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A Guide to WordPress Custom Post Types: Creation, Display and Meta Boxes. WordPress is built for customization. It was created in such a way that each and every section is customizable. In this tutorial we will be exploring one of the most powerful features of WordPress known as Custom Post Types and how WordPress reached a new height with the advent of this wonderful feature. What Actually Are Custom Post Types? Suppose you want your blog to have a separate section for Movie Reviews. By using Custom Post Types you can create a new type of item like Posts and Pages, which will contain a different set of data. Custom Post Types are a new set of administrative options appearing along with the default post types such as Posts, Pages, Attachments etc.

Why Use Custom Post Types? Custom Post Types help us to keep different types of posts in different buckets. Let's Create a Custom Post Type Plugin Here we shall create a custom post type plugin which will display favorite movie reviews. Step 1: Create WordPress Plugin Directory Step 2: Create PHP File Step 3: Add Header. A Guide to WordPress Custom Post Types: Taxonomies, Admin Columns, Filters and Archives. Shortcodes: A Complete Guide.

Advertisement WordPress shortcodes were introduced in version 2.5 and since then have proved to be one of the most useful features. The average user acting as editor has the ability to publish dynamic content using macros, without the need for programming skills. When a shortcode is inserted in a WordPress post or page, it is replaced with some other content. In other words, we instruct WordPress to find the macro that is in square brackets ([]) and replace it with the appropriate dynamic content, which is produced by a PHP function. The usage is pretty simple. Let’s say we want to show the most recent posts in a given post. [recent-posts] For a more advanced shortcode, we could set the number of posts to display by setting a parameter: [recent-posts posts="5"] Going one step further, we could set a heading for the list of recent posts: [recent-posts posts="5"]Posts Heading[/recent-posts] Simple Shortcode In the first part of this tutorial, we will create the code for this simple shortcode: (al)

How To Create Custom Taxonomies In WordPress. Utilizing User Roles In WordPress. Ten Things Every WordPress Plugin Developer Should Know. Advertisement Plugins are a major part of why WordPress powers millions of blogs and websites around the world. The ability to extend WordPress to meet just about any need is a powerful motivator for choosing WordPress over other alternatives. Having written several plugins myself, I’ve come to learn many (but certainly not all) of the ins-and-outs of WordPress plugin development, and this article is a culmination of the things I think every WordPress plugin developer should know.

Oh, and keep in mind everything you see here is compatible with WordPress 3.0+. Don’t Develop Without Debugging The first thing you should do when developing a WordPress plugin is to enable debugging, and I suggest leaving it on the entire time you’re writing plugin code. Enabling debugging also turns on WordPress notices, which is important because that’s how you’ll know if you’re using any deprecated functions. How to Enable Debugging define('WP_DEBUG', false); Replace that line with the following: if (! If (! WordPress Hooks. Reusable Custom Meta Boxes Part 1: Intro and Basic Fields. Créer son site web avec WordPress de A à Z… avec le Codex.

Transférer son site distant WordPress en local en moins de 10 étapes. Parce qu’il m’est arrivé de me planter plus d’une fois sur des transferts de sites de distant à local avec WordPress, je tenais à partager ma méthode à d’autres, qui, comme moi se sont assez régulièrement pris la tête sur cette manipulation. Vous rencontrerez très souvent ce cas lors de la refonte d’un site. On peut aussi avoir besoin de sauvegarder son site sur son serveur local.

Voici donc une méthode sans risque pour transférer un site existant sur le web sous WordPress vers son serveur local. 1. Export de la base de données Avant toute chose, il faut commencer par exporter la base de données de votre site existant en ligne. Une fois connecté à votre base de données, il faut l’exporter mais pas entièrement. Choisissez une exportation personnalisée et trouvez les meilleurs paramètres selon le cas. 2. Une fois votre base de données téléchargée, vous allez devoir mettre les mains dedans, mais ça reste hyper simple. 3. 4. 5. A ce moment, il faut retourner sur le phpMyAdmin local. 6. 7. 8. Translate a WordPress Theme. Last updated on Lately, more and more people are asking us how to translate a WordPress theme into a language other than English. And with an estimated 2 billion people now online, it’s no wonder. Fortunately, it’s a fairly straightforward process, and I’ve boiled it down into 3 simple steps.

This tutorial assumes the WordPress theme to be translated has been localized using the the GNU gettext framework. 1. POT stands for “Portable Object Template,” and a POT file (aka .po file) is basically a list of all the English-language text found within the files of a localized WordPress theme. If you’re using a theme other than a Solostream theme (gasp), check with the theme author to see if they offer a POT file. 2. Once you have the POT file, you’ll need to open it in a program like POEdit, and translate the English language into your preferred language. Find a list of language codes at WordPress in your Language. 3.

Notice “text_domain” above – it’s called the text domain name. Shortcodes Wordpress. Note : Cet article a été publié en août 2011, certaines choses peuvent avoir changé depuis. 2inShare Voici le premier article invité sur WP Themes Pro, il a été rédigé par Vincent Anselmo que j’ai déjà interviewé dans un précédent article car il est développeur de thèmes WordPress. Il a souhaité partager ses connaissances avec les lecteurs de WP Themes Pro, j’espère que cet article vous sera utile :) Si vous souhaitez à votre tour proposer un article, je vous invite à vous rendre sur la page contribuer. Depuis la version 2.5 de WordPress, il est possible d’utiliser les fonctions de l’API Shortcode. Qu’est ce qu’un shortcode ? En traduction littérale shortcode signifie “un code court”. Besoin d'un thème WordPress français ? Vous l’aurez compris, les shortcodes sont prévus pour réduire les taches rébarbatives (le copier coller de code HTML par exemple, pour des éléments de mise en page.).

Les 4 types de shortdodes dans WordPress Les “self-closing” shortcodes Les “enclosing” shortcodes 13. Fonctions de référence.