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We are a premier residential renovations and remodeling business that stands behind the work we do. Everyone at Beauchain is dedicated to providing personalized service and innovative design solutions using top-quality products. We personally plan, design, and implement every project from start to finish.

How to Maximize Your Gardening Efforts for Spring - Beauchain Builders. 7 Tips to Prep Your Spring Garden Even if there’s still a bite in the air, there are tasks you can undertake now to prepare for a spring garden.

How to Maximize Your Gardening Efforts for Spring - Beauchain Builders

Tackling the following work today can pay off with vegetables later this season and a healthy garden that’s ready for prime growing weather. Know Your Zone — Though you may gather ideas for a gorgeous plot online, always keep your location and corresponding plant hardiness zone in mind. That beautiful English garden you envy may thrive in the Northeast, but it may not work in the South. Do Some Cleaning — Even if your garden has remained fallow over the winter, a good cleaning can be useful.

Compost — Start a compost pile using grass clippings, leaves, coffee grounds and fruit and vegetable scraps. Plant Early — Even if the temperature outside still feels chilly, your garden can be productive with cool-weather vegetables. Sustainable Materials for Your Home - Beauchain Builders. “Going green” may be a common buzz phrase, but a growing number of designers and homeowners are seeing the benefits of sustainable design.

Sustainable Materials for Your Home - Beauchain Builders

Whether you are looking to have a smaller environmental footprint or you just want to save money on utility bills, going green is easier than ever. Green Building Techniques Eco-minded builders are using old and new techniques to make homes more energy efficient and environmentally sound. Designing smaller homes is one way to use less material and energy, and simply facing your home any direction but west may lower your utility bills.

Sustainable Materials From raw building materials to finishes, there are green options for every aspect of a home these days. 6 Things to Consider Before Buying a New Garage Door - Beauchain Builders. Shopping for a New Garage Door?

6 Things to Consider Before Buying a New Garage Door - Beauchain Builders

What to Consider For many Americans, the garage door is the new front door. At the end of a long day, many park in the garage, grab the mail and walk the dog — all without using the home’s traditional front door. The time will come to service or replace that important secondary entry, and when it does, consider the following: Budget — Garage doors come in a range of price points, depending upon the material, size and insulating qualities. What will the kitchens of the future look like? - Beauchain Builders. High-Tech Kitchens of the Future You may be familiar with the term “the internet of things,” which refers to everyday objects connecting with each other and your smartphone.

What will the kitchens of the future look like? - Beauchain Builders

This concept and other advanced technologies are moving into the kitchen. Here’s what the future looks like for food storage, prep and cooking. Interconnected Appliances Expect to see sensors in refrigerators that connect with your smartphone to let you know when your food is about to expire. You’ll also be notified when you’re running low on milk, eggs or other essentials. High-Tech Tools and Surfaces You can currently buy pans that monitor the temperature of the food you’re cooking, and induction cooktops that only heat the pan and not the rest of the burner are in the works.

The kitchens of tomorrow will hopefully help eliminate waste, save us money, simplify cooking and make our lives easier. Happy New Year!!! 5 Clever Ways to Organize Your Kitchen - Beauchain Builders. The kitchen is often considered the most important room in the home, especially around the holidays.

5 Clever Ways to Organize Your Kitchen - Beauchain Builders

It’s where the family meets, eats and even entertains. But when your kitchen counters are covered with appliances, spices and utensils, working or entertaining comfortably can be a tall order. Use these five ideas to better organize this essential space. 1. Creative Cabinetry — Underutilized spaces, such as counter ends and corners, are ideal for adding storage. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5 Safety Tips for Holiday Decorating - Beauchain Builders. Holiday Decorating the Safe Way It’s that time of year again — time to pull out the holiday decorations and turn the process into a fun family occasion.

5 Safety Tips for Holiday Decorating - Beauchain Builders

Here are a few tips to keep in mind to safely prepare your home for the holiday season: Be Careful With Candles — Never leave a lit candle unattended and place it where it can’t be knocked over. Also be sure to keep open flames away from paper decorations. Keep Fires in the Fireplace — If you have a Christmas tree, make sure it’s nowhere near the fireplace and ensure the tree stand is constantly full of water. Test Your Lights — Save yourself time and headaches by testing holiday lights before hanging them.

