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Developing Backbone.js Applications - By Addy Osmani (@addyosmani) Available free for open-source reading below or for purchase via the O'Reilly store.

Developing Backbone.js Applications -

Pull requests and comments always welcome. Prelude Not so long ago, “data-rich web application” was an oxymoron. Today, these applications are everywhere and you need to know how to build them. Hello Backbone.js Tutorial. Shameless advertisement: Don't forget to check out Agility.js, a simpler alternative to Backbone.js.

Hello Backbone.js Tutorial

Hello Backbone is a simple Backbone.js tutorial comprised of self-explanatory "hello world" examples of increasing complexity. It was designed to provide a smoother transition from zero to the popular Todos example. Backbone.js offers a lean MVC framework for organizing your Javascript application. It leads to more maintainable code by untangling the "spaghetti" of callbacks tied to different parts of the DOM and the backend server that often arises in rich client-side applications. Backbone.js Tutorials. Nailing the Interactions on Pageless Apps (with Backbone.js) Underscore.js. Backbone.js.