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Books on same-sex marriage. Gay Marriage: Reimagining Church History. Notice to Reader: "The Boards of both CERC Canada and CERC USA are aware that the topic of homosexuality is a controversial one that deeply affects the personal lives of many North Americans. Both Boards strongly reiterate the Catechism's teaching that people who self-identify as gays and lesbians must be treated with 'respect, compassion, and sensitivity' (CCC #2358). The Boards also support the Church's right to speak to aspects of this issue in accordance with her own self-understanding. Articles in this section have been chosen to cast light on how the teachings of the Church intersect with the various social, moral, and legal developments in secular society. CERC will not publish articles which, in the opinion of the editor, expose gays and lesbians to hatred or intolerance.

" It may surprise readers of this journal to learn that he is probably right — depending on what the ceremony means. Same-Sex Unions in Premodern Europe. By John Boswell. LGBT History - Archive Sources - LGBT History - Archive Sources - Research Guides at Washington University Libraries. Homosexuality and Mental Health. Hooker administered three projective tests (the Rorschach, Thematic Apperception Test [TAT], and Make-A-Picture-Story [MAPS] Test) to 30 homosexual males and 30 heterosexual males recruited through community organizations. The two groups were matched for age, IQ, and education. None of the men were in therapy at the time of the study. Unaware of each subject's sexual orientation, two independent Rorschach experts evaluated the men's overall adjustment using a 5-point scale.

They classified two-thirds of the heterosexuals and two-thirds of the homosexuals in the three highest categories of adjustment. When asked to identify which Rorschach protocols were obtained from homosexuals, the experts could not distinguish respondents' sexual orientation at a level better than chance. A third expert used the TAT and MAPS protocols to evaluate the psychological adjustment of the men. Hooker's findings have since been replicated by many other investigators using a variety of research methods. Gender Bender: Mary Masquerades as Murray. Most people have a clear stereotype of the urban political boss of the early 20th century, and in many ways Murray Hall, a leader of New York City’s notorious “Tammany Hall,” was its embodiment. Hall was known as a poker-playing, cigar-chomping, whiskey-drinking, “man about town.” But in one significant way, Hall departed from the stereotype: she was actually a woman (by the name of Mary Anderson) who “passed” as a man for more than a quarter century.

Tragically, Hall died of untreated breast cancer and her deception was only discovered at her death in 1901. “Passing” was a strategy that some lesbians (a term that was not in use at that time) used both to avoid public condemnation and to increase their earnings so that they could live independently. It could also be an assertion of political independence—Hall managed to vote and serve as a political leader in an era when women were denied the franchise. New York Times, January 18, 1901: Dr.

Dr. New York Times, January 19, 1901: Murray H. 2013 Supreme Court Hearings on DOMA/Prop 8. Archive-It Skip Navigation Login The leading web archiving service for collecting and accessing cultural heritage on the web Built at the Internet Archive 2013 Supreme Court Hearings on DOMA/Prop 8 Collected by: Internet Archive Global Events Archived since: Mar, 2013 Description: News articles, blogs, organizational websites, and social media related to the 2013 Supreme Court hearings and subsequent rulings for the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and California's Proposition 8.

Subject: Government - US Federal, Politics & Elections, Government - National Narrow Your Results There are no further ways to narrow your results. Sites for this collection are listed below. Clear Page 1 of 2 (105 Total Results)Next Page ► Sort By: Videos: 430 Videos Captured Videos: 190 Videos Captured Loading Wayback Capture Info... Videos: 1151 Videos Captured Videos: 39102 Videos Captured Videos: 490 Videos Captured. Internet History Sourcebooks Project.

People with a History: An Online Guide to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans* History Site Maintainer: Paul Halsall ©1997 Introduction People with a History presents the history of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgendered people [=LGBT]. It includes hundreds of original texts, discussions, and [soon] images, and addresses LGBT history in all periods, and in all regions of the world.

Browse the Contents guide below to access a series of large index pages which will then link you directly to the texts and images that interest you. In addition to texts, the site includes other aides to help you study, or just make sense of LGBT history - note especially the guide to online bibliographies and the onsite bibliography [which is the most up-to-date and complete bibliography of LGBT history available] If you want to learn more about the goals behind this site, see the introductory chapters Introductory Chapter and if you wish to get straight (!)

Contents. "All These Mean Dykes Standing Around:"Shelley Ettinger Describes the Lesbian and Gay Community of the 1970s. The women’s movement of the 1970’s sent shock-waves through every corner of American life, transforming the way people thought about families, jobs, and every day interactions. By questioning traditional sex roles, feminism also encouraged the growth of the gay and lesbian rights movement. Previously, many gay men and lesbians had concealed their sexuality, but the 1970’s witnessed the growth of assertive and visible gay and lesbian alternative cultures. As a college student at the University of Michigan and a union activist within the city bus company, Shelley Ettinger remembered living and participating in an active, assertive lesbian culture during the mid-1970’s. Although gay men and lesbians still faced harassment and discrimination, they were no longer afraid to express their identities or to speak out against bias and discrimination.

Listen to Audio: ETTINGER: About 1975 I lived in a house with a bunch of lesbians on the west side of Ann Arbor. Out Of The Past. Making Gay History: The Half Century Fight for Lesbian and Gay Equal Rights: Eric Marcus: 9780060933913: Making Gay History: The Half Century Fight for Lesbian and Gay Equal Rights: Eric Marcus: 9780060933913: