Bellevue Rose AFH Inc.
Common Causes of Sleep Problems in Seniors. Sleep is vital in maintaining better mood, physical health, and brain health for older adults.
However, seniors – both living at home or at an adult family home in Washington – are often prone to suffering from sleep problems. What are the causes of sleep problems in seniors? Here’s a list of the most common ones to pay attention to: Underlying medical problems Older adults who suffer from heart and lung conditions, urinary problems, mood problems, neurodegenerative disorders, and painful conditions are mostly the ones who can’t get quality sleep at night.
Those who need dementia care as well as those who suffer from medication side effects can be added to this list too. What Are Great Brain-Boosting Foods for Older Adults? Cognitive function often declines as you age.
However, there are ways you can adopt to slow down the decline of your cognitive functions. One of them is to eat food rich in brain-friendly nutrients. After all, diet is an essential part of dementia care. Here are some of the best foods a personal care provider can serve a senior to boost their brain health: Berries Blueberries and strawberries are full of antioxidants. Things to Know About Being an Emotional Support to Seniors. Every senior have a different level of emotional strength when it comes to facing real-life issues.
Some take time to get suggestions, and others would isolate. Senior care home in Bellevue, Washington has experts that ensure older adults get the support they need in their life challenges. Guidelines in Providing Seniors with Personal Care. Personal care is the basic responsibility of every person.
It is essential for health and personal grooming. Cleanliness helps protect a person from illnesses. This is why the importance of cleanliness for people of every age can’t be stressed enough. Through personal care, a person can safeguard his or her health while boosting self-confidence at the same time. Can You Eat Your Way to a Better Mental Health? Seniors who are not receiving personal care and are living alone often have poor mental health.
So when they feel upset, some seniors indulge in sugary treats for a quick boost in mood. However, this result is often temporary and leads to a sugar crash. For aging seniors, sugary treats can also increase their risk of diabetes, dementia, and other cognitive diseases. So does this mean it’s impossible to eat your way to better mental health? Of course not! Tips to Improve a Senior's Mental Well-Being. Many seniors suffer from depression.
After retirement, they may struggle with loneliness due to their declining physical abilities and dwindling contacts with friends. Effective Strategies to Deal with Dementia Aggression. When an aging love one with dementia suddenly shows aggression when they’ve been particularly kind and non-violent, it can be quite terrifying and overwhelming.
These aggressive outbursts often happen for a reason. So, if you feel upset or attacked by your loved one’s violent behavior, do your best to keep calm and try to find its cause. Usually, when the cause is dealt with, the behavior stops. Some of the most common reasons for aggression are stress, soiled underwear, a sudden change in routine, too much noise, and lack of sleep. What to Do If an Aging Loved One Needs Assisted Living. Sometimes, as much as we want to care for our aging parents, we don’t have the right skills and resources to do so.
What Should You Expect from a Dementia Care Service? Top Springtime Activities for Seniors to Try. Are you tired of just doing spring cleaning this season?
A Home-Like Care Away From Home. When we reach our senior years, it almost feels like we have already done a lot.
Ensuring a Healthy Senior Life for Your Elderly Family. Our golden years are often associated with wisdom, knowledge, and experience. While all of these are true for most people, it’s also true that the golden years means deteriorating physical and mental functions. Celebrating the New Year with New Goals. It’s finally 2020, a time for clear vision. Let’s make sure this new year makes us better. Christmas with Your Loved One Who Has Dementia. Is an adult family home in Washington that caters to seniors. Some of our residents have various degenerative illnesses or require extra care.
One of their common conditions is dementia. Speaking from an institution who provides dementia care, we understand how hard it is for family members to entrust the care of their loved one to a stranger. This process is also difficult for the elderly as it can make them feel alienated and abandoned. For this reason, we work harder than any other institution in making sure our residents feel independent and at home, improving their life in the process. We have different specialty services tailored to varying patients. Common Early Symptoms of Dementia.
The elderly are most susceptible to dementia. As our bodies wear out, so does our mental capabilities. A Special Home for Senior Loved Ones. As our loved ones approach their senior years, their needs can get more complex. In this age, they begin to experience deterioration in their physical and mental functions. Understanding the Hazards of Dementia. Aging elicits changes in a person’s physical, emotional, and mental capacity. Several diseases and complications can arise.