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Tailor Make Digital Surviving the Onslaught of the Panda & Penguin - Tailor Make Digital. The updates implemented by Google in their search algorithms have summoned a revolution of sorts in the way SEO services are provided. Google updated the search engine algorithms with the Panda and Penguin updates in February 2011 and April 2012 respectively. Instead of the keyword-stuffed garbage being peddled previously, writers are now forced to restructure their creative strengths to provide articles that are original and provide immense value addition to the reader. The content needs to provide relevant informative and the information needs to be conveyed in an easily readable format.

The Panda and Penguin updates from Google are the consequence of extensive abuse of SEO tactics by vested interests for short-term business gains. With the passage of time, the net had deteriorated into a breeding ground for phantom websites, low quality content, and completely irrelevant information. Tailor Make Digital Local SEO Marketing - Part 3 - Tailor Make Digital. In part 3 we continue to disclose some critical factors you need to prioritise in local SEO marketing campaigns. These points will help put your business on Google’s first page results. Also be sure to start fro Part 1 of Local SEO companies.

What new companies should be looking for with Local SEO marketing The initial and probably the most important thing a company needs to do is claim its local listings on Google places. There are two main Tools to help identify citations. Ways to get local business reviews It has become vital that you make sure you are providing each customer an opportunity to rate your business on Google places. In our final part we will conclude the tips required for successful local SEO marketing. Tailor Make Digital Google Now for Improved SEO Results Later - Tailor Make Digital. Google Authorship Presents Branding Opportunity for SMBs. Google authorship has made it easier for small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) to get their brands in front of prospective customers, because they can now have their brand represented alongside their content within Google’s search results.

Therefore, in addition to the potential ranking benefits that Google authorship provides, it also presents a great branding opportunity. Rel=Publisher and Rel=Author With the information from a company’s Google+ business page taking up 50 percent of the right side of the SERP (search engine results page), it’s easy to see how the rel=publisher tag enhances a brand in Google’s search results. However, in order for a user to see these enhanced results, they must search for that company by name and location, requiring that they already know the brand. Here are the ways Google authorship and the rel=author tag in particular can help increase an SMB's brand awareness, and also allow it to take advantage of brand recognition.

Increase Brand Awareness. My Little Secret To Assessing Link Value. So, I was just talking with my friend Keri. and she was voicing her frustration over how too many SEOs waste a lot of their time building content and links on services that are likely to be devalued or disappear all together. For example why the heck were so many upset with Squidoo for nofollowing links?? I mean seriously why would anyone use them to get links in the first place? This conversation got me thinking about how each SEO approaches the link building process from a different perspective, and valuing link prospects is sometimes a difficult task. There are many different ways to assess a prospect’s value. How much trust will the link transfer? While these three areas are what I typically look at, there’s only one question that really helps me answer all three. Social Media Links Leveraging social media is vital for internet marketing. Lesson: Social media links are easy to get, everyone will take advantage of them until they are all rendered useless.

Guest Post Links Wiki Links. Link Building: Get Relevant or Die Trying. A former member of Matt Cutts' search quality team was recently quoted as saying: "…getting a link from a high PR page used to always be valuable, today it's more the relevance of the site's theme in regards to yours, relevance is the new PR. " Now, the importance of on-topic links and contextual relevancy is really nothing new. But it's statements like "relevance is the new PR" (emphasis on "new"), aggressive Penguin refreshes and updates, the evolution of SERP behavior, and the devaluation of keyword anchor links that make it clear Google has and likely will continue to dial up the importance of domain and document-level link relevancy.

But why dial up relevancy? Theoretically, link relevancy helps to: Determine trust.Decipher the topic or context of a target document.Deliver relevant information in the right context (i.e., relevant query results).Sort out link spam. So as Google places more value on link relevancy, so should you. Links from irrelevant domains aren't bad, per se. Gasp! Google Sells Enhanced Campaign Benefits ... But Are SMBs Buying?

BIA/Kelsey's Leading in Local Conference in Boston this week spotlighted Google's Enhanced Campaigns among many themes. Its impact on mobile and local search was the focal point – following my last column, and leading up to SES New York where it will surely come up. Against a backdrop of mixed reactions to the new program, Kesh Patel, Strategic Partnership lead for Google's local channel sales division, characterized it as continued evolution into the multiscreen world that's a far cry from the one AdWords was first born into. "This is basically the largest [AdWords] overhaul since its inception," he said. "It's been re-imagined for many screens, making ads simpler in the contextual world we live in today, yet providing the right reporting and platform to work with.

