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Overlay. Animations. New Tools For Managing Screen Sizes. [This post is by Dianne Hackborn and a supporting cast of thousands; Dianne’s fingerprints can be found all over the Android Application Framework — Tim Bray] Android 3.2 includes new tools for supporting devices with a wide range of screen sizes.

New Tools For Managing Screen Sizes

One important result is better support for a new size of screen; what is typically called a “7-inch” tablet. This release also offers several new APIs to simplify developers’ work in adjusting to different screen sizes. This a long post. Padding & margin. Android: Screen Densities, Sizes, Configurations, and Icon Sizes. Android Button background image pressed/highlighted and disabled states without using multiple images. In Android, if you provide custom background images for buttons, you will lose the pressed and disabled image effects.

Android Button background image pressed/highlighted and disabled states without using multiple images

The common way to fix that is to provide additional images for those states. I’m lazy and I find this inconvenient especially during the prototyping phase of app development. To use this, just replace your original button declarations like this: To this: Here’s a sample output using this custom button: Android - ViewPager PagerAdapter not updating the View. Android - ViewPager fragments recreation, are resumed but not visible. Romain Guy. Commonsguy/cwac-endless. Le Monde Merveilleux des Images Extensibles (9-patchs)