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Angular2-tree-diagram. About This is Angular 2+ Hierarchical UI module.


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Nebular - full-featured framework based on Angular. Recursive Tree-View Using Angular 2 And TypeScript Until nth Level Depth. In this article, I will show you how to create a simple Nth level recursive tree-view using Angular 2 and TypeScript.

Recursive Tree-View Using Angular 2 And TypeScript Until nth Level Depth

Here, I am using TypeScript, which is not mandatory. You can use your own supported scripting language, which can be either JavaScript or any other. I will not go into much detail of each and every piece of code, as I am assuming you already know Angular 2 coding style. I will start by creating a wrapper component that Bootstraps the Application and includes the actual Tree-View component on the page. GitHub - csotomon/Angular2-AdminLTE: An Angular 4 version of the AdminLTE theme. [NativeScript]使用Angular CLI來操作NativeScript專案.


GitHub - alxhub/io17. Mobile-toolkit/service-worker/worker at master · angular/mobile-toolkit. PWAs with Angular: Being Reliable. If you’ve been in the world of web development during the past two years you’ve probably heard the term Progressive Web Apps (PWAs for short).

PWAs with Angular: Being Reliable

PWAs are essentially web applications that provide a near-native experience on mobile devices. According to Google they must be: Reliable — Load instantly and never show the downasaur, even in uncertain network conditions.Fast — Respond quickly to user interactions with silky smooth animations and no janky scrolling.Engaging — Feel like a natural app on the device, with an immersive user experience.

So how can we make sure our Angular applications follow these tenets and provide the best user experiences? Well let’s take a simple app I’ve already written and turn it into a PWA. 如何在 Angular CLI 建立的專案加入 Angular Universal 伺服器渲染功能. GitHub - sherweb/ng2-materialize: Angular 2+ wrap around Materialize library. GitHub - michaelbromley/ngx-pagination: Pagination for Angular. Angular DataTables. Plunker. Md-data-table. Live demo Angular material table.


Complete implementation of google material design based on angular material components. This component is optimized for speed, and it's faster then other similar implementations, since it generates a native html table, and browsers are optimized for tables. Angular2 and Angular2 Material version of this plugin is under development. Ng2-md-datatable. Angular 2 with Material 2 is awesome, but it's still lacking a DataTable component (as of November 2016).


As I urgently needed one for a project, I decided to make my own DataTable component and share it on GitHub. This may be useful for you (or not). Features Pagination ComponentColumn sorting (ascending/descending)Row selection (using checkboxes)You can use it with @ngrx/store (that's how I use it) Angular DataTables. GitHub - zefoy/ngx-dropzone-wrapper: Angular 2 wrapper library for dropzone. Leaf - Bootstrap 4 Admin Template. GitHub - mixalistzikas/ngbox: ngBox is the first angular 2 module used to overlay images, videos and iframes on the current page. Imgur API. API Status Status for the API can be found at!

Imgur API

Getting Started Imgur's API exposes the entire Imgur infrastructure via a standardized programmatic interface. Using Imgur's API, you can do just about anything you can do on, while using your programming language of choice. The Imgur API is a RESTful API based on HTTP requests and JSON responses. This version of the API, version 3, uses OAuth 2.0. The easiest way to start using the Imgur API is by clicking the Run in Postman button above. Example code These examples serve as a starting point to help familiarize you with the basics of the Imgur API. Need help? The Imgur engineers are always around answering questions. Register an Application (IMPORTANT) Each client must register their application and receive the client_id and client_secret. Angular - Can md-toolbar be fixed top when inside md-sidenav-layout?

Icons - Material Design. Akveo/ng2-admin: Angular 2 admin dashboard framework. Javascript - Apply css rules on nested component in Angular2. Angular - Use component in itself recursively to create a tree. Recursive Tree-View Using Angular 2 And TypeScript Until nth Level Depth. Model Driven Forms. We represent the form as a model composed of instances of FormGroups and FormControls.

