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40+ Most Wanted Wordpress Tricks and Hacks. Have you ever came across a WordPress blog, saw something you liked, and questions like ‘how they did that‘, ‘is that a plugin or hack? ‘, ‘where can I get those cool mods‘ begin to pop? Well, it’s really pretty normal because most of us did the same thing. For this article we’ve spent time with some 14 WordPress bloggers, finding out what kinda hacks and plugins they are really looking for to enhance their blog in any aspect. Here’s our outcome, 40+ most wanted WordPress tips and hacks, including those you don’t even knew the keywords to search for.

While you are at it, here’s few more WordPress related articles we’ve previously written: Display categories in horizontal Drop-Down menuInstead of using your categories in sidebar, you can put them up on the navigation bar, dropping down the sub categories in second-level drop down. Read also: More WordPress Related Articles Author: Hongkiat Lim. How to write (in a thousand words or less) How to becoming a better writer by Stephen King. If you want to learn how to write better where do you go? Well, you can take a creative writing course. Or read the books, biographies and studies of men and women hailed as literary geniuses throughout history.

For today, I’ve chosen to take some advice from one the most popular fiction writers of the last few decades: Stephen King. Now, great sales figures aren’t always an indication of greatness in any field. But it probably means that the creator knows what s/he is doing and what works. Plus, I have found that that quite a few of Stephen King’s books – like Insomnia , The Long Walk or The Running Man – are really good reads (and sometimes even greater films I’ve learned/been reminded about these seven tips by rereading King’s memoir/how-to-write book On Writing – highly recommended for many good insights into writing and a writer’s life – and by a whole bunch of his novels I’ve sacrificed sleep to keep on reading. 1. 2. 3. 4.

King has an honest voice in his fiction and in his memoir. 5. 6. The Writing Practice. Where do you get your ideas for your blog? I get this question a lot. Do you? The question is a bit more telling than the answer, I’m afraid. You see, I have more topics and ideas than I have time to write about. I write two or three posts every time I sit down, and lately, I write a bit for a book at the same time, so that I can give you original book content as well as original daily post content. How is it done? It’s practice. The Spark of an Idea Last night, Kat and I were at Ruby Foos in Manhattan for dinner after a movie. The answer to this should always be no. Instead, if Jenna had said, “We make the most amazing molten chocolate cake here,” I might have raised an eyebrow.

There. Sparks are everywhere. From Spark to Fire Having a good idea is one thing. Fires start when you get them in many minds. The Actual Practice of Writing I’m writing this to you while I’m waiting for someone to get some webinar software rebooted. How? Think about pieces to write. Grab paragraphs where you can. Best Of. Confessions by Lowell Jaeger | The Writer's Almanac with Garriso.