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Kaazing Real-Time Web Communication. Video on the Web. You are here: Home Dive Into HTML5 Diving In Anyone who has visited in the past four years knows that you can embed video in a web page. But prior to HTML5, there was no standards-based way to do this. Virtually all the video you’ve ever watched “on the web” has been funneled through a third-party plugin — maybe QuickTime, maybe RealPlayer, maybe Flash. (YouTube uses Flash.) These plugins integrate with your browser well enough that you may not even be aware that you’re using them. That is, until you try to watch a video on a platform that doesn’t support that plugin. HTML5 defines a standard way to embed video in a web page, using a <video> element. But support for the <video> element itself is really only a small part of the story. Video Containers You may think of video files as “AVI files” or “MP4 files.” A video file usually contains multiple tracks — a video track (without audio), plus one or more audio tracks (without video).

There are lots of video container formats. HTML5: The Basics (1 of 4) The next iteration of HTML has been met with excitement by some, loathing by others and confusion/fear by everyone else. Love it or hate it, HTML 5 will soon define how you build websites. This is the first article in a four part series that will introduce HTML5 and its basic features as well as explain the key differences from HTML4.01 and XHTML 1.0 so you can start preparing yourself and your sites for the transition. Over the next week we’ll be focusing on three major areas: 1.

New Elements 2. Semantic Changes 3. Getting it Working Today This article will briefly introduce each of these topics to prepare you for the in-depth articles ahead. APIs Before we dive into the topics listed above, I want to take a minute to look at an extremely important feature that we won’t be covering in its own dedicated article: the new APIs. As you can see, the principal purpose of these APIs is to facilitate web application creation. New Elements in HTML5 HTML5 introduces quite a few new elements. 1. Une vitrine HTML5 on the way... - Fatras - HTML5/CSS3 et autres. Merci de me lire. Merci de commenter les billets. Merci de me témoigner vos encouragements. C'est très plaisant. Quand j'ai démarré ce blog, il y a 5 mois, c'était avec l'idée de rester dans mon coin à soliloquer sur mes turpitudes dans le monde merveilleux d'HTML5. Et voilà que je ne suis plus tout à fait seul. Ce weekend je vais bosser pour offrir une meilleure visibilité sur le Web à certains webmestres/codeurs/CSS designers/référenceurs/etc. qui s'intéressent à HTML5.

Cette nouvelle catégorie ne sera pas un annuaire automatique : l'inscription sera manuelle. Le titre de la page : il figurera en H1 comme pour tous les articles. Il y aura un système de votes pour indiquer l'appréciation générale de votre site par les visiteurs. Je n'aurai certainement pas fini ce weekend mais dans la décade qui va suivre vous découvrirez la vitrine avec 2 ou 3 sites d'amis ou de relations que je veux promouvoir. Ah ! MYOUSIC.ME | The easiest way to search and play music everytime, HTML5 presentation. HTML5Rocks - Home. Blog HTML5 – Également sur CSS3, le design Web et les standards. Real Time Web Traffic Visualizer: Hummingbird.