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Parsing - Get and Parse CSV file in android. Android destroying activities, killing processes. .dex format to .jar format. Now very easy to convert the .apk file to ordinary java file before going that we should want two jar files 1. JD-GUI.zip2. 3.Eclipse Download that two zip files extract and store in your local directory....

Steps to extract the .dex to .jar Step 1 : Now You just create one java project in eclipse like the following..... Step 2: Right click the project --> Select build path --> then configure build path one window appear like Step 3 : Now select Add external JARs option --> browse upto dex2jar lib directory select all jar files --> Click OK Ensure all jar are added or not Step 4 : Now copy the .apk file and paste into the project Check the folder structure should look like above Step 5: Now you want to configure Right click the project ---> Select Run As --> Then Select Run Configurations... one window show like On that window select Java Application Option which is placed in left side menu.

Step 8 : Click Apply and Run U just go and check in console It will give result like this. Android Unique Device ID « PocketMagic. 1. The IMEI: only for Android devices with Phone use: TelephonyManager TelephonyMgr = (TelephonyManager)getSystemService(TELEPHONY_SERVICE);String szImei = TelephonyMgr.getDeviceId(); // Requires READ_PHONE_STATE This requires adding a permission in AndroidManifest.xml, and users will be notified upon installing your software: android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE. The IMEI is unique for your phone and it looks like this: 359881030314356 (unless you have a pre-production device with an invalid IMEI like 0000000000000). 2. Pseudo-Unique ID, that works on all Android devices Some devices don't have a phone (eg. Tablets) or for some reason you don't want to include the READ_PHONE_STATE permission.

Most of the Build members are strings, what we're doing here is to take their length and transform it via modulo in a digit. 3. String m_szAndroidID = Secure.getString(getContentResolver(), Secure.ANDROID_ID); Returns: 9774d56d682e549c . 4. 5. Returns: 43:25:78:50:93:38 . Encrypted-userprefs/src/ at master · sveinungkb/encrypted-userprefs. How to encrypt file from sd card using AES in Android. Android Technical Library > Using the Advanced Encryption Standard in Android.

Android Progress Bar and Thread updating | Webdevelopment at RGB Color Values. This document is a lookup table that lists the RGB color values (in hex) for 100 different colors. These colors are useful for those people interested in using background textures for the HTML 3. White rgb= #FFFFFF Red rgb= #FF0000 Green rgb= #00FF00 Blue rgb= #0000FF Magenta rgb= #FF00FF Cyan rgb= #00FFFF Yellow rgb= #FFFF00 Black rgb= #000000 This document was generously compiled by Tim Byars and then put into fixed form by Matt Slot. AdapterViews and Adapters. Le blog de Fabien DUMINY » TextView et DatePicker sous Android.

Lorsque j’ai voulu pour la première fois créer un champ de saisie de type date, je m’attendais à trouver un composant tout prêt dans Android. Ce n’est pas tout à fait le cas ! Il y a bien le composant DatePicker pour la sélection de la date proprement dite et la boite de dialogue DatePickerDialog qui contient celui-ci. Par contre, il n’y a pas de composant TextView (ou EditText) associé pour visualiser la date choisie et pour ouvrir la boite de dialogue. En me basant sur le tutoriel hello-datepicker, j’ai créé la petite classe utilitaire suivante afin d’avoir un composant réutilisable : Remarques : Je n’ai pas mis le code de la classe DateRecord : c’est une simple classe qui contient les champs year, monthOfYear et dayOfMonth.La classe DateUtils, également absente de cet article, fait la conversion entre une chaîne de caractères et un objet de type DateRecord.

La classe DatePickerHelper s’utilise de la manière suivante dans l’activité Android contenant le champ date : Voilà ! Android Preferences. For almost any application we need to provide some settings in order to enable users have some level of control over how the application works. Android has provided a standard mechanism to show, save and manipulate user's preferences. PreferenceActivity class is the standard Android Activity to show Preferences page, it contains a bunch of Preference class instances which use SharedPreferenceclass to save and manipulate corresponding data.There are different types of Preferences Available in Preference package, and if you need something more you can extend Preference class and create your own Preference type. in this article we will go through predefined Preference types in Android and I'm also going to implement a custom Preference type to see how that works.Our Preferences page is gonna look like this : public class MyPreferenceActivity extends PreferenceActivity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); return layout; } if(!

Winkey in Mobile: May 2011. Winkey in Mobile: How To: Custom Keyboard in Android 3.0(Step 2: Displaying and Events) Hello Android. This is a simple tutorial to show how to create a thread to do some work while displaying an indeterminate ProgressDialog. Click here to download the full source. We'll calculate Pi to 800 digits while displaying the ProgressDialog. For the sake of this example I copied the "Pi" class from this site.

We start with a new Android project, only thing I needed to change was to give that TextView an id in main.xml so that I could update it in the Activity. Because this Activity is so small I'll show you the whole thing and then discuss it at the end: publicclass ProgressDialogExample extends Activity implementsRunnable{ private TextView tv; private ProgressDialog pd; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) { super.onCreate(icicle); setContentView(R.layout.main); tv = (TextView) this.findViewById(; tv.setText("Press any key to start calculation"); } @Overridepublicboolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event){ pd =, "Working. Why use a Handler? Handling the virtual keyboard programmatically - MOTODEV Community. Hi. Welcome to the Motorola developer discussion boards.

Here you can interact with other developers and get peer support for issues related directly to development for Motorola devices. For broader Android development questions you might want to check out these other great resources: This community is a place where owner with unlocked bootloaders can share tips and tricks. This means that most of our rules prohibiting hacking do not apply in this community -- but please remember that all other forum rules still apply.

Interested in unlocking your bootloader? In case you didn't know, Bootloader is a little bit of code that tells your device's operating system how to boot up. Motorola has done the work to make sure your device has a fully optimized, certified and tested version of Android. Unlocking the bootloader will allow you to customize your device, but keep the following in mind: Unlocking your bootloader is not for the faint of heart. First, confirm that your device can be unlocked.