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CH3SNAS:Tutorials/fun plug - NAS-Tweaks. This tutorial is outdated and no longer maintained! Please check for the current tutorial here The Conceptronic CH3SNAS runs an embedded version of the Linux operating system (OS). A better DNS-323... with fun_plug! Ok, so the DNS-323 is a cheap entry level file, print and upnp media server.

A better DNS-323... with fun_plug!

However, with the use of fun_plug, you can easily turn it into a something more! You can use it to run subversion, bittorrent, web server with PHP support (think dynamic websites!) , backup server and more! An excellent way to get started is to download and use the fun_plug package developed by Fonz. Learning the shell. Why do you need to learn the command line anyway? Well, let me tell you a story. Not long ago we had a problem where I used to work.

There was a shared drive on one of our file servers that kept getting full. I won't mention that this legacy operating system did not support user quotas; that's another story. But the server kept getting full and stopping people from working.