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Select Multiple Images From Gallery in Xamarin Forms – XamGirl. How to select multiple images from gallery for android and iOS device using xamarin.forms? Display an image inside in a text — Xamarin Forums. I guess my code says anthing... it works but it is ugly AF and wastes a lot of resources. So any advice how I can display the text with the image inside without such a ugly solution?

Xamarin.Forms 多國語言應用程式設計練習課程 | Xamarin 實驗室. 在這篇實作練習中,將會說明如何在 Xamarin.Forms 應用程式專案中,開發出具有多國語言文字的應用程式;也就是說,我們只需要開發一套UI/與商業處理邏輯程式碼,當這個應用程式在不同的語系下執行的時候,就會呈現出當時語系的文字。 很神奇吧,而且,實作上也不是十分複雜,因為我們將會借助於 Multilingual App Toolkit (MAT) 這套工具,幫助我們完成相關工作;至於 Multilingual App Toolkit (MAT) 這套工具的詳細使用方式,不在這個練習中做說明,如有需要的學員,可以參考 [ Multilin這個練習中做說明,如有需要的學員,可以參考 Multilingual App Toolkit (MAT) 。

底下為這個頁面的示意設計圖,請您依照這個畫面進行這個應用程式的開發與設計。 您可以到這裡下載該練習的專案原始碼 在這個練習專案中,將只會有一個頁面,我們在這裡將會設計這個頁面為使用者要登入系統時候,經常會設計的內容,那就是需要使用者輸入帳號與密碼和一個登入按鈕。 不過,我們並不會在檢視模型中設計任何商業邏輯,這是因為,要做出一個支援多國語言頁面,不需要使用到檢視模型,我們將僅會在頁面的 XAML 檔案中來設計。 在這裡,我們將會設計支援英文、繁體中文、日文這三種語言。 另外﹐您也需要變更手機或者模擬器的語系,這樣才能夠看到當時作業系統語言的相對應文字 在這個練習中,您將會學習到如何使用底下技術: 如何安裝 Multilingual App Toolkit (MAT) 如何設定與啟動 Multilingual App Toolkit (MAT) 新增 .NET 資源檔案 (.resx) 到核心 PCL 專案內 在 XAML 中存取 .NET 靜態物件的屬性值 切換行動裝置的語系無 要練習這個專案,您需要在您的電腦中安裝 Multilingual App Toolkit (MAT) 工具 安裝 Multilingual App Toolkit (MAT) 接著會看到 新的通用 Windows 專案 對話視窗,此時,您只需要按下 確定 按鈕即可,此時,專案精靈會繼續完成相關平台的專案建立工作。 無 請依照底下說明,在這個方案內的不同專案下,建立所需要的資料夾 核心 PCL 專案 (XFLocalization) Resources 建立 資料模型.


How to use Blob Storage from Xamarin | Microsoft Docs. Overview Xamarin enables developers to use a shared C# codebase to create iOS, Android, and Windows Store apps with their native user interfaces. This tutorial shows you how to use Azure Blob storage with a Xamarin application. If you'd like to learn more about Azure Storage, before diving into the code, see Introduction to Microsoft Azure Storage. Create an Azure storage account The easiest way to create your first Azure storage account is by using the Azure portal. You can also create an Azure storage account by using Azure PowerShell, Azure CLI, or the Storage Resource Provider Client Library for .NET. If you prefer not to create a storage account at this time, you can also use the Azure storage emulator to run and test your code in a local environment. Configure your application to access Azure Storage There are two ways to authenticate your application to access Storage services: Shared Key Warning Only use Shared Key authentication for testing purposes!

Shared Access Signatures (SAS) Tip. Cross Platform WebRTC - Alex Dunn - Xamarin University Guest Lecture. Xamarin-forms-samples/XAML/ResourceDictionaries at master · xamarin/xamarin-forms-samples. Exrin/ at master · exrin/Exrin. GitHub - Redth/PushSharp: A server-side library for sending Push Notifications to iOS (iPhone/iPad APNS), Android (C2DM and GCM - Google Cloud Message), Windows Phone, Windows 8, Amazon, Blackberry, and (soon) FirefoxOS devices! Baglabs. ScrollView - Xamarin. Use ScrollView to present layouts that can't fit on just one screen and have content make room for the keyboard.

