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Peace and justice

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Ctrl.Alt.Shift Film Competition Winner: War School. RE:Quest: A Day in the Life of a Missionary. An introduction to Taizé. Nonviolence. Stemming from Quakers' challenge to answer 'that of God' in every person, QPSW is committed to working for peace and justice through nonviolent social change. Nonviolence challenges war, violence and injustice by focusing on the root causes of oppressive use of power, fear and separation. It does not seek to evade conflict, but instead creates alternative approaches to enable conflict to be waged creatively and without harm. The Quaker commitment to nonviolence and the vision that it represents is known as the 'Quaker peace testimony'.

Turning the Tide film - available Great for group discussions and workshops. The DVD is £5 and available from The Quaker Centre, Friends House, Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ. +44 (0)20 7663 1030 Or watch the full video below. Zoe Broughton, one of the producers of Turning the Tide’s film wrote an article for Comment is Free on The Guardian website. Making Waves - Autumn 2013 Turning The Tide Ecumenical peace work Peace resources. Signatures (power of letters) Serkalem's story. Jackie Pullinger. Please bookmark this module: Introduction Follow Jackie's story to Hong Kong and her work among drug addicts and the gangs of the walled city. Telling the story Links and books Read the story of Jackie Pullinger, from her decision to go to Hong Kong to her often dangerous work with drug addicts and gang members.

Interested in knowing more about the life and work of Jackie Pullinger? Quotes Following today “Jesus is everything. Is the story of Jackie Pullinger just a story? Back to the topBookmark this page: The Iraq war.