they need top-notch writing to attract an audience and then turn them into customers – this is especially true with their corporate blog. A B2B blog post should be personable yet informative for the B2B audience. It should be written well enough to keep readers coming back, and they should have compelling calls-to-action that help convert a reader to a prospect (and eventually into a lead, and then customer.)

That’s a lot of pressure for a simple blog article, isn't it? 1. A cliché is an idea or expression that has lost its meaning through overuse. Both clichés and adverbs are the mark of lazy writing. 2. By using the same language as your readers, you’ll notice that they keep coming back. 3. A B2B blog post isn't the place where you sell your products. 4. For the most part, keep your blog posts evidence-based. Help, mijn blog is gejat! Rust er auteursrecht op mijn blog? Mogen anderen mijn tekst en afbeeldingen overnemen als zij de bron vermelden? En hoe treed ik op tegen copycats? Veel bloggers zitten geregeld met de handen in het haar. Daarom even de feiten op een rijtje.

Auteursrecht Op de meeste blogs rust auteursrecht. Toestemming Je kunt een ander toestemming geven om – al dan niet tegen een vergoeding – jouw blog over te nemen. Optreden Wanneer je ontdekt dat iemand zomaar jouw tekst heeft overgenomen, doe je er goed aan direct een printscreen te maken. Misverstanden Er bestaan veel misverstanden rondom het auteursrecht. Uitzonderingen Het citaatrecht vormt een uitzondering op het auteursrecht. Embedden Embedden mag ook altijd. Vragen? Mocht je vragen hebben naar aanleiding van dit artikel, of hulp kunnen gebruiken in een soortgelijke kwestie, neem dan gerust contact met ons op. Starting Your Own Blog? Mommy Blogger Crystal Paine Shares 5 Tips. How to turn your love for blogging into something bigger—a career, a moneymaking business If you’ve ever followed the mommy blogger phenomenon, you’ve heard of Crystal Paine.

Her site,, which she started in 2007 as a resource for couponing and deal-hunting, now averages 1.5 million unique visitors every month. Paine is a true work-at-home mompreneur, managing a brand that employs 17 team members and engages more than 750,000 followers—and that’s just Facebook. When I arrived at Paine’s home for an interview, she was busy working. She and her assistant chatted at their laptops as we set up. Soft-spoken and warm, she sat down to put on her mic and asked what would make the interview “a win” for me. I was taken aback by her generosity, and it is matched only by her strategic genius, which she obviously uses to build her ever-growing site.

Are you an aspiring blogger? 1. Like most, Paine started trying to make just a couple dollars a day off her online platform. 2. 3. 4. Why Bloggers Abandon Their Blogs Too Early [Video] Occasionally, one stumbles upon a stop-you-in-your-tracks statistic. For me, it was an IBM study that found 80% of corporate blogs contain fewer than five posts. If the study centered on personal blogs, I’d understand. But corporate blogs? Wow. For years, I’ve struggled with IBM’s stat. Then, during an internal project in which we analyzed the effect of publishing volume to traffic, it hit me: We concentrated our analysis on the immediate traffic a blog post enjoys.

This phenomenon must be frustrating, if not demoralizing, for corporate bloggers who need to prove they are driving results, and prove it quickly. The key to the argument is to turn the challenge upside down. Let’s have a look. As you can see in the video, it’s easy to see why bloggers who rely on daily traffic as their sole performance indicator would abandon their blogs quickly.

But a slight shift in perspective from daily traffic to cumulative traffic can reframe the decision entirely. How to Make the Most of a Great Blog Post. Effective blog post writing begins with epic post planning. Digging up keywords, crafting clever headlines, and sculpting your ideas into the proper shape takes time, and if you do it right, you could get great reputation management results.

And sometimes, you have ideas that are so great and so noteworthy that they garner you a lot of attention. Some might even go viral. When that happens, you have a big decision to make. A Quick Check of Blog Success Answering a few quick questions should help you to determine whether it’s time to rewrite or time to do some tweaking. 1. The average lifespan of a blog post is about 2 to 3 years. 2.

Pull up your metrics and look closely at your entry’s performance. But, if that post is still driving traffic, still getting comments, and still getting noticed, tweaking is your best bet. 3. If you’ve struck gold with content, it’s possible that someone else is taking advantage. 4. 5. Some blog entries come with a shelf-life. If You Must Start a New Blog Post. Let's Talk: Basic Blog Tips. Lieve dejlig(e) lezers, Vandaag wil ik het in deze Let’s Talk met jullie hebben over basic blog tips.

