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BeepNBook: Corporate Travel Solutions

BeepNBook travel management solution helps businesses streamline their workflow by providing them with customized solutions, ensuring efficiency, transparency, cost effectiveness, and most importantly employee safety.

About Us - BeepnBook, Corporate Travel Management Solution. Business Travelers are Transforming Business Travel - BeepnBook. Who’s to say one cannot mingle business with leisure?

Business Travelers are Transforming Business Travel - BeepnBook

Not Millennials, at least. According to a study by Boston Consulting Group (BCG), by 2020, Millennials will take over half of the global workforce and account for 50% of all business travel expenditure. The latest survey reports also advocate that Millennials do not have the same travel habits as Baby Boomers. Future of Travel Industry Post COVID-19 Pendamic - BeepnRide. The Future of Travel industry Trends After the COVID-19 - BeepnRide. Business Travelers, Common Challenges Faced Business Travelers - BeepnBook. Despite remarkable advancements in online conferencing and other innovative technologies such as virtual reality, business travel remains a fundamental, accepted part of modern corporate life.

Business Travelers, Common Challenges Faced Business Travelers - BeepnBook

As the focus for many multinational organizations has become regional, if not global, travel is seen as a primary business development tool and a core driver of new business growth. Most organizations identify tangible benefits in meeting clients, prospects and other stakeholders in person. According to a report, companies estimated that roughly 40% of their prospects become customers with an in-person meeting, compared to 16% without such meetings. Despite an air of caution among organizations and a general sense of nervousness about the state of the global economy, a study forecasts that business travel spend will hit $1.6 trillion in 2020. Founding Pillars of Potent Business Travel Management - Emxcel.

Business Travel Trends 2020, Corporate Travel Policy - BeepnBook. 2019 had been yet another fast-paced year for corporate travel industry.

Business Travel Trends 2020, Corporate Travel Policy - BeepnBook

Technology persists to reform how corporate travelers plan and book their business trips, and employee habits and expectations associated to corporate travel continue to evolve. In the meantime, new industry players are fetching innovative ideas and options to business travel buyers, impacting everything from distribution, to expense management and reporting. For the decision makers that supervise corporate travel policy and spending decisions – including CFOs, Operations HR, and corporate travel leaders – it can be tedious to keep track of it all. Challenges faced by Business Travelers - Beepnbook. Business travel can have substantial repercussions on employee satisfaction and retention.

Challenges faced by Business Travelers - Beepnbook

According to a survey by GBTA, 49% of the respondents revealed that business travel experience influences their overall job satisfaction. Also, 83% of them stated that the quality of their business travel experience impacts their business results. These facts hold true for millennials too. Corporate travel not only prompts how employees feel about their job; it also drives them to make a decision, whether they take a job or not. 50% of the employees’ state that a company’s travel policies are a crucial factor while considering a potential new employer.

How Can Corporate Travel Management Solution Impact Employee Satisfaction? - Beepnbook. You cannot delight all of the people, all of the time – but the professionals at Beep share how one can give their best shot in smartly managing business travel in this age of automation.

How Can Corporate Travel Management Solution Impact Employee Satisfaction? - Beepnbook

In spite of living in the digital era, the need to meet business partners face-to-face still exist. A report from Oxford Economics stated that for every USD 1 spent on corporate travel, organizations gained USD 12.50 incremental revenue. BeepNBook. Accelerating Transformation: Agility is the Key - EMXCEL. Accelerating Transformation: Agility is the Key Accelerating Transformation: Agility is the Key Today, a great number of enterprises are struggling with the old ways of business operations that negatively alter their speed and capability to adapt change.

Accelerating Transformation: Agility is the Key - EMXCEL

To gain a competitive edge in the digital era, there’s a need for businesses to realize agility at enterprise level. In the struggle to become efficient, data-driven and agile, many big companies lose their productivity. The problem lies in the conventional business models that are made for standardization and scaling, rather than for agility and revolution. Even though there are organizations that have teams occupied in an agile way, a small number of businesses have succeeded to device this model throughout the enterprise. Agile Transformation of Enterprises Differentiating Between ‘Agile Transformation’ and ‘Agile Adoption’ Challenges Faced with Agile Transformation of the Enterprise Some common challenges include: Business Disruption Cause - Businesses to Either Disrupt or Get Disrupted. Business Disruption: The New Normal Business Disruption: The New Normal A new trend disrupts the market every now and then, and that trend is not just passing through; it is here to stay.

Business Disruption Cause - Businesses to Either Disrupt or Get Disrupted

The ‘new normal’ for businesses; technological disruption is faced by companies on a regular basis and is taking the business world by storm. Allowing latest business models to be introduced constantly at an increasing rate, the disruption is causing businesses to either disrupt or get disrupted. Emxcel at Bengaluru Tech Summit 2019, Experience The Transformation. Why is Digital Transformation not just about technology? - EMXCEL. Why is Digital Transformation not just about technology?

Why is Digital Transformation not just about technology? - EMXCEL

Why is Digital Transformation not just about technology? Digital transformation is not just about technology; it’s about constant innovation and evolution! Not all companies were born digital; starting lines may differ mightily, but the goals are mostly the same. Digital Transformation Trends Shaping 2020 - EMXCEL. Over the past several years, most conversations around Digital Transformation trends had started to feel a bit recurring: Blockchain, Cloud, the IoT, AR, VR, it eternally looked like the same chairs being reshuffled around the same old room.

Digital Transformation Trends Shaping 2020 - EMXCEL

But, 2020 will be a complete withdrawal from that. While the core technologies that governed these conversations will prolong to be primary to our collective digital transformation journey, 2020 will be defined by a fresh new set of technologies ready to graduate from the sidelines to the center stage. They comprise of 5G, AI, and data analytics, including a few that may startle you. Without further ruckus, here are the 8 most crucial digital transformation trends that we believe will be the most remarkable in 2020. Always on Alert – A Female Employee’s Perspective on Corporate Travel - Beepnbook. For Indian women, safety is the trigger word.

Always on Alert – A Female Employee’s Perspective on Corporate Travel - Beepnbook

Any woman will be able to narrate the sorry state of affairs in the country when it comes to traveling on roads. From catcalling, slurring, molestation toeven rape incidents, living life as a woman has become a matter of daily struggle. With deep seated patriarchal set up that tends to glorify the female sex only in the scriptures, India has still not been able to provide its female population with a safe environment where they can thrive freely. In the last few decades, women have been moving out into the corporate world to explore their skills and fulfill their ambitions.

But the road to success is not going to be easy. In a study, conducted by Maiden Voyage, sexual harassment accounts for over half (51.2%) of all incidents encountered by female business travellers in the United States. The Secret to Increase Employee Productivity - Beepnbook. Paul J. Meyer once said that productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.

Taking the last two elements of his quotes, a lot of organizations today fail to hold their employees accountable for the hours they put in tasks that seem redundant. A percentage of responsibility also lies with the organizations that put their employees in the spotlight without nipping the problem in the bud. According to market research firm IDC, companies lose 20 to 30 percent in revenue every year due to inefficiencies. Corporate Travel Management Solutions - BeepNBook.