Model Driven Forms

Lets create the model for our form on our component, like so: The myform property is an instance of a FormGroup class and this represents our form itself. Each form control in the template is represented by an instance of FormControl. This encapsulates the state of the control, such as if it’s valid or invalid and even it’s current value. These instances of FormControls nest inside our top level myform: FormGroup, but what’s interesting is that we can nest FormGroups inside other FormGroups. In our model we’ve grouped the firstName and lastName controls under a FormGroup called name which itself is nested under our top level myform: FormGroup. Like the FormControl instance, FormGroup instances encapsulates the state of all of it’s inner controls, for example an instance of a FormGroup is valid only if all of it’s inner controls are also valid.

Custom validators in template driven Angular forms. Angular version 2+ has two different kind of Forms API, the reactive and template driven approach.

Custom validators in template driven Angular forms

In this article we will focus on the template driven approach and learn how to use it as well as how to build a custom validator with it. Contents are based on Angular version 2+. Blur Admin. GitHub - brillout/awesome-angular-components: Catalog of Angular 2+ Components & Libraries.


Angular/material2: Material Design components for Angular 2. Mseemann/angular2-mdl: Angular 2, 4 components, directives and styles based on material design lite. [ASP.NET WebApi]使用JWT進行web api驗證. GitHub - coryrylan/ng-pokedex: Pokedex progressive web app built with Angular 2. GitHub - mseemann/angular2-mdl: Angular 2, 4 components, directives and styles based on material design lite. [Angular] Angular 4 - Universal with ASP.NET Core. AngularClass/awesome-angular: A curated list of awesome Angular 2 and Angular... Ios - xcrun: error: unable to find utility "PackageApplication", not a developer tool or in PATH - Since updating xCode.

Ionic Services Docs. Ionic Services Docs.


GitHub - CocoaPods/cocoapods-deintegrate: A CocoaPods plugin to remove and de-integrate CocoaPods from your project. Visual Studio Code and Azure App Service - a perfect fit. If you're like me, you were excited to see the announcement of Visual Studio Code last week and immediately started to think about how cool it would be if you could hook it up to your projects deployed on Azure App Service.

Visual Studio Code and Azure App Service - a perfect fit

So, between sessions at //build2015 and on the way back home from San Francisco (with the help of my awesome colleague David Ebbo), I was able to put together a great starting point. A Node.js app running on Azure App Service that I can develop in Visual Studio Code and publish to the Azure Cloud by doing a Git Push. The artifacts created by the steps I will describe below are: An Azure App Service Web App implemented in node.js A GitHub repo that is synchronized with the Web App (every commit to the master branch publishes a new version of the Web App using a GitHub hook) A local git repo setup to push to the GitHub repo as a remote A Visual Studio Code workspace configured to use the local git repo The end result?

System Requirements Putting it all together 3. 4. Publishing website from Visual Studio Code to Azure with Git - @eliostruyf. For a hobby project which I was creating with Node.js and Visual Studio Code, I was amazed about how powerful the Visual Studio Code has gotten in such a short time period.

Publishing website from Visual Studio Code to Azure with Git - @eliostruyf

Most of us know how easy it is when you publish one of your web projects from Visual Studio to Azure. It is just a matter of clicks and your website gets pushed to the cloud. Create an Angular 2 and .NET Core app that can be edited using Visual Studio 2017 - In the recent series on using Angular 2 and .NET Core to check the weather we used the ASP.NET Core Template Pack to save time manually installing/configuring Webpack, Node, Angular etc. That works well if you want to create your new projects using the new project wizard in Visual Studio 2015. But what if you’re using using Visual Studio 2017? You have another option.

