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iTweenPath in reverse. Tutorials | BurgZerg Arcade. Unity Gems: Answers and Tutorials for Unity in C#, Boo and Javascript. Unity Remote. Unity Remote is an application that allows you to use your iOS device as a remote control for your project in Unity. This is useful during development since it is much quicker to test your project in the editor with remote control than to build and deploy it to the device after each change. Where can I find Unity Remote? Unity remote is available for download from the AppStore at no charge. If you prefer to build and deploy the application yourself, you can download the source here at the Unity website.

How do I build Unity Remote? First, download the project source code here and unzip it to your preferred location. The zip file contains an XCode project to build Unity Remote and install it on your device. Assuming you have already created the provisioning profile and successfully installed iOS builds on your device, you just need to open the Xcode project file UnityRemote.xcodeproj. Xcode shows strange errors while deploying Unity Remote to my device. Unity Remote is laggy. Local Android save data. Local Android save data Im on my simple game want to save the high score offline not using server side high score like this so how i can make it the high score save on android device.. You can use the FileStream or StreamReader etc if you code in c# in unity Rought example string _filePath= Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + Filename.Extension;//Path ! Alway's save files in in this direction(you can add folders if you like) Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + Filename; FileStream _file = new System.IO.FileStream(_filePath,FileMode.OpenOrCrea te); //Create or open our file if excist _file.write(bytes0,bytes.Length);//Write String fileShit =,...,...)

;//Read //etc etc etc Posts 188 FAEZ, You can use these functions for perform what you want....public void writeStringToFile( string str, string filename ) { #if ! Posting Permissions Forum Rules. How to add localization to your Unity3D game - Medieval Zombies Blog - Cry Wolf Studios. Getting a localized text string in the game will look something like this: languageManager.GetValue("LocalizationKey"); Where key is the key you specified in the .resx file.

Depending on the language you loaded, you will get a string in that language. I decided to go with this file system. I wanted the simple adding of a new language and instant support for this in my Unity3D game. I also want to be able change the language at runtime, so I will need a way to load and parse the files when running the game.

So I put the .resx file in a "Resources" folder in my Unity3D project. To fix this, I had to write a custom post processor for the editor in Unity called CustomResxImporter.