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Preliminary HSC PDHPE Core 2. Oneminutelist. Blackjack. Gambling. 26 Moments That Restored Our Faith In Humanity This Year. INSANE amazing feats 2013. Google Tips, Tricks & Hacks. 5 Creepy Forms of Mind Control You're Exposed to Daily. One of our favorite subjects is the way marketers can use psychology to manipulate you into doing what they want (we don't think "brainwashing" is too strong a word). We know what you're thinking: You're far too cynical to fall for the ads you fast forward through on your DVR or the little tricks employed by marketers and politicians to push your subconscious buttons.

But are you sure? Because science has found ... #5. Getty Remember when Neo got to choose between the red pill and the blue pill? "I really hope being swallowed by a mirror is covered by my insurance. " What? Did you notice how the red pill would let Neo "wake up" to the real world, but the blue pill would let him stay "asleep" in the dream world? Blue, blue and blue -- if not the package, then the pill itself. What the hell? So, in a different experiment, subjects were told they were going to get a sedative or a stimulant, when in fact they were getting neither -- all of the pills were placebos. Wait, it gets even stupider.