Zoals een aantal van jullie weten blog ik al vrij lang. Vroeger zat ik zelfs in de redactie van het inmiddels verdwenen Nederlandse weblogmagazine en na bijna 15 jaar bloggen, weet ik er best veel van, maar ook ik leer nog elke dag nieuwe dingen, want er is best veel veranderd in anderhalf decennium (dat klinkt heel lang hè; decennium). Wat er veranderd is, daar zal ik binnenkort eens een artikel aan wijden, vandaag wil ik zoals ik net ook al schreef, een aantal blog tips met jullie bespreken. Niet dat ik blog tips wil geven, want dat laat ik liever over aan de echte pro’s zoals Laura van of Patricia van, ik wil het er over een aantal met jullie hebben.

Basic blog tips die elke blogger volgens mij zou moeten weten. 1. Laten we eens beginnen met blog tips zelf: Er zijn heel veel blogs die blog tips geven. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Fijne dag vandaag! Let's Talk: Basic Blog Tips. 6 Responsive WordPress Themes for Mobilegeddon. On April 21, 2015, Google released yet another algorithm update, this time focusing on mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal. While many websites weren’t at all bothered by the news, since the merits of responsive design have been discussed for years, still some weren’t ready. Using a responsive WordPress theme solves that problem, since it allows the design to adapt to any screen size, creating a usable version of your website for desktops, tablets, smartphones.

There are plenty of responsive themes available; a quick scan of the Themeforest WordPress repository reveals more than 2,000 responsive options. With so many to choose from, it can be hard to decide which one to use for a project. This is by no means an exhaustive list of the awesomeness out there, but it’s a good place to start. Enfold by Kresi Enfold is optimized and retina ready.

If your website needs to be translated to multiple languages, the theme is WPML plugin ready and translation ready with mo/po files. X by ThemeCo. 20 Free Chrome Extensions for WordPress You Need Now. Add to Chrome GooEdit is a great extension for making quick adjustments to photos on your post drafts before you publish them. After a quick install, clicking the extension’s button in your browser will deploy a bar across the top of the browser page with several editing options.

You’ll be able to select the image you would like to edit, then adjust options such as the brightness, hue, saturation, contrast, and sharpen – for starters – and many more such as bluring, color adjustment, cropping and access to a few different filters. When you’re done editing, you can save the final copy to your computer to upload and replace the old image with the new one. This is useful if you need to take screenshots for your posts. It’s no Photoshop, but for small changes, GooEdit does a great job. Add to Chrome GooEdit is a great extension for making quick adjustments to photos on your post drafts before you publish them. This is useful if you need to take screenshots for your posts. Efficiënt bloggen - Hoe snel te leren schrijven? - DutchBlogger. Snel je blogs schrijven kan veel voor de hand liggende voordelen hebben. Hoe doen we dat, snel schrijven? De sleutel is focus. Dat klinkt abstract en dus zal ik tips geven hoe je focus te pakken en te leren snel schrijven.

Zo hoef je niet meer je ADHD-trekjes de schuld te geven! Aangezien we ‘Dutch’ blogger heten, mag ik best even nationalistisch doen: Waar staan we om bekend naast de kaas, tulpen, wiet en prostitutie? Efficiëntie! Waarom leren snel schrijven? Met het leren van snel of ‘speed’ schrijven bedoelen we het zo snel mogelijk neerpennen van je blog. Niet piekeren, maar gewoon lekker je gedachten laten gaan;je deadlines halen en;zo snel mogelijk door naar het weekend! Voor ieder die z’n memes kent… Afbraak kwaliteit? De term speed schrijven doet wellicht vermoeden dat dit af zal doen van de kwaliteit van je stuk, maar ik ben er zelf heilig van overtuigd dat dit niet waar is. Laten we dus beginnen! Voordat je begint #1 Zorg voor een goede omgeving #2 Actieve houding Heel erg waar…. 5 Ways to Provide Real Value with Your Blog! Today, we have Zac Johnson here, this time to share with us excellent tips to make our blogs a place to be. Zac is a pro blogger and top affiliate marketer. He’s the found of, a video training platform aimed at out of you a pro money making blogger and affiliate marketer.

