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Iphone 线程 NSCondition NSThread - xinghexiyue的专栏. 多线程在各种编程语言中都是难点,很多语言中实现起来很麻烦,objective-c虽然源于c,但其多线程编程却相当简单,可以与java相媲美。

iphone 线程 NSCondition NSThread - xinghexiyue的专栏

这篇文章主要从线程创建与启动、线程的同步与锁、线程的交互、线程池等等四个方面简单的讲解一下iphone中的多线程编程。 一、线程创建与启动 线程创建主要有二种方式: - (id)init; // designated initializer- (id)initWithTarget:(id)target selector:(SEL)selector object:(id)argument; 当然,还有一种比较特殊,就是使用所谓的convenient method,这个方法可以直接生成一个线程并启动它,而且无需为线程的清理负责。 How to add CoverFlow Effect on your iPhone App – OpenFlow - microchenhong的专栏. Hello all, The main criteria of this post is to help you add a cool effect called the “cover flow/open flow” effect to any of your iphone apps.

How to add CoverFlow Effect on your iPhone App – OpenFlow - microchenhong的专栏

This is cool in two ways actually. One it adds animation kind of effect to your app and the other, its very easy to build too. I got to learn about this effect when I was working on my “pianos” app where in i’ll have bunch of animals to select which would be displayed as a menu using this “cover flow” effect. Once a particular animal is selected your piano view for that animal comes up.

. “ Iphone应用程序开发指南(读书笔记 2 ) - 今年我们二十五六 - 51CTO技术博客. 创建一个新的视图对象时,需要为其分配内存,并向该对象发送一个initWithFrame:消息,以对其进行初始化。

iphone应用程序开发指南(读书笔记 2 ) - 今年我们二十五六 - 51CTO技术博客

举例来说,如果您要创建一个新的UIView 类的实例作为其它视图的容器,则可以使用下面的代码: 在iPhone 程序中,有两个地方最常用于创建视图和子视图, 它们是应用程序委托对象的applicationDidFinishLaunching:方法和视图控制器的loadView 方法。 调用父视图的addSubview:方法来添加视图,该方法将一个视图添加到子视图列表的最后。 调用父视图的insertSubview:...方法可以在父视图的子视图列表中间插入视图。

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Java. Button Sounds. Table View Programming Guide for iOS: A Closer Look at Table-View Cells. RGB to Color Name Mapping(Triplet and Hex) The Exciter - Touches and UIScrollView inside a UITableView. Sunday December 28, 2008 UPDATE: please don’t don’t do it like this, it was only needed on iPhoneOS 2.×.

The Exciter - Touches and UIScrollView inside a UITableView

A lot have changed in iOS since then and you can now do it properly "Trafikanten" for the iPhone is the iPhone incarnation of the betabrite-style signs hanging around Oslo, providing travellers with real-time departure information on busses, trams and subways. So incorporating some of that feeling into the application, while still maintaining that iPhone look n’ feel was a crucial UI design issue for us. A betabrite sign is basically a set of LED lamps that turn on and off in sequences, usually to portray text scrolling across the screen. The thing is, a UITableView takes completely control of the responder chain (and therefore touches) so that it can try and figure out if the user intents to scroll the scrollview, as described in the documentation overview for the UIScrollView class.

给TableView添加背景 iPhone SDK提供了默认的几个TableView样式,但是如果想提供更个性化的样式就需要自_知之為知之,是知也.


Ios - Core Data: NSPredicate for many-to-many relationship. ("to-many key not allowed here") Programming The iPhone For Accessibility By The Visually Impaired. Per Busch, a blind iPhone user from Germany, has been on a crusade to raise developer awareness about VoiceOver, a new-in-3.0 accessibility enhancement. Per’s is a noble quest, so we’ll do our part here: VoiceOver Over View VoiceOver, says Apple, “describes an application’s user interface and helps users navigate through the application’s views and controls, using speech and sound.” Apple offers a concise document that describes how accessibility is delivered with iPhone 3.0. I’ll further distill what’s involved: Tiny tips - 纯净水 - Tiny4Cocoa(做最好的iPhone开发社区、iOS开发社区) - Powered by Discuz! Zip-framework - A cocoa framework for reading from and writing to zip archives. iOS. Getting Content from a URL - iPhone Dev Forums.