ScrollView contains layouts and enables them to scroll offscreen. ScrollView is also used to allow views to automatically move to the visible portion of the screen when the keyboard is showing. This article covers: Purpose – the purpose for ScrollView and when it is used.Usage – how to use ScrollView in practice.Properties – public properties that can be read and modified.Methods – public methods that can be called to scroll the view.Events – events that can be used to listen to changes in the view's states. ScrollView can be used to ensure that larger views display well on smaller phones. Note: ScrollViews should not be nested. ScrollView exposes a Content property which can be set to a single view or layout. In C#: Before the user scrolls down, only the BoxView is visible: Notice that when the user starts to enter text in the Entry, the view scrolls to keep it visible on screen:

LAC09 - A Xamarin.Forms Infinite Scrolling ListView. 12 Flares Twitter 0 Facebook 0 StumbleUpon 0 Google+ 3 LinkedIn 9 inShare9 12 Flares × The last few months have been crazy busy working on ItsMonkie Solutions, whether it be website rework, defining the value proposition or outreach emails, I’ve had very little time and as such and the Live App Challenge has suffered. I don’t want to bore you by writing about my work schedule here, but I will be producing articles here on Codenutz with greater consistency, but lower frequency. Anyway I’ve been hitting Xamarin.Forms pretty hard over the last few weeks with some okay results. I have to be totally honest, its been a rocky ride – the documentation isn’t brilliant, there are bugs, the updates often introduce new bugs and the framework itself sometimes feels a little bit lacking, albeit constantly improving.

Xamarin.Forms Extensibility I thought the best way to demonstrate this was create a really trivial example Xamarin.Forms Infinite ListView What does it do How does it work Demo. Xamarin Forms Pull To Refresh With ListView - Xamarin Help. Posted: / By: Adam Pedley / In: Code / Comments: 3 The Xamarin Forms ListView control has the ability to allow the user to pull down from the top of the ListView to trigger a refresh command. I say a refresh command, because the pull to refresh, just triggers a command and you can do whatever you want in that command, including not updating the ListView. Properties There are 3 properties you need to be aware of to implement the pull to refresh functionality. Set IsPullToRefreshEnabled=”True” to enable the functionality, then create these 2 properties in your ViewModel. private bool _isRefreshing = false; public bool IsRefreshing { get { return _isRefreshing; } set { _isRefreshing = value; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(IsRefreshing)); } } public ICommand RefreshCommand { get { return new Command(async () => { IsRefreshing = true; await RefreshData(); IsRefreshing = false; }); } } Now when you pull down from the top of the listview, it will show a refresh animation, while IsRefreshing=”true”.

Pull To Refresh Tutorial Using Xamarin.Forms. GitHub - 15mgm15/Consume-a-JSON-API-using-Xamarin.Forms: Example of consuming a JSON API using Xamarin.Forms. Day25 – Xamarin.Forms 與 ASP.NET CORE WEB API的資料傳遞 - iT 邦幫忙::一起幫忙解決難題,拯救 IT 人的一天. 做完登入頁面後, 接下就是要製作主畫面, 從部署在Azure App Service的WEB API把資料撈回來呈現在畫面上, Xamarin.Forms要能呼叫WEB API, 需要Newtonsoft.Json與Microsoft.Net.Http這兩個套件, 所以在NuGet搜尋, 安裝在Portable專案 之後新增一個Models的資料夾, 建立一個SalesCheckIn.cs, 用來跟取回來的Json做對應 然後打開config.cs, 新增一個WEB API連線位置如下 打開MainPage.xaml, 修改如下所示 打開MainPage.xaml.cs, 修改如下所示 上述的程式碼中加入了Button_Clicked的事件, 按下時會跳出確認視窗, 並把Id與Locations顯示在視窗裡,接著就可以跑起來測試囉, 成功畫面如下 按下Detail按鈕 以上打完收工 在實作的過程中, Xamarin.Forms有兩個不錯的特點: Binding跟ObservableCollection Binding可以繫結前端UI的屬性與後端的Entity, 舉例來說底下的Lable的文字屬性直接對應到SalesCheckIn的Entity, 程式碼可以少寫很多 ObservableCollection在Xamarin.Forms裡, 可以用來存放資料Entity的集合, 很像WEB FORM Datatable, 加上Observable, 即應該是有實作Design Pattern中的觀察者模式 (Observer Pattern), 也就是說當Collection裡有發生變化時如新增或移除, 對應的View會跟著的連動.

