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Android. Android 2.2 was unveiled a few days ago at Google I/O and the SDK is now available for download. Android 2.2 offers numerous improvements and new features and there is one I would like to talk about in detail, the new Capture PSD tool. Capture PSD can be found in HierarchyViewer and requires an emulator or phone running at least Android 2.2. If you are not familiar with HierarchyViewer, I encourage you to give it a try right now.

It is an extremely useful tool to inspect and debug user interfaces on Android devices. The screenshot below shows where you can access this new feature; after loading a view hierarchy, simply press the Capture PSD button in the toolbar: With Capture PSD you can generate a Photoshop file from a running Android application. The generated document contains every view that draws as a separate layer. Each layer is named either after the id of the corresponding view, or after the class name of the view. Codedependent. Daniel Lew's Coding Thoughts. Cyril Mottier. The CommonsBlog — Home. The Android Dual-Screen Landscape Free Webinar My “Gradle for Android… And You!” Free webinar has proven popular, with over 300 registered attendees. So, I am offering another one: “The Android Dual-Screen Landscape”.

This presentation focuses on how you get your Android app, on a phone or tablet, to push content or otherwise interact with televisions, monitors, projectors, and the like. As with the Gradle free webinar, this dual-screen webinar is suitable for managers and developers, as it is mostly describing the possibilities, with basic programming overviews, not down-in-the-weeds details. I’m scheduling this one now for May and June, mostly in support of The Dual-Screen App Challenge, a developer challenge for writing apps that directly connect to external displays, via MHL, HDMI, and so forth. If you are interested in attending this free 30-minute webinar, sign up!. —Apr 22, 2014 Gradle for Android... About a month ago, I announced a free 30-minute Webinar on Gradle for Android.