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La Lettre du cinéma. The Hollywood Renegades Archive. Welcome What is SIMPP? The Society of Independent Motion Picture Producers is one of the best kept secrets of Hollywood. Commonly known as SIMPP, the Society was formed in 1941 with a mission to protect the freedom of the independent producer in an industry dominated by major studios. There were eight founders of SIMPP — the most powerful independents of the day, and some of the most famous names in film history: Charlie Chaplin, Walt Disney, Samuel Goldwyn, Alexander Korda, Mary Pickford, David O.

Selznick, Walter Wanger, and Orson Welles. At the time SIMPP was organized, the studio system dominated the American film industry. The members of SIMPP had diverse talents that included acting, writing, and directing. At the same time, the Society brought pressure on the U.S. The never-before-told story of the Society of Independent Motion Picture Producers has been revealed by historian J.

About the Archive A Note from the Editor: Disclaimers: Contact the Author J. Or J. Cinémathèque française.