後記: WEB API的叫用, 比起Web Service或是WCF簡潔許多, 難怪Restful會成為主流! Redth/PushSharp. MasterDetailPage - Xamarin. GitHub - TUNER88/iOSSystemSoundsLibrary: List of all system sounds used in iOS. GitHub - DalSoft/DalSoft.RestClient: The dynamic REST Client - the fastest way to create a SDK for your REST API :) RestSharp - Simple REST and HTTP Client for .NET. Get device unique identifier in Xamarin Forms « Corrado's Blog 2.0. Last week I introduced some ISV to the wonderful world of Xamarin and while discussing Xamarin Forms a few of them asked how to get an identifier that uniquely identifies a device. I had the same issue in the past with a Windows Phone application so I know how retrieve it on this platform and I remember speaking with the guy that was working on the same app for iOS that he told me that Apple changed the policy so the API that was used in the past was no longer available and he had to find a workaround, more on this later.

The answer to the original question is quite easy from the architectural side: Just use a Dependency Service and you’re done, here are the steps: Let’s create a IDevice interface in the common/shared project and let’s add a GetIdentifier method public interface IDevice { string GetIdentifier(); } Once done you can easily get device unique identifier within shared code using this snippet: Now add following class to Android project: Consuming a RESTful Web Service - Xamarin. Integrating a web service into an application is a common scenario. This article demonstrates how to consume a RESTful web service from a Xamarin.Forms application.

Representational State Transfer (REST) is an architectural style for building web services. REST requests are made over HTTP using the same HTTP verbs that web browsers use to retrieve web pages and to send data to servers. The verbs are: GET – this operation is used to retrieve data from the web service.POST – this operation is used to create a new item of data on the web service.PUT – this operation is used to update an item of data on the web service.PATCH – this operation is used to update an item of data on the web service by describing a set of instructions about how the item should be modified. Web service APIs that adhere to REST are called RESTful APIs, and are defined using: A base URI.HTTP methods, such as GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, or DELETE.A media type for the data, such as JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). GitHub - PrismLibrary/Prism: Prism is a framework for building loosely coupled, maintainable, and testable XAML applications in WPF, Windows 10 UWP, and Xamarin Forms.

1 Getting Started - Prism Library. Content OverviewPrerequisitesBackgroundXamarin.FormsMVVMCreating a new solutionInstalling and using the Prism Template PackRunning the appViews overviewView Models overviewAdding a new Page (View) and ViewModelNavigating to your new Page Overview This guide will walk you through creating a new Xamarin.Forms project that uses Prism, running the application, and modifying it to demonstrate basic use of Prism for Xamarin.Forms.

Prerequisites This guide assumes that you have Xamarin, Xamarin Android Player, and Visual Studio 2015 already installed along with a basic understanding of those technologies. If you do not, please take a look at the excellent resources available at and Background What's Xamarin.Forms? Build native UIs for iOS, Android and Windows from a single, shared C# codebase. Xamarin.Forms allows you to build applications for iOS, Android and Windows that share both back and front end code. What's MVVM? Creating a new solution Running the app Android iOS View. 系統初始化與使用者登入 · Xamarin 應用程式開發指南. 現在已經完成該應用程式所需要的基礎應用服務類別,因此,可以開始進行開發整個應用程式的運作流程頁面。 在這個階段的練習,您將會需要完成學會底下需求: 建立系統初始化頁面檢視 (View)建立系統初始化頁面檢視模型 (ViewModel)註冊系統初始化頁面檢視建立使用者登入頁面檢視 (View)建立使用者登入頁面檢視模型 (ViewModel)註冊使用者登入頁面檢視修正 Xamarin.Forms 的頁面進入點 這篇章節的練習專案的原始程式碼將會存放在 GitHub 內 在核心PCL XFDoggy 專案內,使用滑鼠右鍵點選 ViewModels 資料夾,接著,選擇 加入 > 新增項目在 加入新項目 - XFDoggy 對話窗中,點選 Prism > Prism ContentPage (Forms)在底下名稱欄位內,輸入 LoadingPage,接著,點選 新增 按鈕使用底下程式碼替換掉剛剛產生的檔案內容 LoadingPage.xaml xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" <ContentPage xmlns=" xmlns:x=" xmlns:prism="clr-namespace:Prism.Mvvm;assembly=Prism.Forms" prism:ViewModelLocator.AutowireViewModel="True" x:Class="XFDoggy.Views.LoadingPage"><ContentPage.BackgroundImage><OnPlatform x:TypeArguments="x:String" iOS="Loading.png" Android="Loading.png" WinPhone="Assets/Images/Loading.png" /></ContentPage.BackgroundImage></ContentPage> LoadingPageViewModel.cs.

