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Mr reddy dot com. Revision and Study Notes for Key Stages 3 and 4 from MrBartonMaths. Logic Puzzles. The Logic Zone - Logic Problems, Logic Puzzles, Cryptograms. AIMS Puzzle Corner: Free Math Puzzles. This week’s Puzzle Corner activity is a magic trick with a mathematical, as well as a slight-of-hand, component.

AIMS Puzzle Corner: Free Math Puzzles

I first came across this trick in one of Martin Gardner’s many books on recreational mathematics. I liked it so much that I have been stumping students, friends, and family members with it ever since. In order to make this trick work, you will need to practice it by yourself until the moves (illustrated at bottom) become automatic, before trying it out on someone else. Its success, like the success of many magic tricks, depends on diverting the audience’s in this case, your students’ attention. You can’t do this if you are uncertain of all the moves and take too much time making them. I Love Maths Games. Home of the daily Maths Challenge. HegartyMaths. Brilliant Maths Videos. Free. Interactive Whiteboard resources - Gordons Numeracy Modules. Mathematics. A fantastic free resource to support maths and science at Key Stages 3 and 4.


There are wonderful interactive activities and study notes. Pupils can download the resources for offline use. Interactive whiteboard resources too. Superb! KS3 Bitesize - Maths.