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How Are You Feeling? Maturity: Going Beyond Frustration. Maturity: Going Beyond Frustrationby beaufly “Maturity is the ability to think, speak and act your feelings within the bounds of dignity.

Maturity: Going Beyond Frustration

The measure of your maturity is how spiritual you become during the midst of your frustrations.” ― Samuel Ullman Life gives us unlimited opportunities to feel and learn. However, we are not always necessarily in the mode to learn or to feel, so we resist. Oftentimes, when we resist, we end up going through the same issue with different clothes or that same person or attitude shows up, with a different facade. Opening Up: Conversations about Mental Health. Opening Up: Conversations about Mental Healthby beaufly Dick Cavett has openly suffered from mental difficulties and has stated on CNN that depression is a challenge that he has overcome after long bouts of suffering.

Opening Up: Conversations about Mental Health

He, also was friends with Robin Williams and understood his illness. He described the pain as “indescribable and unexplainable” and reported that many celebrities suffer from it. That reminded me of an old interview in which I heard Diana Ross speak of +Celebrity as a need for acceptance and a need for being liked. Humans: An Insatiable Need to Be Social. Humans: An Insatiable Need to Be Socialby beaufly "One of the greatest challenges in creating a joyful, peaceful and abundant life is taking responsibility for what you do and how you do it.”

Humans: An Insatiable Need to Be Social

Iyanla Vanzant I often hear younger people saying that I’m bored. My response is, “How can you be bored? Read a book, write a story, go out and take some pictures. Even with the barrage of technological gadgets, people and especially younger people are still feeling empty and bored. Humans: An Insatiable Need to Be Social. Summer Walk: It Does a Body Good. Summer Walk: It Does a Body Good!

Summer Walk: It Does a Body Good

By beaufly I went for another +Walk and it definitely did this body good. Usually, when the weather breaks, I cannot wait to get out in the sunshine, in the fresh air and feeling the +Warmth of the summer. Last Winter and dare I say, Spring, threw many of us under the bus. Many people were still +Stuck in the +Doldrums as the long-awaited +Summer slowly made sporadic appearances. I am still not sure of what to expect from this Summer. I was well overdue for a summer walk. I wonder if my bubbly buddies are getting a chance to enjoy the sunshine and the wonderful and slight breezes. Related Posts:Morning Pages It’s a New Grateful, Gratitude and Moving the Mind and the Body. 5 Ways to Detox Everyday.

5 Ways to Detox Everyday by beaufly.

5 Ways to Detox Everyday

What is Oil Pulling? What is Oil Pulling?

What is Oil Pulling?

By beaufly I have alluded in one of my previous posts that I have been trying oil pulling for better oral/dental health. Well, many of you asked me, “What is oil pulling?” So, I am here to shed some light on this topic. Coconut oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic practice that has found itself as a popular and current trend globally. Being Aware When You're Not at Your Best. Being Aware when You’re Not at Your Best by beaufly Why we need to be aware when we are not at our best…..

Being Aware When You're Not at Your Best

When we're not at our best, we usually do not do our best at work, at home or anywhere else. When we're not at our best, we're are (usually) not being our very best selves. It is all bound to happen that we are not 100% either mentally or physically so what do we do? #1) Refrain from any serious decision-making if you can. . #2) Try to be/stay conscious of your mental states. . #3) Be kind. The Other Day I Cried. The Other Day, I Cried by beaufly I cried for my ex the other day.

The Other Day I Cried

How to Focus on Less to Gain More: The Magic of Letting Go. How to Focus on Less to Gain More: The Magic of Letting Go by Beaufly Sometimes, it may be time to focus, reassess and give up on some things on your way to gaining more.

How to Focus on Less to Gain More: The Magic of Letting Go

Have you ever experienced just letting go of something when trying or should I say (trying to) force something to happen. We, human beings, can easily get into the "make things happen" mentality. I know, for me personally, when I let go, sometimes the thing, the idea or the situation that I was so focused on, just serendipitously seems to work out or change. Better Healthcare? Better Healthcare?

Better Healthcare?

By Beaufly Will the use of wireless digital devices lead to better healthcare? In 3 London hospitals, there has been some encouraging research that has incorporated using electronic questionnaires in waiting rooms to help doctors get real-time information regarding their patients before they actually see and treat them. 3 Ways to Calm Anxiety. 3 Easy Ways to Calm Anxiety by Beaufly Singing Out Loud: According to some scientists at Indiana University, singing out loud can actually help to calm your anxiety. This kind of singing reportedly reduces stress hormones and increases the brain’s production of endorphins. Bubbling or Journaling Getting your thoughts and feelings out on paper (or online) for at least 15 minutes, 2 or 3 times a week can reduce anxiety and worry, according to some studies. Pet Cuddling Many studies have reported that life-enhancing qualities of owning a pet. Cuddling a pet can help to stave loneliness, reduce anxiety and some reports state it can even risk the chance of a heart attack.

Desire and Destiny: Deepak and Oprah. I had the pleasure of trying the Desire and Destiny, 21 Day Meditation by Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey. It was a wonderful and relatively easy way to consistently try a meditation practice for 21 days. I believe that any practice that helps you to quiet your mind and still your body is a good one, with pure and "good" intentions. It also helps you to hear encouraging words from Oprah and then be led by Deepak, as you venture into the routine.

The Chopra Center has many mediation sequences available. So, this is a good way to ease into meditation, if you are seeking a way to include this mindful practice into your life. Highly Recommended!

Creativity in 2014!

Getting Aligned and In Tune. Getting Aligned and In Tune by Beaufly One way to gage something, to know if you are living your truth and doing what’s in line with who you are or who you want to be is think about it (whatever that thing is) in terms of heaviness or lightness. I had a real guttural reaction after I saw the movie, The Wolf on Wall Street, which I reviewed here: I felt tired and heavy. Why? I believe because this movie was taxing for me. For me, it didn’t resonate. When things do or don’t resonate with you, that’s an indicator of whether it aligns with you or not. Music Therapy: ADHD Awareness Month. Music Therapy: ADHD Awareness Month by Beaufly Music has long been studied as a mediator to help us study, to help with increasing intelligence (via IQ measurement which led to all of the unfounded Baby Einstein tapes, CDs and other audios), to assist people with PTSD, anxiety and a whole host of issues.

Yet, it is often one of the first programs that is cut from public school programs. Music is known to deliver dopamine to the brain. Dopamine can function as a neurotransmitter that provides “pleasure” and has similar effects that we can derive from certain foods like chocolate, or the chemical reactions that occur in the body during sexual activity. Music Therapy: ADHD Awareness Month. ADHD AWARENESS - A Few Tips. ADHD AWARENESS- A Few Tips by Beaufly I do believe that many of us share some of the organizational and attentional issues that pervade the lives of people who have ADHD. The only difference is that in their cases, these issues interfere with their lives. Here are a few tips that may help students of all ages with dealing with some of these challenges: ~ Break longer assignments or projects into shorter ones.

Each with its own timeline or goal completion date. ~ Consider a standing work area or desk, if possible. ADHD Awareness Month. ADHD Awareness Month by Beaufly In honor of ADHD awareness month, I wanted to post about ADHD. ADHD stands for Attentional Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. ADHD Awareness Month.