" He went on to describe the three main tent poles of enhanced campaigns. Ad Placement: This includes focusing ad dollars on the context that matters, including time of day, proximity, and type of device. Third Party Affirmation. FTC Tightens Online Disclosure Requirements. HTTP 503: Handling site maintenance correctly for SEO. Sometimes, your site will need some downtime, so you can fix things or update plugins. Most of the time, this tends to be a relatively short period in which Google will most likely not attempt to crawl your website. However, in the case that you need more time to get things fixed, chances are much higher that GoogleBot might come for a visit and be confronted with a website that’s down. So how do we prevent Google from deranking your website? HTTP status codes and you For those not familiar with HTTP status codes, here’s a brief summary of the ones that apply to you when dealing with site maintenance: 200 OK.

Please note that Google will consider pages returning the 200 HTTP status code, despite there being an error (or very little content) on the page, as a “soft 404” in Google Search Console. Read more: ‘HTTP status codes’ » Telling Google you’re busy To overcome this potential longer loss of rankings, you need to return a 503 status code whenever working on a particular page. Pro-tips. Bruce Clay AU - The Value of Manual Submission in Search Engine Optimization - Natural SEO Marketing and Ranking Tips. The Directors of Bruce Clay Australia, Des Odell and Jeremy Bolt along with the President of Bruce Clay Inc, Bruce Clay are happy to announce that as of the 1st of July 2013, Bruce Clay Australia has been acquired by the Omnicom Media Group and will be known as Resolution Media Australia going forward.

Bruce Clay Australia will join the Resolution Media global search network to create a search and digital marketing business with over 70 people based in Australia, servicing existing Resolution Media and Bruce Clay Australia clients. Both Des Odell and Jeremy Bolt will remain as the joint CEO’s responsible for Resolution Media in Australia. Bruce Clay Australia was founded in 2006 in Australia by Jeremy Bolt and Des Odell. Since then the business has enjoyed significant growth delivering consulting services, training and technology into the local market. All Bruce Clay Australia staff and management will be transferring over to Resolution Media. About Resolution Media.

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Author information in search results - Webmaster Tools Help. Content Marketing. How Search Works - Interactive Inforgraphic from Google Inside Search. Google just published an amazing large scale interactive infographic titled How Search Works. It is one of their attempts to bring us closer to their work, unweil some mysteries and reassure us once again of their war on spam. The infographic is divided into three parts: 1. Crawling and Indexing 2. Algorithms 3. It tells a story for sure and it looks amazing, in simple ways this interactive infographic or a mini site tells a story of Google. Zac Grace Zac is a link building specialist and a seasoned SEO professional. More Posts - Website Copy the code below to your web site.

<a href=" title="How Search Works – Interactive Inforgraphic from Google Inside Search">How Search Works – Interactive Inforgraphic from Google Inside Search</a>

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What is SEO Cocitation? Each year SEO experts profess that SEO, as we knew it, is dead. They describe how the old tactics don't work and introduce new concepts formed from the latest Google algorithm update. But the more things change, the more they stay the same. Yes, links still matter a great deal for achieving rankings. But some other concepts that may seem outdated are reviving. SEO cocitation was a hot topic many years ago as Google introduced anti-spam updates geared toward devaluing links from poor-quality blog networks.

More recent discussions of cocitation have shifted the focus away from link juice and toward the words used around links. These factors are all gaining traction in the Google algorithm as Google evolves and becomes smarter at detected manufactured links (versus earned links). 1. Most webmasters obsess on inbound links, working feverishly to earn them from reputable sources. But this orientation can lead to link juice hoarding. 2. 3. 4. Website A Links To ---> Website C 5. Conclusions. Content Idea Generator.

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Tools Shoot Out - SEMPDX SearchFest. To The SEO Community: Keep Sharing, Stay Humble. As I’m writing this, the area that I live in (Kansas City) is getting nailed by a tremendous snow storm. On a break, I caught up on local news and was hearing about some local tow truck companies volunteering their time to help people who are stranded on the roads. They’re pulling them out of ditches and helping them get on their way home. It reminds me, somewhat, of the SEO industry.

