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Homemade Beeswax Candles. Beeswax candles are our newest obsession!

Homemade Beeswax Candles

Not only is pure beeswax a beautiful golden color, it has a cleansing effect on the air in your home. Beeswax is naturally scented. I love the scent. It's fresh and pretty, but not overpowering... a little bit like honey! We purchased 5 pounds of pure beeswax from this Etsy shop and made more than ten candles with it. 1. Chippy paint finish: Lamp. Divine Chocolate Book. Time for a good book! Ha. ha.

Time for a good book!

:o) I finally found something to do with (one of) the ancient books that my husband brought home from the "office". A clock! I love this, because I'm a little obsessed with clocks, and am working on a cool-clock collection. All you have to do, is start with an inexpensive clock from the dollar store or Wal-mart, a pretty book, and an exacto knife. Take the "guts" out of the clock.... Drill a hole in the center of your book cover (or wherever you want the hands to be) that is wide enough for the piece that holds the hands to go through. Place the clock motor on the front page of the book and trace it. Place the clock motor inside.... Close the book cover, and snap the hands on to the piece sticking through. Add some pearls or gems to the hands if you're feeling fancy! Easy peasy D.I.Y - Beyond Beyond. This D.I.Y Revolution will not be televised This D.I.Y revolution will not require you getting up at stupid o’clock and fighting your fellow man tooth and nail for paint and nails This D.I.Y revolution will not require giving up most of your weekend and crying about the flakes of paint in your hair This D.I.Y revolution will not feature Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen or any of the team from Extreme Makeover: Home edition* It will just require you – some card and scissors and you can get your homemade flowers on for full deets on this DIY teach get thee gone to Cardgirl Invitations and see the end result via Dozi Design as Wendy is the original genius behind these.

Easy peasy D.I.Y - Beyond Beyond

*We would like to offer our sincere apologies to Gil Scott Heron for ruining a classic – but he had to be sacrificed in the name of blogging! About the author I'm the big kahuna with the whole shebang. Amma = Idiot + Savant. Design, Life and Happy Accidents. Salt Dough Ornaments and Gift Tags. You gotta love Pinterest.

Salt Dough Ornaments and Gift Tags

I find so much inspiration on there such as salt dough ornaments. I've never even heard of salt dough before. Here is the recipe for salt dough: 1 cup salt 2 cups flour 1 cup warm water Mix all ingredients together in a big bowl and kneed until play doh consistency. Roll out, cut and out with cookie cutters. Handmade Books. The last couple weeks I have been learning how to make books as part of my internship at the Morgan Art of Papermaking Conservatory.

Handmade Books

One of the most basic sewn bookbinding structures is called Japanese Stab Binding. It involves lining up the pages and covers of the soon-to-be book, making a series of holes, and sewing along the edge of the stack. These books are all made using scraps of leftover and recycled paper. The covers include handmade papers, maps from an old atlas, and an old field guide for identifying trees. The smaller books are made using lined notebook paper, pieces of scrapbook paper leftover from making cards, and empty Kleenex boxes. Quilling 101. I've been wanting to do this post for a very long time.

Quilling 101

Since we have sunny skies today I was inspired to actually do it. For all those who want to learn how to quill, I've decided to share beginner quilling shapes and how to make them. This is the first in a series of a few how-to-quill posts I have in mind. So, let's get started. You will need: Strips of paper - I took a few old book pages and wound them through a hand shredderGlue - regular white "school" glue is finea quilling tool - you can use a toothpick, an awl, purchase one online, or make your own. These are the most basic shapes in quilling: You always start out with a coil. Now, on to shapes. The vast majority of basic shapes start off with a teardrop. This shape is achieved by pinching the end of your loose coil. - the creative journal of Artist Linda Tieu. The most common type of sewn bookbinding that I often default to, falls into the category of longstitch binding. - the creative journal of Artist Linda Tieu

It’s really a general categorization for many different methods of sewn binding. People have invented their own patterns and techniques and have probably called it something else as well. Suffice to say, it’s a general way to denote sewing your paper to the cover of your book. Top 10 Unique DIY Feather Tutorials & Ideas For Your Wedding. Good morning, The feather fest continues!

Top 10 Unique DIY Feather Tutorials & Ideas For Your Wedding

Did you see Part 1 of my feather obsession yesterday?

Washi Tape

Ice Shot Glasses: DIY Winter Wedding or Party Drinks. Posted on January 25, 2012 by Christina Learn How to Make Ice Shot Glasses Inspired by Quebec’s Hôtel de Glace I’ve always wanted to go to the Hôtel de Glace in Quebec.

Ice Shot Glasses: DIY Winter Wedding or Party Drinks

In fact, my husband and I had reservations there 11 years ago, but had to cancel because my dad was in the hospital. Thankfully my dad made a full recovery – but we never re-booked. Every winter I gaze longingly at online photos of the Hôtel de Glace. Bending Popsicle Sticks for a Wooden Helix Vase. Denim Sunburst Textile Art. Here is one of my projects that was featured on Craftgawker a while back: Denim Sunburst Textile Art The process of making the wall hanging is very simple, yet very time consuming.

Denim Sunburst Textile Art

I simply cut old denim jeans into small rectangular pieces of all different sizes. Most of the strips were thinner than 1 inch.

Wall Art

Fashion/Accessories. 80+ Best DIY Paint Chip Projects. Paper Flower Roundup. As promised, here is a roundup from around the web of some gorgeous paper flowers! All of these would be great for weddings, home decor or a gift for your special someone this Valentine's Day! Above you will see a rose that I made thanks to a great tutorial and template from Ellinee. I tried several roses, I will post more photos of mine at the bottom of this post, and I can say that regular copy paper (or paper of a similar weight) is easiest for these, though you can also make them with card stock and vellum without too much trouble.

I really love these as I have seen several tutorials for roses around the web that are either too simple and so don't look very realistic or need you to cut out every single petal individually (and who has the time to do all that?). A Wordy Egg - Beyond Beyond. Over in Beyond Beyond towers we have one weakness, of the Achilles Heal variety and it is eggs. Scrambled, poached, sunny side up, boiled – whatever way you can imagine them we have had them in all the many fangled ways that you can imagine! What we have never had is an invitation in an egg and this exploded our minds not even blew them. So, if you want to fry people’s minds like eggs then you can learn how to make these eggtastic wonders here on Poppytalk. DIY $5 Flower Vase! So, I finally just changed all the burnt out light bulbs in my house.

So now my left with old light bulbs and being the environmentalist I am, I do not want to throw them out. I want to make art with them! So I was looking at different crafts and I came across this vase. I was ready to make it on the spot but sadly I do not have all the materials, so I decided to share it with all of you! Tutorial after the break! Turn Photo Negatives Into Artsy, Personalized Lamps. Art & Craft - how to videos Origami, Painting & Drawing, Creative Crafts (Most Viewed) Projects / spray paint coffee beans (or beans) and use them as vase filler. wow!