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Claud Butler bilaminates. Author Martin Vincent Claud Butler himself, never a man to understate the case when it came to promoting his own products, had this to say about bi-laminated frames: The bi-laminated frame is 'The greatest advance in frame building technique since the evolution of the safety bicycle. 25 per cent stronger than the ordinary brazed joint, as proved by official NPL (National Physical Laboratory) tensile test.

Claud Butler bilaminates

Enables me to build your frame to any desired angles (if practical) without lug pulling. Proved sound by practical demonstration on the roads and tracks of the World, including all post-war World's Championships and Olympic Games series. Claud Butler - King of Lightweights. Author: David Palk Claud Butler is perhaps the only high-quality British lightweight marque that was ever widely recognised outside of the club cycling world.

Claud Butler - King of Lightweights

It is a name that has been familiar to every British cycling enthusiast from the early thirties to the present day. So why is this marque so special and what made it stand head-and-shoulders above a myriad of highly competitive rivals? NewAllrounder51.jpg (JPEG Image, 763 × 1322 pixels) - Scaled (65%) Get inspired. Get motivated. Practice. Improve your drawing skills!