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How to Lose Weight. AuNaturel. Watercolor Nails Tutorial. 3 Hair Videos That Changed My Morning Routine at The New Home Ec. Edible Sugar Lip Scrub: Husband Approved. It’s date night. Kiddies are home with the sitter and you are all dressed up with your man at dinner. He leans in for a smooch on the lips, then quickly jerks away with surprise and horror in his face.

The offender? Your sandpaper-crackly lips. Nothing says “Kiss me” more than dry crackling lizard lips! I don’t know about you, but during this time of the year my lips have the most difficult time staying soft. No joke. But it got even worse! Don’t hide your eyes with what I am about to reveal to you… this is real. Yes, these are how horrible my lips were getting. The solution? So here is an at home remedy to exfoliate and condition your smackers with ingredients you have around the house. Grab some coconut oil, brown sugar, and honey. Combine 1 tsp. of each. I added a little almond extract just because the smell makes me happy. Mix them until you get a paste-like substance. Note: I found these little bead containers work perfect for keeping my scrub in the fridge. And what did I use? Xo. Lose 10 Pounds In A Week - How To Lose 10 Pounds In A Week Easily. Nail Art Alert: How to Get a Real Feather Manicure at Home (So Pretty!): Girls in the Beauty Department.

I bought these feathers a few weeks ago and I knew they'd make a gorgeous mani. Here's how to recreate the look. It'll cost you waaaay less than what you'd pay in the salon! You will need: A base color. I chose Essie's Glamour Purse. Two top coats. You'll need one that's very thick (I'm using a bottle of Essence Better Than Gel Nails that's a few months old) and one that dries quickly (like Seche Vite). A nail file A small pair of scissors And, of course, some feathers! Before you start, prepare all of the feathers you plan to use by cutting off the ends. Paint on your base color, let it dry, then add a coat of your thick clear top coat. While the clear coat is still tacky, carefully place the feather on to your nail.

When that's completely dry, apply a few coats of your fast drying top coat. Once that's dry, use scissors or cuticle clippers to trim off most of the excess feather hanging off the end of your nail. And here's the result... What do you think of this manicure idea? DIY Hair Treatments. Eggs, yogurt and honey are, at first glance, all components of a tasty breakfast—but they also happen to be hair treatment ingredients, and affordable, all-natural ones at that. And they're not the only ones. Did you know, for instance, that the oils in avocados more closely resemble our own skin's oils than any product in the beauty aisle does?

Or that the mild acidity in lemon is an effective—and gentler—alternative to chemical-laden products? Next time your locks need a lift, save money by using one of these kitchen fixes. For All Hair Types "The [raw] egg is really the best of all worlds," says Janice Cox, author of Natural Beauty at Home. To Use: For normal hair, use the entire egg to condition hair; use egg whites only to treat oily hair; use egg yolks only to moisturize dry, brittle hair, Cox says. Photo by Shutterstock. For Dull Hair To Use: Massage 1/2 cup sour cream or plain yogurt into damp hair and let sit for 20 minutes. For Itchy Scalp For Limp or Fine Hair For Frizzy Hair. Life Blog | Personal Finance News & Advice. I have an apology to make: I used to be one of those girls behind the makeup counter of a big, fancy department store selling you over-priced beauty products.

While I won’t say which brand I worked for, I can tell you that my uniform consisted of all black and way too much makeup. Hey, it was the 90’s, after all. Well, I’m here to make amends. Because, you see, not all department store makeup is better than the drug store version. In fact, a lot of drug store makeup is way better than the junk being sold in the department stores. The beauty industry is full of people pushing products that they don’t stand behind 100%. Also, celebrities rarely endorse products because, like the rest of us, they aren’t always picture perfect and no cosmetic company wants to be represented by someone who actually looks like the rest of us common folk.

So, to make up for the error in my ways, I am sharing ten of my all-time favorite drug store beauty buys with you. L’Oréal Volumnious Mascara in Carbon Black.