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Html - WebPlatform Docs. Summary Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the markup language for web pages. The World Wide Web Consortium maintains the HTML standard. Explore our HTML docs API reference A reference guide to all the APIs associated with the HTML language. Note: If you are completely new to web development, you may want to review Web development for beginners. Background HTML is language we structure our content in on the World Wide Web; one of the main components of the Open Web Platform. First version: The first version of HTML was described by Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the Web, in late 1991.

Contributing to the HTML technology HTML development has been hosted by a few different organizations during its history including CERN, IETF, and W3C. The W3C is also currently asking for review comments on the Media Accessibility Checklist Index of all HTML topics The element and attribute lists below only include W3C Recommended values or candidate/proposed recommendations. HTML Elements HTML Attributes. Projet Opquast : comprendre et améliorer la qualité Web - Opquast. Fractal | HTML Email Validator and Optimizer. Your Photos on a Diet! - Home. Comment optimiser le code d'un site Web pour en améliorer la performance - Journal du Net Développeurs | Qualité web & testing.