Push notification using Google Cloud Messaging(GCM) in Xamarin.Android. In Brief: This Post is regarding the implementation of Remote notification or Push notification using Google cloud messaging. In my previous post shared my thought about How to build custom alert dialog in Xamarin.Android, How to perform Asynchronous CRUD operation with SQLite. How to play youtube video in Xamarin.Android, How to implement sliding menu in Xamarin android and in iOS, Best Practice and issues with ListView in Android Xamarin.In Detail: Sending the notification message to android device is the one of the best way to make user to more engage with the app. As per the Google documentation [ Google Cloud Messaging for Android (GCM) is a free service that helps developers send data from servers to their applications on Android devices, and upstream messages from the user’s device back to the cloud. The GCM service handles all aspects of queueing of messages and delivery to the target android application.

Output Screen: Registration_ids. Firebase Cloud Messaging HTTP Protocol  |  Firebase. This document provides a reference for the HTTP syntax used to pass messages from your app server to client apps via Firebase Cloud Messaging. Your app server must direct all HTTP requests to this endpoint: The available parameters and options fall into the following broad categories: Downstream message syntax This section gives the syntax for sending downstream messages and interpreting HTTP responses from Firebase Cloud Messaging.

Downstream HTTP messages (JSON) The following table lists the targets, options, and payload for HTTP JSON messages. Table 1. Notification payload support The following tables list the predefined keys available for building notification messages for iOS and Android. Table 2a. iOS — keys for notification messages Table 2b. Table 2c. Downstream HTTP messages (Plain Text) The following table lists the syntax for targets, options, and payload in plain text downstream HTTP messages. Table 3. Interpreting a downstream message response. Xamarin Android: Create Remote Notifications Using Google GCM.

Let’s start. Step 1 Open Visual Studio->New Project->Templates->Visual C#->Android->Blank app. Select blank app. Give Project Name and Project Location. Step 2 Go to Solution Explorer-> Project Name-> Components, right click to get more components. The new dialog box will open. Step 3 Open Solution Explorer-> Project Name->MainActivity.cs. Add Namespace, using Android.Gms.Common; MainActivity.cs protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.Main); IsPlayServicesAvailable() } public bool IsPlayServicesAvailable() { int resultCode = GooglePlayServicesUtil.IsGooglePlayServicesAvailable(this); if (resultCode !

Step 4 Register with GCM in Android Developer Console, Go to create New Project and give project Name. Next, enable API for Google Cloud Messaging. After enabling API to Create New credentials for Server Key, give the key a name Step 5 Register with GCM in the application. Step 6 C# Code Step 7. Monodroid-samples/google-services/GCMSample at master · xamarin/monodroid-samples. GitHub - eddydn/XamarinFirebaseMessaging: XamarinFirebaseMessaging. Azure-docs/ at master · Microsoft/azure-docs. iOS Push Notifications with Notification Hubs for Xamarin apps | Microsoft Docs. Overview Important To complete this tutorial, you must have an active Azure account. If you don't have an account, you can create a free trial account in just a couple of minutes.

For details, see Azure Free Trial. This tutorial shows you how to use Azure Notification Hubs to send push notifications to an iOS application. This tutorial demonstrates the simple push message broadcast scenario with Notification Hubs. Prerequisites This tutorial requires the following: Xcode 6.0An iOS 7.0 (or later version) compatible deviceiOS Developer Program membershipXamarin StudioNoteBecause of configuration requirements for iOS push notifications, you must deploy and test the sample application on a physical iOS device (iPhone or iPad) instead of in the simulator. Completing this tutorial is a prerequisite for all other Notification Hubs tutorials for Xamarin iOS apps. Generate the Certificate Signing Request file On your Mac, run the Keychain Access tool. Register your app for push notifications Next steps. [Azure][Xamarin] 推送Azure的Notification Hub訊息至Xamarin Android平台 (適用於Xamarin.Forms) | maduka的技術日記 - 點部落.

適用於 Xamarin 應用程式的 iOS 推播通知和通知中樞 | Microsoft Docs. Xamarin Push Notifications Using Azure Notifications Hub. Compiling for Different Devices - Xamarin. Xamarin-forms-samples/AppDelegate.cs at master · xamarin/xamarin-forms-samples. Get Device Token in DidRegisterUserNotificationSettings — Xamarin Forums. GitHub - adrianhall/develop-mobile-apps-with-csharp-and-azure: The Book Contents - Develop Mobile Apps with C# and Azure.