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Bebe Foods

Bebe Foods provides best jaggery(DesiGur) is made from the best cane procured from Doaba belt in Western UP - World famous for jaggery.

Jaggery: Just Good For Weight Loss, Or More? India is a place where sweets are popular and considered a sign of purity – so much so that it’s used right from God’s worship to the celebration of any occasion.

Jaggery: Just Good For Weight Loss, Or More?

But consuming sugar at an extreme level can lead to various health issues, leading up to several severe health conditions. Is Flavored Jaggery Safe For Human Consumption? In the first place, why is flavoured Jaggery in question here?

Is Flavored Jaggery Safe For Human Consumption?

Why are people afraid to buy flavoured Jaggery and usually stick to just regular Jaggery despite liking the taste of the flavoured Jaggery more. It’s because of the fact that few manufacturers add artificial flavours/essences to the Jaggery to enhance the taste of the products. However, health-conscious people do not accept eating artificial flavours in the name of eating healthy food like Jaggery. What does Jaggery bring to your table? Before digging deep into goodness of Jaggery, it’s important to understand what White Sugar brings to your table.

What does Jaggery bring to your table?

To be very frank, it brings nothing but calories to your food plate. Not to mention the chemicals used to refine the sugar are also present in white Sugar. Simply said, Sugar does more harm to the body than just making you fat. Makhana – Badaam – Gur Mixture – Recipe. If you are a caramel popcorn lover and wish to eat it often then this recipe is for you.

Makhana – Badaam – Gur Mixture – Recipe

In our version, we are using Makhana (Foxnut) along with Badaam (Almonds) instead of popcorn and Gur (Jaggery) is our caramelizing agent. This snack not just satisfy your hunger pangs but also provide your body with enough energy and protein. The ingredients used to prepare this snack are super healthy for the body and can serve as a great evening/morning snack. The almonds are roasted while the Makhana is tossed in Salt and Ghee to give it a unique taste. What is a nutritious diet for an adult? Eating healthy and staying fit: isn’t that the ultimate aim?

What is a nutritious diet for an adult?

However, the main problem in reaching this goal lies in knowing where and how to start. Of course, you already know that fruits and veggies are good for your health, but what else? Should you completely give up on carbs? Or, does a nutritious diet means a low or no-fat diet? A nutritious diet, also known as a balanced diet, gives your body all the nutrients it requires for functioning correctly. What forms the part of a balanced diet? A nutritious diet needs to include all the seven nutrients, as mentioned above. If you are a vegan, you will have to focus entirely on plant-based food items. Future of Refined White Sugar in India!

In any form, sugar is a simple carbohydrate that your body converts into glucose to use it for energy, however, its effect on your overall health condition depends on the kind of sugar you are eating, whether refined or natural.

Future of Refined White Sugar in India!

In the last decade, sugar and its detrimental health effects have come under intense scrutiny worldwide, and India is no exception. Refined sugar and its role in inducing various health conditions have come under the glare even more. So, what exactly is refined sugar, and what makes it a bad choice? What does the future hold for refined sugar in the country? Read on to find the answers to all these questions. Refined vs. natural sugar: understanding the difference Refined sugar comes from sugar beets or sugar cane, which get processed for extracting the sugar. On the other hand, natural sugars are those that are found in dairy products like cheese and milk as lactose and in fruits as fructose. Why Eating The Right Food Is As Important As Exercising Daily?

“I exercise regularly, so I can eat anything I like.”

Why Eating The Right Food Is As Important As Exercising Daily?

“I am on a healthy diet, so I can ditch my exercise routine.” The ideas like this are to be blamed for unhealthy habits and increased risk of health issues related to bones and muscles. There is a general notion that if you are rigorous about your exercise routine, you can eat everything you want without affecting your fitness. It’s a fact that society is no longer as active as it was once upon a time, and daily exercise has to be a crucial part of everyone’s schedule. But, tucking into greasy fast food every day after all the jogging and crunches can make the benefits of exercising go straight down the drain. With that being said, here’s outlining how eating the right food impacts your health.

The importance of nutrition for fitness Having a well-balanced diet is the key to getting all the nutrients and calories you require to fuel daily activities, including regular exercise. How can Bebe Jaggery be a great Diwali gift this year? Diwali is around the corner and, the cities, towns, and villages around the country are lighting up with luminance and joy.

How can Bebe Jaggery be a great Diwali gift this year?

It is the festival of lights where we celebrate the victory of good over evil by lighting up our houses and streets and sharing sweets and happiness with friends and family. Diwali is the festival of merry-making accompanied by food and beautiful lights. It also involves the tradition of inviting our loved ones over to celebrate the festival with us or visiting someone else’s house to celebrate the festival with them. Visiting our loved ones’ home empty-handed in a festive season doesn’t look right. Gurer Narkel Naru Recipe – Durga Puja/Navratri Special. India celebrates Navratri/Durga Puja with all faith and energy but none matches the grandness of Durga Puja festival of West Bengal in India.

Gurer Narkel Naru Recipe – Durga Puja/Navratri Special

This year’s Covid-19 pandemic may have halted the grand street show of this festival but there is no drop in the enthusiasm of Bengalis for Durga Puja. Covid-19: How To Stay Safe in Coronavirus Pandemic. Known to be originated from a market of China, a contagious virus (COVID-19) has almost stalled the whole world in the year 2020.

Covid-19: How To Stay Safe in Coronavirus Pandemic

The virus is so widespread that it has been declared a pandemic. Ganesh Chaturthi Special – Jaggery Modak Recipe. Homemade Stovetop Jaggery Granola Recipe. “A good Breakfast is the start of a good day as it fuels you up and gets you ready for the world” If you feel you are having the same type of breakfast for the last 5 years, then it’s high time you add some more taste to your morning meal. How do you feel about something nutty, crunchy and healthy as your breakfast? Sounds delicious!!! Yes, it is gonna be delicious.

Bebe Foods presents you the recipe of Homemade Granola using Jaggery. Gur Ka Sharbat Recipe. Do you know there is as much as 15 teaspoon of sugar in a half Litre of most of the soft drink products available in the market today? We are sure you know how this sugar can affect your body. Yes! We understand it’s hot out there nowadays and you need something cool to keep yourself calm. Process of Making Jaggery from Sugarcane. India is the largest producer of Jaggery and the 2nd largest producer of Sugarcane in the world after Brazil. Surprising? The above stats clearly show our fondness for this mellow caramel-colored healthy sweetener. Indians have been making Jaggery from Sugarcane for centuries now and thank God we are still aware of the art of traditional process of making Jaggery.

Sadly, in the 19th century, Sugar manufacturing picked up the pace. Amazing Health Benefits of Jaggery (Gur) There is so much of hype around Jaggery (also known as Gur) nowadays. Some people are happily replacing their all-time favourite tasty White Sugar with Jaggery. Amazing Benefits Of Jaggery. Gur Ki Gajak Recipe. Gajak maybe a winter season thing but for some, it is pure love. Once seen it becomes almost impossible to keep our hands off Gajak in any season. Gur Ka Paratha Recipe. Be it anywhere in India, Paranthas are everyone’s favourite. Indians can have Parantha with almost everything and anytime. Out of many types of Paranthas, Gur Ka Parantha has its own fan following. Gur Sooji Ka Halwa Recipe.