7 Home Repairs Handy Homeowners Can Handle - Beauchain Builders. 7 DIY Home Projects for Any Skill Level Water coming in through the roof?

7 Home Repairs Handy Homeowners Can Handle - Beauchain Builders

Faulty wiring in the walls? Air conditioning broken? Some home issues that arise require a call to the professionals for safe, effective repair. But there are other jobs handy homeowners can tackle without calling in the pros. Running Toilet — Is your toilet continuously running? Leaky Faucet — As with any plumbing fix, always make sure to turn the water off at the shut-off valve before beginning work. 8 Tips for a Cooler, More Efficient Home - Beauchain Builders. Keeping Your Home Cool and Efficient The dog days of summer have arrived, and your home’s air conditioner is getting a workout.

8 Tips for a Cooler, More Efficient Home - Beauchain Builders

How do you stay cool and not break the bank when the bill comes due? Help your cooling system help you. Install a Programmable Thermostat — Programmable thermostats allow homeowners to set temperature needs based on their schedules. No more cooling an empty house unless you request it! Check for Leaks — Seal up any gaps or cracks. Change Your Lightbulbs — If you are still using energy-inefficient incandescent bulbs, you should change them out.

Use Fans — In the summer, change ceiling fans to rotate counterclockwise. 5 Interior Details That Add Polish to Your Home - Beauchain Builders. Interior Projects That Dress Up Your Home Does your kitchen need new life?

5 Interior Details That Add Polish to Your Home - Beauchain Builders

Is your living room boring? Adding decorative elements can transform bland spaces into rooms that look finished and sophisticated. 5 Water-Wise Irrigation Ideas - Beauchain Builders. Who doesn’t love the smell of fresh flowers and the feel of a healthy lawn beneath their feet?

5 Water-Wise Irrigation Ideas - Beauchain Builders

But as water becomes an increasingly scarce resource in many parts of the country, how do you keep a nice-looking lawn without wasting water or breaking the bank with your water bill? Audit Your Existing System — Make sure your sprinkler heads are in good working order; a broken head can cost you gallons and dollars at the same time. Also, make sure you are watering the plants and not the streets — adjust sprinkler patterns accordingly. Remodeling Projects Shown to Add Value - Beauchain Builders. 7 Home Upgrades That Retain Their Value Improving your home can certainly add value to your house — but only if you pick the right project. Some upgrades will be well worth the investment, while others will be a total loss. Here are eight projects, big and small, that retain their value the best according to a recent Cost vs. Some Projects Are Better Left to Pros - Beauchain Builders. The eager do-it-yourselfer can take on a wide variety of projects from landscaping to lighting.

The smart do-it-yourselfer knows when a project is too big for their amateur skills and calls in the professionals. But how do you know when to put away the toolbox and pick up the phone? Safety First The simple answer as to when to call the pros is when there is potentially dangerous work involved that could harm you or your property. Never try to perform electrical work unless you are a licensed electrician. The risk of setting fire to your house, electrocuting yourself or permanently damaging your wiring is too great. Plumbing Work Similarly, major plumbing work needs a licensed professional. Permitted Projects If construction is a part of the job, make sure you don’t need a permit. Is spring HVAC maintenance necessary ? It’s Time for Spring HVAC Maintenance Spring is right around the corner and now is the perfect time to start thinking about your HVAC system. There are a few things you can do to ensure your system is ready for the spring and summer months, but certain tasks are best left to the pros.

So how do you know when you should call in a professional? 1. Electrical Tasks: Generally, you want to avoid messing with electricity, and if you could potentially damage components — or your house — think twice about doing it yourself. 2. 3. 4. 5 Tips for Securing Your Home - Beauchain Builders. Peace of Mind at Home and Away Securing your home against burglars isn’t as simple as installing a motion sensor light above the garage or buying the most expensive alarm system money can buy.

Home security should be a multilayered defense against intruders — providing peace of mind whether you’re at home or away. 1. Neighbors — Start simple. One of the most effective deterrents against burglars is watchful neighbors. 6 Ways to Prevent a Home Plumbing Emergency - Beauchain Builders. Winter Plumbing Tips Few things are less pleasant than a home plumbing problem during the winter season. These issues often arise when colder temperatures hit because when water freezes, it expands.

A few simple precautions can prevent these problems and keep your home warm and dry. 1. Add Proper Insulation — Insulation isn’t just for attics; pipes that are exposed to the elements need protection too.