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Humans of the world, unite: Tech automation could destroy half of all jobs in 20 years. You’ve heard the predictions that robots are coming after your job. But when one of the world’s big banks says it, it’s time to pay attention Startup entrepreneurs are fond of talking about how their business idea will “change the world,” or “disrupt an industry.”

While some of this talk is bravado, it contains a kernel of truth, as successful tech companies like Google, Facebook, Apple and Uber have certainly transformed their own and other industries. But when social forecasters take these claims a step further and suggest that technology is disrupting society, that it is rendering workers redundant or exacerbating inequality, many in the tech world are quick to shout or Tweet their objections. “No, no!” They say. In other words, every single sector of the economy will be disrupted, but the social structure will remain intact. But reality doesn’t always conform to our wishful thinking. Image Credit: Citi/Oxford University Innovation is necessary Digital innovation is destroying jobs. A Robot Stole My Job: Automation in the Recession.

A Robot Stole My Job: Automation in the Recession Rosie the Robot the Riveter Are robots creating a jobless recovery? A recent forecast by the UCLA Anderson School of Business echoes a common refrain in economic circles: as the economy recovers, jobs might not. The report, released last week, expects that the nation’s GDP will continue to pick up steam next year, but that unemployment will likely remain above 9% for most of 2011. Among their reasons for slow job growth? During recessions, industries look for ways to cut expenses and boost efficiency – and one way to do that is by replacing workers with automation. The prospect of jobless recovery is supported by two recent trends, pointed out by Leamer: first, that the GDP has been recovering without much relief for the unemployed, and second, that as companies work to maximize efficiency, workers are getting fewer hours.

Detractors see the increasing automation of labor unhinging our economy altogether. It’s a complex debate. 40 procent banen op de tocht door opkomst robot | Werk. Asscher: robotisering vooral bedreiging voor lagere inkomens | Wetenschap. Viewpic.php. 141017_MANIFEST_DIGITALE_FABRICATIE_EN_DE_STAD_DEF03.pdf. Het verdwijnende midden | Fondsnieuws. In 2007 verscheen het boek ‘Supercapitalism’ van de Amerikaanse econoom Robert Reich. Hij geeft in dit boek aan dat er een conflict dreigt tussen de staatsvorm democratie en het economisch systeem kapitalisme. Een mens heeft meerdere rollen: burger, consument en werknemer (of werkgever). Een burger van een land heeft idealen, een consument is gebaat bij zo goedkoop mogelijke producten en een werknemer wil graag een goede boterham verdienen.

Als burger zijn we tegen kinderarbeid, maar we kopen graag een goedkope spijkerbroek. We vinden het akelig dat de bakker en de slager op de hoek verdwijnen, maar kopen toch ons brood en vlees bij de Lidl omdat het zo lekker goedkoop is. Automatisering Tot halverwege de jaren zeventig waren deze rollen goed te verenigen, maar onder druk van technologische verandering en globalisering verdwijnt het evenwicht. Deze en andere arbeidsplaatsen waarin een bepaalde mate van routine zit, zijn echter goeddeels verdwenen. 'De automatisering bedreigt de hele middenklasse' | Martin Sommer. About | Theboxcarkids's Blog. Banengroei VS veel groter dan verwacht. De werkgelegenheid in de Verenigde Staten is in januari harder gestegen dan verwacht.

De toename van het aantal banen was weliswaar kleiner dan in december, maar in die maand kwamen er bij nader inzien veel meer banen bij dan eerder gemeld. Dat maakt het Amerikaanse ministerie van Arbeid bekend. In totaal werden er in januari 257.000 banen gecreëerd in de Amerikaanse economie, exclusief de landbouwsector. Dat is meer dan de 237.000 nieuwe banen waarom in de markt was gerekend. Het aantal banen in de private sector steeg met 267.000. December veel beter dan eerder gedachtVolgens een nieuwe schatting kwamen er in december 329.000 banen bij.

Ook november al beter dan gedachtVoor november werd eerder 353.000 gerapporteerd, toen ook al een bijstelling, dit is uiteindelijk 423.000 geworden. Werkloosheid stijgt lichtDe werkloosheid in 's werelds grootste economie steeg onverwacht licht naar 5,7 procent. Belangrijk cijfer is ook het gemiddelde uurloon in verband met de inflatie. Kenworthy.pdf. Poverty dropped but household incomes didn’t rise, Census Bureau says. The nation’s poverty rate dipped slightly last year as more Americans shifted from part-time work to full-time jobs, but wages barely kept up with inflation so there was no significant change to incomes, according to Census Bureau statistics released Tuesday. The new census figures reflect a nation that is still struggling to emerge from the severe recession that officially ended almost five years ago. Poverty, though in decline, remains high. The increase in jobs has not affected the degree of income inequality. And median wages have been stuck at the same level since 2009.

If there was a silver lining, it was in the poverty numbers. The official poverty rate in 2013 was 14.5 percent, down from 15 percent in 2012. That was the first time the rate has declined since 2006, a year before the recession began. The improvement was notable among families and, particularly, Hispanics. Poverty also was down among white and Asian children, but not for African American children. Login.

