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Visualization. Typo. Photoshop. Webddesign. Les critères de performance d'un design de site web réussi. Logo. Trends and Examples in Recent Web Design: Big, Informative and C. The bottom of the page, the ending for your web design job, the final section. This is footer. The part of the site that, in a classic interpretation, is only for copyright and some links. We are in the “Internet Era” and a site is no longer a quick presentation for farsighted companies or strange nerds and geeks. Nowadays a web site must work; it should be interactive, it should communicate ideas, it should present in a unique way products and service, it should involve the users.

In modern web design, fortunately, designers and user experience developers are saying “NO” to boring and standard footers. It’s a crime to neglect the natural conclusion of a web site using only a line and some links. How Visitors Interact with the Footer It’s really important to understand how visitors interact with the footer and why they go to the bottom of the page. It’s clear that we have two main categories of visitors to attract with an impressive footer. Active UsersThey need additional information. Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design Trends - Smashing Magazine. Advertisement The navigation menu is perhaps a website’s single most important component. Navigation gives you a window onto the website designer’s creative ability to produce a functional yet visually impressive element that’s fundamental to most websites.

Because of their value to websites, navigation menus are customarily placed in the most visible location of the page, and thus can make a significant impact on the visitor’s first impression. The design of a navigation menu has to be outstanding in order to sustain the user’s interest. As the adage goes, “Content is king,” but getting to the content requires navigation. In this post, we’ll be explore some of the more recent trends in navigation design. We’ll look at the aesthetics that recur in today’s best Web designs.

You should also read the following related posts: 3-D Navigation Lately, we’ve seen a trend towards design elements that sit on a higher z-plane; that is, they appear closer than other elements on the page. 30+ Professional Business Website Design Tutorials In Photoshop. A Collection of Useful Web Design Wireframing Resources : Specky. In the initial stages of a project, when ideas aren’t quite fully formed, it’s good practice to wireframe the layout of your mobile app or web project by stripping away all design elements and flourishes to help define and better communicate the information hierarchy of the layout and plan for functionality and user flow. Whether you create them using a whiteboard, pencil and paper, web-based tools, or using a graphic application, effective wireframing and planning play a critical role in the success of your product.

While most wireframing tools are readily and freely available (pen, paper, markers…), you may have to pay to use some web-based tools, and if you know where to look, you can also grab some free, templates for graphic applications like Photoshop, Illustrator or Sketch. Lucky for you know where to look, as you have landed on this page! Material Design Wireframe Kits Material Design Wireframe Kit (Sketch). Designed by Dan Shipley. iOS Wireframe Kits iPhone Wireframes (Sketch). All For Design : Webdesign, Graphic Design and Inspiration from.