Install the templates As you’ve got Visual Studio 2017 installed you already have a suitably recent version of the .NET Core SDK installed to make this work. You’ll need to check you have NodeJS version 6 or later. Open up a command prompt and type the following. Wait for that to install and you’ll find you have new options for the dotnet new command. Angular 4.0.0 Now Available. Angular version 4.0.0 - invisible-makeover - is now available. This is a major release following our announced adoption of Semantic Versioning, and is backwards compatible with 2.x.x for most applications. We are very excited to share this release with the community, as it includes some major improvements and functionality that we have been working on for the past 3 months. We’ve worked hard to make sure that it’s easy for developers to update to this release. Phonegap-plugin-push/ at master · phonegap/phonegap-plugin-push. Can't add android platform since Android SDK Tools update 25.3.0 · Issue #10604 · driftyco/ionic.

Ionic 2 FCM Push Notification. This is a tutorial about how to add push notification to Ionic 2 App using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) in complete steps for production iOS and Android apps. How does it work? Push notification sent from app server to Firebase then firebase distribute to iOS and Android devices that have registered to Firebase. The Android app receives push notification that carried by Google services and iOS app receive a push notification that carried by Apple Push Service that gets notification from Firebase. Now, let's get started.

GitHub - tiagomtotti/firebaseNet: Client library for Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) written in C# / .NET. Azure-content-zhtw/ at master · Azure/azure-content-zhtw. Send push to Android by C# using FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) Android - FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) Push Notification with Asp.Net.

Quickstart-js/messaging at master · firebase/quickstart-js. Send Firebase push notification from JavaScript/jQuery. Authentication in ASP.​NET Core for your Web API and Angular2. Authentication in a single page application is a bit more special, if you just know the traditional ASP.NET way. To imagine that the app is a completely independent app like a mobile app helps. Token based authentication is the best solution for this kind of apps. In this post I'm going to try to describe a high level overview and to show a simple solution. Intro As written in my last posts about Angular2 and ASP.NET Core, I reduced ASP.NET Core to just a HTTP Service, to provide JSON based data to an Angular2 client. There are many ways to protect your application out there.

And that's the key word: A Token Based Authentication is the solution for that case. With the token bases authentication, the client (the web client, the mobile app, and so on) gets a string based encrypted token after a successful log-in. In one of our smaller projects, didn't set-up a different authentication server and we didn't use Azure AD, because we needed a fast and cheap solution. Easy Angular Authentication with JSON Web Tokens. Stateless authentication is a great fit for Angular apps. In this post, guest-blogger Ryan Chenkie from Auth0 talks about implementing it using JSON Web Tokens. -- Victor Savkin TL;DR: Single page apps--like the ones we build with Angular--present a few challenges when it comes to authentication.

In general, traditional session-based authentication isn't a good fit for SPAs that use data APIs because it necessitates state on the server. A better way to do authentication in Angular apps (and SPAs in general) is with JSON Web Tokens (JWTs). Angular: Easy Angular Authentication with JSON Web Tokens. Angular 2 JWT Authentication Example & Tutorial. Unsaved project - Plunker. Routing & Navigation - ts - GUIDE. The Angular Router enables navigation from one view to the next as users perform application tasks. This guide covers the router's primary features, illustrating them through the evolution of a small application that you can . Overview. Reactive Programming 簡介與教學(以 RxJS 為例) Angular 2 Forms 介紹:Model-Driven Forms. Jeff's WebTech Note. GitHub - BTMorton/angular2-grid: A drag/drop/resize grid-based plugin directive for angular2. Authentication in Angular 2 – Gábor Soós – Medium.


Ag-Grid Data Grid Example. Angular2 Bootstrap. 快快樂樂學會 Angular 2 網站開發框架. Angular2-highcharts. Angular 2 Tutorial for Beginners: Learn Angular 2 from Scratch. Building Blocks of Angular 2 with TypeScript. Angularjs 2 with TypeScript Tutorial for Beginners. Visual Studio 2015 QuickStart - ts. Some developers prefer Visual Studio as their Integrated Development Environment (IDE). This cookbook describes the steps required to set up and use the Angular QuickStart files in Visual Studio 2015 within an ASP.NET 4.x project. There is no live example for this cookbook because it describes Visual Studio, not the application.