Alleviating the middle-class squeeze. Republican politicians talk about “growth” and “tax reform.” Both parties talk about “jobs.” Instead, pols would be wise to start talking about take-home pay and the middle-class squeeze. Sen. Marco Rubio (Alex Wong/Getty Images) Unemployment is high, but most voters have jobs. Two economists often cited by Democrats have it right on this one, as the Hill reports: “Most people have a job, and their perspective on the economy is determined by whether they got a raise, and if so, how big,” said Mark Zandi, chief economist with Moody’s Analytics.

Yes, the Obama years have been hard on the middle class. In short, under Obama poverty has increased and the middle class feels besieged. On the tax side, that may include a larger child tax credit, as Stein recommends. An alternative solution would be to directly correct for the anti-parent bias in the Social Security payroll tax system itself. ‘Happy Days’ no more: Middle-class families squeezed as expenses soar, wages stall. On a routine drive to the beauty salon, Robin Johnson had one of those life-happens moments: Her 13-year-old Durango, with 200,000 miles on the odometer, overheated and started sputtering.

Convinced that the car was on its last legs, Robin and Scott Johnson scrutinized their already-tight family budget, looking for a way to fit in car payments. The couple from Culpeper, Va., were already masters at scrimping. At Christmastime, Robin unexpectedly needed prescription eyeglasses, so gifts came from a discount store. The couple spent the day before Thanksgiving price-checking turkeys at three stores. But reliable transportation was not a luxury, so in late February the couple bought a used 2012 Dodge Caliber. As a result, they’ve fallen behind in the electric bills for March and April. The Johnsons both work, earning $90,000 between them, not a princely sum but one that places the couple squarely in the middle of household incomes for the Washington region.

Robin Johnson sets the bar higher. Middle class shrinks, feels squeeze. Can we stop gas prices from squeezing the middle class? Basic economics suggests that when the price of something goes up, people use less of it or switch to alternatives. But when it comes to driving, that’s not easy. In 2011, as gas prices have risen, Americans have cut back on fuel consumption by about 1.8 percent. But that’s not nearly enough to offset the price increase: overall gas expenditures still rose 25 percent over the past year, or $102 billion. That essentially wiped out all of the benefits from President Obama’s middle-class tax cut. (Jonathan Alcorn/Bloomberg) That scary stat — and more like it — comes from the New America Foundation’s Energy Trap project, which unveiled a new report today.

At a New America event this morning, Lisa Margonelli laid out the basic situation. Based on the interviews New America did, Margonelli argued that many Americans increasingly see cars as a necessary evil rather than a symbol of freedom. So are there better ideas? - The Washington Post. The vise on the middle class tightened last year, driving down its share of the income pie as the number of Americans in poverty leveled off and the most affluent households saw their portion grow, new census data released Wednesday showed. Income inequality increased by 1.6 percent, the Census Bureau said in its annual report on poverty, income and health insurance.

This was the biggest one-year increase in almost two decades and suggested that a trend in place since the late 1970s was picking up steam. As a snapshot of a nation recovering from one of its worst recessions ever, the census report had both shadows and highlights. Median household income declined $777, to $50,054 before taxes. But the poverty rate, which many experts had predicted would rise to rates unseen in nearly half a century, inched down a hair to 15 percent, a decline of about 100,000 people.

For many economists, the most troubling statistics were those on income inequality underscoring the middle-class squeeze. New data confirm higher income inequality and stagnant earnings, any way you cut it. By Jared BernsteinNovember 24, 2014 Jared Bernstein, a former chief economist to Vice President Biden, is a senior fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and author of "Crunch: Why Do I Feel So Squeezed? " among other books. Source: CBO. The bars show the increase in the Gini coefficient, a measure of income inequality, using before tax and after tax-and-transfer data.

Though they’re less common than climate-change deniers, there are still some talking heads who argue that once you include the impact of taxes and government transfers, like Social Security income or the value of food stamps, the trend of increasing income inequality is significantly altered. They often cite the CBO’s comprehensive income series to make their case (and often frame this as proof that famed inequality scholar Thomas Piketty is wrong). Our paper has the details, but here are the highlights: Source: Bernstein and Spielberg analysis of CBO data. Vuilnisdienst krijgt 100.000 sollicitatiebrieven.

Untitled. Clas_mobility.pdf. Anti-immigrant Sentiment and the Problem of Reproduction/Maintenance in Mexican Immigration to the United States. The American dream and today's reality: Lucas - Discovery Service. Americans think in blunt terms. So when we turn our attention to the convulsive financial shocks that have rattled our nation during the past two decades, we divide one another into either winners or losers, victors or victims, of the times. Too often, though, our confident opinions are backed by little more than stray statistics and dinner-party chatter. To wit: We saw millions of Americans desert mid-priced stores like Sears to scour Wal-Mart for bargains, and grew to believe that the middle class was shrinking while the lower classes were growing.

We read that imprisoned financier Michael Milken earned as much as $1.5 million a day while the homeless crowded our city streets, so we accepted reports that the rich got richer while the poor got poorer. Certainly there are kernels of truth in these oft-repeated ``lessons'' of the past 20 years. The middle class did indeed shrink -- but because more Americans got richer, not poorer. The result: more kids in poverty.