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PMD Home. Rusus - Gelaendebau fuer Tabletopspiele. Barzso Playsets Home Page. Tabletop Geeks » Terrain Downloads. Startown Slums 15mm Scifi Terrain. Introducing our new Startown Slum range of 15mm scale scifi buildings. These are crudely improvised structures built from pieces of scrapped starships, junked landing craft, and other industrial debris. Commonplace on new colony worlds, they can also be found even on major planets in the "startown" ghetto areas surrounding major landing fields or orbital elevator downports. Three buildings currently available. Individual prices listed below. Joe's Lunch Counter: Unpainted cost $14 + shipping. 15mm Ex-Governor of California mini in the photos is from Rebel Minis, provided for scale reference only.

Front view Rear view Roof removed Scrapper Knapp's Junkyard Treasures: Unpainted cost $14 + shipping. 15mm Ex-Governor of California mini in the photos is from Rebel Minis, provided for scale reference only. Black Cross Distillation - Fuel & Booze. Rear view, roof removed Front view, roof removed. Tabletop world. Wargame Scenery and Terrain by Miniature World Maker. TW Movement Trays from Terrain Warehouse UK. Our range of resin movement trays has grown from customer requests to become on of the most comprehensive ranges available, currently consisting of over 160 sizes and designs to work with scales from 10mm to 30mm.

All the trays are designed to a common standard, which allows you to combine the many different styles together in a single army while maintaining a uniform look and feel. Why Resin Trays? We think that resin trays are superior to plastic or wooden trays because: They do not 'flex' as plastic trays do, which can lead to paint chipping or flicking off The edges are ready textured, making them quick and easy to paint to a tabletop standard, but still easy to add extra details if desired Painted Trays As well as the unpainted finish, we offer all of our trays painted in 3 standard colour schemes : Stone edges (over black undercoat) with static grass Stone edges (over black undercoat) with green flock Brown/sand edges (over brown undercoat) with green flock Custom Sizes or Finishes. ....What's new.... UPDATED ON 28nd January 2010 Update. Follow this link. Last bits and pieces. All finished with for the time being.

After December there will be are limited range of left over stock items painted and unpainted available at a discount. Watch this space. Reason As some people may remember I had a problem with one of my arms some years ago. Its time to call it a day on the general items listings. What I can still do however is the master making. So the plan is. Limited edition sets of 50/ 100 only. Example: Russian front saw mill with all associated outbuildings houses etc. See In the works page I think this is the most manageable solution for me.

I’m enthusiastic about this this new direction and hope people will understand my decision for taking it. Resin Battlefield Scenery, Models & Terrain. Decors Miniatures - Socles. Aide de Camp. CT-Scenery Homepage 28mm wargames terrain. Field Works.