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The Real Problem With Female Masturbation. Más allá de Buda hasta el Amado. El movimiento pentecostal es una herejía, argumenta John MacArthur. Fuego Extraño: El Peligro de Ofender al Espíritu Santo con Falsa Adoración ––, es el último libro del pastor influyente John MacArthur Jr.

El movimiento pentecostal es una herejía, argumenta John MacArthur


“La Biblia enseña que Jesús también predicó el odio al prójimo”, cuestiona un ateo. Jesús predicó el amor al prójimo, la lección más valiosa que proclama el cristianismo sin embargo “Jesús era un buen tipo”, escribe en su blog el ateo militante Hemant Mehta, presidente de Más allá (Beyond Belief), una fundación estadounidense.

“La Biblia enseña que Jesús también predicó el odio al prójimo”, cuestiona un ateo

Pero Mehta, señala que Jesús no era tan pacífico como que se predica. Las personas que asisten a la iglesia piratean menos, revela un estudio. Contemplar la naturaleza aumenta nuestra fe en Dios, afirma un estudio. Hermosos paisajes naturales como el Gran Cañón o la aurora boreal pueden aumentar la buena disposición de la gente a creer en Dios y en lo sobrenatural, indica una nueva investigación.

Contemplar la naturaleza aumenta nuestra fe en Dios, afirma un estudio

El científico Piercarlo Valdesolo de la Universidad Claremont McKenna en los Estados Unidos, explica: “Muchos relatos históricos de epifanías y revelaciones religiosas parecen involucrar la experiencia de ser confrontado con la belleza, la fuerza o el tamaño se clasifica como la creación de un ser divino. Estas experiencias cambian la forma de ver el mundo”. El Dr. Valdesolo y su colega Jesse Graham, de la Universidad del Sur de California, entrevistaron a personas que acababan de ver en una pantalla de alta definición extractos de la serie documental “Planeta Tierra”, producido por la BBC. Al mismo tiempo, otro grupo vio fragmentos de noticias. En total se realizaron cinco estudios diferentes. El Dr. Traducido y adaptado por Daily Mail y Science Daily Noticias Relacionadas:

The Foreign Policy Mission of American Evangelica... Image: Courtesy of Mark Amstutz The American public often associates evangelicals with domestic political fights over abortion and same-sex marriage.

The Foreign Policy Mission of American Evangelica...

But historically, they have been no less active in shaping events on distant shores. In Evangelicals and American Foreign Policy (Oxford University Press), Mark R. Amstutz, a political scientist at Wheaton College, analyzes evangelicals' long-standing engagement on global poverty, human trafficking, international religious freedom, and Israeli statehood. CT senior editor for global journalism Timothy C. What have you discovered about evangelical global engagement? Churches, nongovernmental organizations, lay leaders, and missionaries have played an important part in the United States' role in the world.

Medicine Does Not Know What 'Dead' Is. Last week Time Magazine asked me to write a commentary on the case of Jahi McMath, the 13 year old whose family sought to keep on continuing life support after doctors had declared her dead.

Medicine Does Not Know What 'Dead' Is

On everyone's mind as well was Ariel Sharon, the former prime minister of Israel who died on Saturday after eight years in a "vegetative state" following a stroke in 2006. I knew the first person I needed to call was Ray Barfield, director of the palliative care program at Duke and also an associate professor of Christian philosophy at Duke Divinity School. Barfield is one of the most passionate and compassionate doctors I know, deeply engaged as both a doctor and a Christian thinker with questions of technology and meaning in medicine. Our conversation shaped my Time essay ("Lost in the Valley of Death," January 20, 2014) and should inform all of us as we wrestle with the possibilities and limits of medical technology.

The Dark-Tinted, Truth-Filled Reading List We Owe Our Kids. In the Christian world, stories laced with dark content—especially for children—will always spook whole flocks of eyebrows into concerned flight.

The Dark-Tinted, Truth-Filled Reading List We Owe Our Kids

The "content" of a book or film is parsed out, every bit of shadow flagged and sniffed at by mothers like they've discovered a malicious growth hormone in a suspicious chicken nugget. As an author who writes novels for children, I am often questioned about my choice of ingredients. A boy discovers and opens dozens of tiny magical doors. Una ética antigua, muy antigua. A Nelson Mandela Inspired Fantasy. In pondering the words and life of Nelson Mandela this morning, a strange thought experiment filled my imagination.

A Nelson Mandela Inspired Fantasy

I quickly dismissed it as impossible, but then realized the Mandela moment that inspirited the thought experiment was also considered impossible in its day. So maybe, just maybe … The event took place in 1995. Mandela had been president of South Africa for about a year, and he had been working for national reconciliation, but with half a century of brutal apartheid fresh in everyone's memory, it was slow going, as one can well imagine. But the Rugby World Cup would give Mandela an opportunity to put his money where his mouth was. This was the first World Cup that South Africa had been allowed to participate in since the end of apartheid—a boycott that Mandela himself had helped orchestrate.

Mandela had given the Springboks a new slogan, "One team, one country," but the reality was far from the slogan. No, Social Justice Isn't an Enemy of Evangelism. The Scary Truth About Christian Giving. Image: Photo courtesy of Craig Blomberg The Bible gives a two-sided portrayal of wealth: It is good, but it can seduce us into sin.

The Scary Truth About Christian Giving

The solution, according to New Testament scholar Craig L. Financial Pundit Explains How the Bible Helps Him Invest. Christian mgt.