I think it goes without saying that – for many – our reputation isn’t the best. A few bad apples spoil it for the rest of us. The same could be said for the towing industry. But, by and large, the SEO community does a lot of good things, too. There were no courses to learn SEO, when I was first introduced to the practice.

I was also helped by forums such as WebmasterWorld, attended SES conferences, got involved with the Dallas-Fort Worth Search Engine Marketing Association and networked. What I found was that the SEO community was very willing to share their knowledge and experiences. Tabke “gets it”. How Low Can #1 Go? (A Ranking Study) In the days of 10 blue links, getting a #1 ranking on Google was the ultimate goal. As advertising becomes more prominent, local and vertical results become more complex, and Knowledge Graph and other rich SERP features become more prevalent, though, a #1 ranking isn’t always what it used to be.

We’ve seen a lot of anecdotes over the past year or two, but I thought it was time to ask the question – where, on average, does a #1 Google ranking appear on the page? Visualizing 10,000 #1 Rankings I’ll dig into the methodology in a minute, but let’s cut right to the chase – we measured the vertical (Y) position of the #1 organic ranking across 10,000 keywords during business hours (roughly 10am-5pm ET) on Wednesday, February 12th. The following visualization shows what we found: Embed this image: <div style="width:604px;"><div><a target="_blank" href=" width="600" height="1037" alt="How Low Can #1 Go? " The Big “Winners” Baidu SEO: Optimising for a Chinese Target Audience. As is common knowledge, the vast population of over 1 billion in China paves the way for fantastic consumerism which we Westerners should become involved with.

All company’s need is to be recognised in order to succeed, and the best way to do this is through Search Engine Optimisation. However, when looking to heighten your company’s SEO in China, there are a few things you need to be weary of. Although Google is a large percentage of the world’s favoured search engine, this is not the case in China. Quite separately, only about 16% of Chinese internet users search the web via Google. Instead, the Chinese prefer to use the search engine Baidu. *Baidu held around 78.3% of the 500 million users in China during the first quarter of last year (2012). [*data from a research firm based in Beijing called Analysys International] 1. When you start looking into the world of Chinese SEO it is first vital to understand what keywords are going to be acknowledged and should be used on Baidu. 2. 3. 4. Enhanced campaigns for Google AdWords – CMX, testing and scenario building | non-linear thinking.

Google AdWords is a crucial part of digital marketing. Learning to optimize your Google AdWords campaigns will allow you the freedom to craft effective campaigns and turn website visitors into website converters. Last week, Google announced what has been described as the most significant change in Google Adwords since the advent of the auction. The three key components of the change: Advertisers will run one campaign across all devices – tablets, mobile, desktop Bids can be increased or decreased based on a number of variables – location, device, time of day Google will now report a new range of conversions including app downloads and click to call capabilities Most commentary has focused on how this change cynically boosts Google revenues or reduces the control that advertisers have over their advertising (both are true).

Both, at a glance, make a lot of sense. In neither of these cases is it immediately obvious how to leverage enhanced campaigns to deliver value. Five sure fire ways to screw up your next digital campaign. 1. Ignore the golden ratio The golden ratio refers to how much we ask a user to do in relation to the size of the outcome they get for doing it. The more difficult, obscure or ridiculous the better. For example, as a treat for pulling out their phone, downloading a QR code app and looking like a dick by scanning a poster at a bus stop, reward users with a visit to the homepage of your website, preferably scaled for desktop. Other top suggestions include getting users to switch on their webcams, make and upload their own videos and instal software to ‘experience the awesomeness of your augmented reality app’. 2. Keeping developers away from the project until they’re absolutely, totally required is imperative.

If you can, outsource all of the ‘low value grunt work’ to Bangalore or Manila. 3. Start here. If you’re running outdoor, tv, radio or print ads, I’m sure people will remember them and check your site just as soon as they’re back at the office anyway. 4. Let’s take this baby viral! 5. The Misleading Sinister Surge in Traffic Before Google Panda & Penguin Struck. How to Make Video a Successful Part of Your Content Marketing Strategy.