Java正则表达式详解 _天极网. CS 193P iPhone Application Development. Zlib Home Site. Find icons, free icons in VISTAICO TOOLBAR, (Icon Search Engine)


Interactive § Icons for people who need icons. NSSortDescriptor - 俺是一个瓜娃!!! - ItEye技术网站. Specifying Sorts Using NSSortDescriptor Let’s assume, as an example, that we have an array (an instance of NSArray) containing instances of a custom class, Employee (that meets the requirements set out in “Requirements of Collection Objects”).

NSSortDescriptor - 俺是一个瓜娃!!! - ItEye技术网站

The Employee class has attributes for an employee’s first and last name (instances of NSString), date of hire (an instance of NSDate), and age (an instance of NSNumber). 1:Sorting the array by the age key. Cocoa的单态(singleton)设计模式 - Cocoa China 苹果开发中文站. Objective-C 中类似于C#中trim的方法(去掉字符串前后空格) - 鬼手如冰.


Tenius iPhone Icon Set. iPhone Fonts From Mac OS X. Xcode-globalization. 开发技术-中国移动开发者社区. 把Iphone程序连接真机调试. 对于真机调试,首先要在苹果网站上注册APP ID,以及购买iPhone Develop Program(iDP) 开发者授权,99美元。


然后要创建证书请求CSR,创建步骤如下: 设置OCSP和CRL为关闭状态。 Mac OS 中,打开应用程序,找到 钥匙串访问(Keychain Access)工具打开主菜单 - 证书助理(Certificate Assistant)-从证书代理请求证书(Request a Certificate From a Certificate Authority)输入iDP注册时的email,用户名自定义,选择“存储到磁盘”,选择‘Let me specify key pair information’。 选择保存路径,证书请求创建成功。 1.接下来就可以登录iDP Portal提交证书请求了,到这个页面 点Development,‘Request Certificate’,然后点Browser,添加刚才生成的证书,点submit。

点击Approve,一分钟后会生成一个.cer文件。 下载Download,双击它。 App Store上线/推广/销售讨论区 - CocoaChina 开发讨论区 最热的iOS开发论坛. 在cocoachina受益良多,现写一个idp申请的图文教程回报cocoachina~ 图1.

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使用XCode联机调试你的iOS应用(2010年10月新版) 本文仅发布在Swfdong’s blog(及9ria天地会(,转载请注明出处。


今天发烧了,带病完成这篇文章,希望能对大家有所帮助:-) 说起来,iDP(iOS Developer Program)的申请并不难,填写所有信息,然后发一封邮件就可以了。 而在iDP申请完成之后,很多开发者要做的第一件事就是在设备上测试应用,因为很多特性是模拟器不支持的(比如多点触控,重力感应等),今天带给大家的就是联机调试iPhone程序的完成流程。 准备工作很简单,用于开发的Mac电脑一台,运行Mac OS X 10.6.4,XCode版本3.2.4 然后登录到Apple的iOS Dev Center: JSON/Atom Custom Search API - JSON/Atom Custom Search API - Google Code. A strict JSON parser and generator for Objective-C.

Json-framework - A strict JSON parser/generator for Objective-C. Add Three20 to your Project. Before you begin using Three20 in your project, you should decide what directory layout works best for you.

Add Three20 to your Project

Recommended: Shared Layout In this layout, Three20 is shared between multiple projects. If you need to make project-specific modifications to Three20, use git branches. If you are unfamiliar with git, it's highly recommended that you learn the basics in order to take advantage of this directory layout. Directories Example workflow Submodule Layout In this layout, Three20 lives directly within each project's folder as a git submodule. There are two primary means of adding Three20 to your project.

Apple « Sealyu's Blog.


iPhone开发技巧之网络篇(4)— 确认网络环境 3G/WIFI. 博主:易飞扬原文链接 : iPhone开发技巧之网络篇(4)--- 确认网络环境 3G/WIFI 开发Web等网络应用程序的时候,需要确认网络环境,连接情况等信息。

iPhone开发技巧之网络篇(4)— 确认网络环境 3G/WIFI

如果没有处理它们,是不会通过Apple的审查的。 Reachability. AppDevMag. Gdata-objectivec-client - Google Data APIs Objective-C Client Library. The Google data APIs provide a simple protocol for reading and writing data on the web. Many Google services provide a Google data API. 10 iOS Libraries to Make Your Life Easier. The operating system that powers Apple’s iPhone and iPad devices, iOS, has proved incredibly popular with developers. A large part of this is almost certainly due to the opportunity that the App Store gives developers to make money, but the great development tools that Apple provide, in the form of XCode and Interface Builder, and also the Objective-C programming language, which iOS developers are required to use, certainly play their part.

