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5 Essential Tips for a User-Friendly Web Design - Web Designer Blog. Bluestacks sur Mac OSX. Bluestacks sur Mac OSX Vous vous souvenez de Bluestacks, le machin qui permet de faire tourner des applications Android sous Windows ? Et bien bonne nouvelle pour tous les "macqueux' (Oui, c'est comme ça qu'on dit maintenant ! ^^), Bluestacks débarque sous OSX. Woowoot A télécharger ici en version Alpha. Source Ps : Message personnel à ces ordures de pollens. Vous avez aimé cet article ? 14 Reasons Why Nobody Used Your jQuery Plugin. With so many folks developing jQuery plugins, it's not uncommon to come across one that just plain - for lack of better words - sucks.

There's no examples or documentation, the plugin doesn't follow best practices, etc. But you're one of the lucky ones: this article will detail the pitfalls that you must avoid. jQuery is no stranger to those of you frequent Nettuts+. Jeffrey Way's awesome 30 Days to Learn jQuery (and various other tutorials here and elsewhere) have led us all down the path to Sizzle-powered awesomesauce. In all the hype (and a lot of leaps in JavaScript adoption by developers and browser vendors), plenty of plugins have come onto the scene. In this article, we'll focus less on the JavaScript specifically, and more on best practices for plugin delivery. 1 - You Aren't Making a jQuery Plugin There are some patterns that are, more or less, universally accepted as "The Right Way" to create jQuery plugins.

Next, we are using the jQuery plugin pattern, $.fn.PluginName. Extensive Collection Of Useful jQuery Plugins For Working With Tables. Don't Forget to participate in a contest where you can win an amazing e-Commerce template from TemplateMonster. jQuery plugins are quite in these days in the field of web designing and are extensively used because of their aesthetically appealing results. Through jQuery tables plugins, you can attain the maximum results in terms of functionality and flexibility. The level of flexibility and functionality that jQuery provide cannot be met with classic HTML tables. Here we are presenting a collection of exceptional and highly functional jQuery tables plugins that let you create user-friendly tables easily and efficiently. Enjoy! Table Pagination ( Demo | Download ) This jquery plugin is used to create a pagination element under a table element. Tablesorter Animated Sortable Data Table jQuery plugin – jTPS ( Demo | Download ) jTPS is a datatable jQuery plugin that offers pagination, animated scrolling through pages and intelligent natural sorting capability.

Flexigrid Animated table sort Ingrid. Google Plus Style Animations with Jquery and CSS3 | Webdesign code. Slicing Doors, présentez vos références avec style - Creative Juiz, Plugins jQuery. À quoi sert-il ? Affichez vos réalisations, photos, infographie, etc. dans un unique bloc. Au survol ou au ciblage (navigation clavier) la légende d'une image sera révélée laissant place à un contenu plutôt libre.

Voir la démonstration Comme le montre la démonstration, vous pouvez choisir entre 1, 2 et 4 volets. Utilisation Ce type d'outil est très simple à mettre en place puisqu'il s'agit d'un plugin de la bibliothèque jQuery. Personnalisation Ce plugin vous offre pas mal de personnalisations qui seront peut-être encore étendues par la suite. Afficher la liste des valeurs de jQuery Easing jswing def easeInQuad easeOutQuad easeInOutQuad easeInCubic easeOutCubic easeInOutCubic easeInQuart easeOutQuart easeInOutQuart easeInQuint easeOutQuint easeInOutQuint easeInSine easeOutSine easeInOutSine easeInExpo easeOutExpo easeInOutExpo easeInCirc easeOutCirc easeInOutCirc easeInElastic easeOutElastic easeInOutElastic easeInBack easeOutBack easeInOutBack easeInBounce easeOutBounce easeInOutBounce.

20 jQuery Tutorials Teaching Super Cool Visual Effects. 15 Fresh Jquery Plugins You Love to Implement in Your Website | Webdesign code.