Over to you Zac… There are well over 300 million blogs in the world today. That’s a lot of freaking blogs! The bad news is that 99% of them are garbage, consisting of either low quality content, forgotten projects or simply don’t serve a purpose to the rest of the world. So how can you make a blog that actually serves a purpose and can become a legitimate site or even full time business in the process? Simple… put in the time and effort to treat your blog like a business, and not just a side project with a “let’s see what happens” mentality With that said, here are five great ways to bring more value to your blog and your visitor experience in the process. 1 – Create Better Content than Your Competition.

Free Report: Reveals 8 mistakes that you are currently making that could be causing your blog to be broke ! By Ivan Ho ~ Author of Dot Com Profits & Founder of IMV Business Inc. Ivan Ho and his team at IMV Business Inc. are in the process of helping 1,000 bloggers build 6 figure incomes with their blogs in 2015. To help map out this process, they recently they sat down with 127 bloggers struggling to make money online and asked them one question: "What're the toughest challenges they faced when trying to monetize and make money with their blogs? " Ivan and his team uncovered 8 main areas that held bloggers back from making big profits and taking their blogs to the next level.

Mistake #1: Not Knowing What Your Audience Wants We discovered that many bloggers promote content and products based on instinct - what they think their audience wants to read, what they think their audience needs and what they think their audience will want to buy without doing any online research. Without verifying your assumptions, you won't know if there's a demand for your content or offers online. 5 Blogging Tips from the Pros to help Your Blog Take Off. 15 Top Tips From Bloggers For Bloggers. 4 Weapons Blogger Need for Offline Branding & Networking. 11 manieren om de bounce rate van je blog te verlagen | Qonvert. Verhoog je Google Adsense inkomsten! - Bloggen en loggen. Hoe je ervoor zorgt dat je trots kunt zijn op je blog – en werkgevers ook - Passie voor SchrijvenPassie voor Schrijven.

4 Tips for Successful Business Blogging. Website Grade: How to Calculate for Free | Grade a Website Tool. 12 essentiële elementen om jouw gastblog geplaatst te krijgen. How to Create Infographics that Send Hoards of New Visitors to Your Blog. Zo Gezegd - 11/03/15. What to keep in mind when starting a blog | Digitalie. Hoe vaak je blogt maakt niet uit, hoe vaak je hebt geblogd wel - LEWISPR NLLEWISPR NL. How Many Posts Should a Blogger Post? [Pros and Cons of Daily Posting] Goedkoop natscheren: TAG: Blogmannen. 13 Types of Blog Headlines That Will Get You More Traffic. How to Get Your Blog Posts Read. How to SEO a Blog Post – 4 Simple Steps. 25 Spring Blog Post Ideas - The Blog Market. Meer succes met zakelijk bloggen? Start een blogcompetitie! Let op: de Facebook Like Box verdwijnt. 4 Ways To Avoid Writers Block & Keep Coming Up With Blog Content — The Alisha Nicole. 20 Actions You Can Take to Look Like a Pro Blogger - by Regina.

6 Ways to Make Money With Advertising on Your Blog and the Websites To Help You. 6 Ways to Make Money With Advertising on Your Blog and the Websites To Help You. 8 Blogging Excuses that You Need to Release Now. How to Keep Your Website's Content Fresh. Off-topic gaan… durf jij dat aan? - BlogQueen. Jullie lezen alleen wat ik niet verwacht - Elja Daae. Waarom je blogdoelen nodig hebt - [Blog Content Generation Series] 5 Steps to Create a Niche Blog | Aletha McManama, Digital Marketing Maven.

Untitled. Gouden regels bij het gebruiken van tags - 60 Tips to Keep Your Blog Current | Now Go Blog. How to Refresh Old Blog Posts - Modern housewife. 11 dingen die ik van bloggen heb geleerd. Lokaal nieuws is een bron van 'content', ook als klein bedrijf - Elja Daae. Mijn favoriete internet marketing blogs - Expeditie Internet. How do bloggers make money? — Blog Ambitions. Creatief Schrijven | Scherpt je talent. Autumn Leaves: 8 Tips on How to Blog on a Budget. Not provided: hoe je toch de zoekwoorden ontdekt - Blogaholic. How Blogs Work, van blogger Stephanie Duval - Galabria. De 5 must-have plugins voor iedere blogger - Roos notes.

Bizar! Met deze simpele stap krijg je meer bezoekers. Avoiding Atrophy: How To Write Well And Write Often (Part 1) Fotoof - Fotografietips: bewerken voor online media. Op zoek naar geweldige content om te delen? Deze 5 gratis tools helpen je.