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Помимо рисования: Creative цветной карандаш искусства и скульптуры и Архив. From a very first look at these wonderfully detailed colored pencil sculptures by Jennifer Maestre, it should come as no surprise that her artwork was initially inspired by spiny sea urchins – beautiful be dangerous to the touch.

Помимо рисования: Creative цветной карандаш искусства и скульптуры и Архив

For each sculpture, Jennifer hacks apart hundreds of colored pencils, cores them perpendicular to their length and turns them into beads, essentially, which she then meticulously stitches back together and slowly shapes into solid sculptures. Though her beginnings were with creatures of the water, Jennifer quickly expanded her subject matter to cover other organic objects – from plants and flowers to house pets and more abstract animals.

While some of her work has a planned form from the very beginning, other pieces morph and shift as they take shape into something completely unplanned but nonetheless compelling. Best part of Disney's Pixar Up. Tall Painting. 20 awesome examples of street art. If you still need a proof that art can be found anywhere, those awesome examples of great street art should convince you.

20 awesome examples of street art

Наш творческий процесс /. 01 на Vimeo. Mino васи японская бумага ручной природных органических мастеров IEDA. Public Art Concepts - Dan Sternof Beyer 2011. Download the PDF of these ideas : Public Art Concepts - Dan Sternof Beyer 2011 (2mb) [ New American Public Art ]

Public Art Concepts - Dan Sternof Beyer 2011

越前和紙 : 福田忠雄 (福井県指定無形文化財) Photographer Martin Klimas Paints Like Pollock With Sound. How do you paint with sound?

Photographer Martin Klimas Paints Like Pollock With Sound

It’s a good question and the answer comes from German photographer Martin Klimas. He starts by putting different colored paint on top of a speaker over some translucent material, then cranks up the volume.