The iOS SDK that developers use to build iPhone and iPad apps is relatively low level, requiring the developer to do a lot of work to get their app up and running. Fortunately there are lots of third party libraries available that provide useful functionality that can make your life as an iOS developer much easier. Here we discuss 10 of the best: MBProgressHUD – Progress Indicator Library Many official Apple apps have a nice translucent progress display. iOS高效开发必备的10款Objective-C类库_风叮叮咚咚. Three20 Custom Cells iPhone Tutorial. This tutorial is outdated, proceed at your own risk. Introduction to custom three20 cells In my last tutorial I showed you how to use CSS-like stylesheets in your iPhone Apps. Although I did make a custom cell I didn’t really show how this is done, and I’ve decided to go into a bit more detail. In this tutorial I am going to show you how to make custom table cells in your iPhone Apps using Joe Hewitt’s Three20 library . 晚上十点断桥见 - 朋友们 + 工作备忘 + 生活点滴.

Three20. Brad’s Beef » Simple iPhone Tutorial: Password Management using the keychain by using SFHFKeychainUtils « Sealyu's Blog. Brad’s Beef » Simple iPhone Tutorial: Password Management using the keychain by using SFHFKeychainUtils. Keychain is really a pain to use, and I didn’t want to spend the time to figure it all out, so I went looking for a framework that would do the dirty work for me. I found SFHFKeychainUtils and it has been super slick! In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to leverage SFHFKeychainUtils in order to save a username/password to keychain and also retrieve the password given the username. Just follow these simple steps: 1. I found it on GitHub at – just get the SFHFKeychainUtils.h and SFHFKeychainUtils.m files and add them to your project. 2. In the implementation file where you want to save or retrieve the password, be sure you import the SFHF Keychain Utils header file as shown below: #import “LoginViewController.h”#import “SFHFKeychainUtils.h”@implementation LoginViewController 3.

Blog : The Secret Life of _cmd. An Objective-C class in Cocoa has one hidden object that every knows about. The self object is used extensive within a class to reference the object currently invoking a method. There is another hidden variable that very few seem to know about: _cmd . _cmd is the method that is currently being invoked. So if self is the subject, _cmd is the verb. The most obvious application of _cmd is logging. WWDC 2010 Session Videos. WWDC 2010 Session Videos. Getting Started with Objective Resource. iPhone on Rails and ObjectiveResource; Making communication between the iPhone and a Rails web-service pain-free. Yfactorial/objectiveresource at master - GitHub. App Store上线/推广/销售讨论区 - CocoaChina 开发讨论区 最热的iOS开发论坛.

第一:IDP的申请 1.先在iPhone DevCenter上注册成为iphone developer 2.加入iPhone开发程序项目iPhone Developer Program Apply Now 3.打算收费的都建议选择99刀那个,QTY是个数的意思。 50+ Open Source iPhone Apps For iPhone Developers. The iPhone platform now has more than 200,000 and counting in practically every category. We have introduced the Great Free iPhone 4 GUI PSD Templates For Designers and some iPhone Application Development Resources.For developers, read the source code by others is another good way to improve the develop ability and code quality.

Colloquy - IRC Client for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store. 50款经典iPhone开源应用及源码 - - 申力军. 50款经典iPhone开源应用及源码 导读:对于开发人员来说,阅读其他人的优秀代码是一种绝佳的内功提升方式。 以Flash/Flex教程而知名的Ntt.CC网站最近收集了50多个开源的iPhone软件,极具学习价值。 苹果的iPhone应用商店获得了前所未有的成功,在线上已经有超过20万的应用程序。 开源iphone应用程序 - lovebirdegg's world - JavaEye技术网站. 原文: Download O'Reilly iPhone Game Development software for free. iOS Developer Library.