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Bird Mobile — Spool Sewing. I had been toying with the idea of a mobile project and our adorable bird pattern seemed the perfect fit.

Bird Mobile — Spool Sewing

I knew it would be gorgeous! What I hadn’t expected, though, is how some tree branches and a few carefully placed eye-hooks would transform this project into a work of art! This would be a welcome addition to a baby’s room or a great project for a baby shower. A single bird would be a whimsical way to highlight favorite prints around your home. Since all this birdie takes is two pieces of fabric and a needle & thread, it makes a great travel project. Let us help you get started on your flock! P.S. Converse Booties Baby! It has come to my attention that this pattern is extremely confusing.

Converse Booties Baby!

Seeing as how it was one of my first forays into pattern writing, I am editing it for clarification. And will also update Ravelry for it. This is just my version of an already available pattern. Best Play Dough Ever. Homemade playdough – If ever there was a quintessential DIY this is it!

Best Play Dough Ever

Parents and children have been happily cooking up this stuff at home for decades. Today our newest contributor Kaley is sharing her favorite play dough recipe using another kid classic: Jell-O (because it just wouldn’t be an MPMK post without some sort of twist). I think you’re going to love this recipe. Kaley promises it comes out silky smooth and I could practically smell the fruity scents wafting form my computer as I read her post. What kid doesn’t love play dough? It’s super easy, inexpensive, and a perfect project for the kids to help with. You will need: white flour – 1 cupwarm water – 1 cupsalt – 2 tbspcream of tartar – 2 tbspcooking oil – 2 tbspJello – 1 3oz pack Click through for full instructions. Mix all of the ingredients together in a small saucepan. Even though it makes for a longer process and a lot more clean up, let the little ones do the measuring and mixing.

This recipe makes a lot of play dough. Funky Lil House Felt Picture. Cool Craft Ideas for Kids. Two for the road. I'm excited to show you these little kits I've been putting together for our upcoming road trip.

Two for the road.

Do your kids do well on trips? My girls have done great with a 4-5 hour car ride since birth, sometimes we even forget to bring any toys! The Wheels on the Box. Just add Wheels… During our last trip to 0123 Harappa the girls really enjoyed the cardboard box sleds that they had.

The Wheels on the Box

I kept thinking about how we could make an adaptation using castor wheels and some hardware from the local DIY home store. The real discovery however proved to be the strength and durability of a certain breed of fruit and vegetable boxes. Dad’s old necktie makes a great and easy pull strap. Just thread it through the holes and tie a square knot. By the way, we’ve been putting castor wheels on everything in our house. Utilizing our cardboard hitch, Electra starts up her own tricycle transport for babies business.

Besides the scary warning akin to those found underneath your mattress, I found out that this box is built to hold up to 55 kilos!! Scour your local grocery store for one of these sturdy boxes. I found the castor wheels for about $ 0.99 a piece and then looked for nuts and bolts to fit the castor wheels. Pinterst All Stars: Motorin’ Amazing DIY Cardboard Learning Toys. Play and Grow is an amaz­ing blog by a Russ­ian archi­tect that has a pas­sion for mak­ing hand­made card­board toys for his lit­tle girl.

Amazing DIY Cardboard Learning Toys

The site is filled with great diy tuto­ri­als for upcy­cling card­board into early learn­ing toys. A few favorites: DIY Geo­met­ric Sort­ing Board (view tuto­r­ial) A card­board ver­sion of the clas­sic geo­met­ric sort­ing board. DIY Devel­op­men­tal Toy (view tuto­r­ial) An early learn­ing devel­op­men­tal toy made from a dia­per box, knit­ting nee­dles, a doorstop, and paper. DIY Steamship Pull Toy (view tuto­r­ial) A card­board pull toy made from a dia­per box. DIY Card­board Train (view tuto­r­ial) A card­board train made using a dia­per box and boxes from old toys. DIY Mini Geoboard (view tuto­r­ial) A card­board ver­sion of the clas­sic peg/pin board toy used to make shapes, pat­terns, let­ters, etc. Visit Play and Grow for more cool projects & tutorials! Related.