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Probability and Game Theory in The Hunger Games. This is a guest post by Michael A.

Probability and Game Theory in The Hunger Games

Lewis (PDF), a friend of mine who is a professor at the Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College. One of the things I found most interesting and surprising about the movie The Hunger Games (HG) is how mathematical it is. The basic premise of the story is that there is a society in what used to be North America made up of a centralized capital and 12 outer districts. Top 250. The Fifty Greatest Cult Movies of All Time. My 100 Must-See Movies - a list by taniasalinas8 - StumbleUpon. - StumbleUpon. From Brazil to Japan to France and Senegal, from Neo-Realism to Dogme to J-horror, we've compiled a list of the very best films not in the English language (note: features, not documentaries). - StumbleUpon

So rustle up some sushi, strike up a gauloise and make sure you've locked your bicycle as we count down the top 100 world cinema movies... 100. Night Watch.