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The Jacky Winter Group represents Aaron Horkey. Aaron Horkey was birthed and reared in Windom, Minnesota, in the heart of the Rural Midwest. Key personality traits include debilitating social ineptitude and a perverse attention to detail. Enjoys desolation, megafauna and transplanting sumacs. Currently ensconced in a bucolic whistlestop just west of the Mississippi, he whiles away the hours staring at his chore list and cultivating ulcers. He is the sole survivor of the Black Osprey Dead Arts Society and founding member of the Cottonwood County Druids Skateboard Gang. Previous clients include INIT Records, Flip Skateboards, Playge, ISIS, Converge, Neurosis, Boris, Andrew Bird, Grails, Genghis Tron, Spitfire Wheels, Fat Possum Records, Deathwish INC, Hydra Head Records, Bruce Horkey’s Wood and Parts, Big Brain Comics, Flight of the Conchords, Mogwai, Ride Snowboards, Magic Bullet Records, Khanate and 420X10 Records.

Name: ahorkey Place of Birth: The Rural Midwest Currently Living in: Train, bus, bike, or other: Aeron Stereo receiver. Run. Jeremy Mann. Le Tampographe Sardon - Mozilla Firefox. CASARRAMONA. Art of François Baranger. 54 Mind-Blowing Digital Paintings. Kemar _ Marc Simonetti. PAUL LASAINE. Steven Stahlberg's Links. Cheeks-74's deviantART gallery. Feng Zhu Design. Stephan Martiniere Concept Illustrator. Derekmonster : Creature Concept Art & Monster Design.

Ryan Church- Home Page. The Art of Erik Tiemens. Jeremy Cook - digital art. Index. Harald Belker. SangjunART. G R N R . C O M. Index - The art of Steven Stahlberg. : by dhabih eng : welcome. The Underdog. Pin-up Art from The Pin-up Files [Marcus Gray Image Gallery] : A. Marcus Gray (b.1971) "I want to express the experience of what it is for a woman to wear latex, feel aroused, feel sensual, dangerous and beautiful ... these women know the power of their sexuality and the profound effect it has over men. " Born in 1971 in Glasgow, Scotland, Marcus Gray was brought up on a rich diet of Sci-fi TV, films and comics. Self taught, his first proper paintings were with the airbrush in commercial art and he also worked as a graphic designer for several years. A turning point came in 1992. Whilst browsing a bookshop, he discovered the work of Alphonse Mucha. On technique and influences, Marcus says: "People ask how I Achieve the results that appear in my works.

"Recently I've started using gold leaf mostly because I adore the breathtaking work of Gustav Klimt. "There's darkness and light, pleasure and pain in everyone's life. All images in this gallery are copyright © Marcus Gray. Books | United States (US) Books | United Kingdom (UK) ENCHGALLERY HOME. L I Q U I D W E R X™   The Art of Malachi Maloney. De l'autre cote des cailloux. Jardin du musée des Arts Premiers, Paris Entrée du musée des Arts Premiers, Paris Paris, ah Paris, c'est joli.

Blog: Archive. Romwe update allright, a quick update on the Romwe art theft! Let me start by saying that the artwork is of disney characters, and i cannot ask any kind of financial compensation for the sweater sales. if i did, i would essentially be making money off of disney’s characters, which is illegal. Romwe contacted me this morning (not as a reply to my initial e-mail to them, but in response to the social media attention). after explaining that they removed the item from their store, they state the following: “We know your art from deviantart, from which we could not find any proper contact information (we only got this address from one customer who knew you just now.). So we only leave a note there for you. They further go on to say: “We never intend to stolen any talented artist’s work. They still have lots of illegal disney stuff in their sweater collection by the way, hopefully disney will find it and get their due compensation.