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Fabric Scrap Basket. El blog de Georgina. Novedades en el sorteo Hola chicas, Vayan a ver el post del sorteo para poder enterarse de las novedades.

El blog de Georgina

Estoy super feliz de saber que son tantas las que se han inscripto, ya casi 700, me han sorprendido!!!!! Me gustaría pedirles que dejen UN solo mensaje por cada una. Este es un sorteo muy democrático, ya saben, pueden inscribirse todas las que quieran, tengan blog o no, sean seguidoras o no. Por eso, por ser democrático, no borraré los mensajes "dobles" que han dejado algunas de ustedes porque entiendo que lo han hecho porque tienen muchas ganas de ganar los regalitos. Besos para todas, las espero en el otro post más abajo para contarles más..... Pincushion tutorial. This post has been re-worked, again, to perfection, and now including a new walnut shell stuffing option.

pincushion tutorial

I finally found a great place for my grandmother's spools of thread from the 50's. 1. FABRIC - Pick 2 fabrics that look good together. 2. BIAS TAPE - Joann fabrics is the best place to get your bias tape. DOUBLE FOLD 1/4", shown here in red. SINGLE FOLD 1/2", shown in blue and has lots more color options available. You will need 2 YARDS OF BIAS TAPE. 3. Cutting circle - 8" sewing circle - 5 1/2" 4. (Adjustments. 5. 5. Sew bias tape around both circles, using thread the same color as your bias tape. On the right side of one of your circles you just cut out, mark the smaller circle with chalk or erasable ink as shown below. Free New Big Betty pattern.pdf. Purse frames de-mystified (aka. Laundry Day clutch purse) Tutorial. **UPDATE** If you'd like this tutorial (and any of my others) in PDF format click here.

Purse frames de-mystified (aka. Laundry Day clutch purse) Tutorial

Note: to view the PDF tutorial, you will need the latest Adobe Viewer program. Get the latest version of the viewer absolutely free by clicking on the button below: HAVE YOU EVER: wondered how to make those lovely purses with clasp frames; dented, scratched, and ruined a metal frame/frames with those darn pliers; taken apart lots of purses to try to figure how in the heck they put them together...well step this way because we can help. Bedsheet to Ruffled Pillow Tutorial. Pillow With Rosette Clusters From Felt Furnishings. DIY Ruffled Ice Cream Cones. We are so excited to share this diy with you, if you are planning an ice cream party believe us these are just the sweetest things to let each child take home with them!

DIY Ruffled Ice Cream Cones

Our amazing diy correspondent, Katie came up with this project for us and we just fell in love! We ended up hanging pink, peach and mint green ones from a white chandelier and the looked so cute and really added to the decor of the party! Every Creative Endeavor: How to make a Ribbon Flower Clip/Headband. These little flower clips and headbands are so popular right now.

Every Creative Endeavor: How to make a Ribbon Flower Clip/Headband

They are all over blogland and everywhere in the stores. Cozy Slippers. Handmade Flowers. Phew!

Handmade Flowers

This week has been INSANE. Yeah, and that makes ME insane for trying this Tutorial Week thing at the same time as moving. It's just, I thought since I had the stuff MADE, and most of the photos taken, it'd be no problem! I just didn't take into account the PHYSICAL EXHAUSTION I'd be feeling from all the moving stuff, and the emotional weariness from all of it. And I am DOG tired. Still... So... How to make a fabric flower. Maximum RABBIT designs: i've been crafting! La Sha: Fabric Flowers; Here's How! These aren't your grandma's flimsy fabric flowers.

La Sha: Fabric Flowers; Here's How!

These beautiful blossoms are tough enough to take daily abuse, which means they can be attached to clothes, accessories, even keychains. Here's what you'll need to make some yourself: synthetic fabric (wide ribbon works well, also), a pencil, scissors, a candle, a lighter, a bowl of water, thread, needle and some random beads or buttons Here's how: First- Find some synthetic material. (Cheap Dollar Store scarves work great!) Next cut out some circles to make the petals.

When you've cut out as many petals as you'd like your flower to have, get out a bowl of water and light a candle. Hold each petal just close enough to the flame to singe the edge. Go all the way around, until the petal is singed all the way around. Not only will holding it near the flame keep it from unraveling, but it will also cause the fabric to warp, making the circle look more like a real petal. A flower brooch for you favorite mom.

Mother’s Day Felt Dahlia Corsage, a few notes. (Note added Feb. 2014: The website where this DIY originally appeared so I moved the full instructions to a page here on Not Martha and I also added the notes that appear below to that project page.

Mother’s Day Felt Dahlia Corsage, a few notes

DIY Mother's Day Corsage: Felt Dahlia Flower Brooch - Holidash News.