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Tattoo Design - tattoo generator. Tattoo Designs: Archive. Inked Girls. Inked Magazine. Harry Potter Tattoos. Photo 70 Notes hello!

Harry Potter Tattoos

Mi name is Francisca and for mi 22st birthday I decided to do mi first tattoo. I am a big fan of Harry Potter since 9 or 10 years old. I made my tattoo in Chile, with an amazing girl called Fernanda.This tattoo symbolize a lot of things, especially the remember of my best friend that passed away six years ago, he and I was the biggest fans of Harry Potter in the world :) Photo 82 Notes are a few reasons that I chose to get this tattooed on me and I’d say the main one was because every time I watch this scene, I feel so much emotion and attachment to snape, who has been my favourite charachter since the begining.

FUCK YEAH, GIRLS WITH TATTOOS. @sugarf0x again, just thought I’d share this photo of my ditch tattoo the day I got it done.


I’m getting it re-done this week by a better artist. Regardless of how wonky and patchy it is, it’s one of my favourites. However, getting it fixed sounds like a good plan. Tattoos. Fuck Yeah, Tattoos!: Archive.