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The 4 Words That Will Get Your Email Opened. 40 Questions You Need to Ask Every Copywriting Client. How to Seduce Your Subscribers To Buy Your Products. More Traffic, more readers, more subscribers. You’re familiar with that mantra. And I’m guessing you want to convert each of those into customers. The problem is, some people build an audience and never ask them to buy anything. Then, other people hit their readers with offers hard, fast, and so frequently that they lose their readership almost instantly. But then, there are those who seduce.

Seducers are selling all the time, but unlike the “sell sell sell!” Business owners, they know how to subtly and tastefully train their audience from day one to: Get hooked on the seducerAnticipate and want future offersSign up (happily) for the offers that are made If you want to become a master seducer of your audience, remember these 3 things: 1. You know that every sale or promotion (even a free one) is not about you, it’s about what your audience wants. Sounds obvious, yet I consistently see: All is not lost, though. For example: 2. I’ll explain. It’s seductive because: 3. Why Companies Should Create a Business Blog. By Guest Author This is a guest post by Nick Stamoulis. If you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guidelines here. A major component of SEO is content marketing: developing well-written, quality content and submitting it to content distribution sites for publication. It not only helps establish you or your company as an expert in your given industry, it also helps raise brand awareness and creates credible in-bound links to your website.

But Google’s recent crackdown on “content farms”–websites that produce low quality, republished or spammy content–means that content marketing has taken a hit. Now, more than ever, companies should be creating, publishing and promoting a company blog. Here are a few more reasons to create a company blog if you have yet to do so: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The key thing to remember about having a business blog is that you have to actually use it. Wanna make money with your own website? 26 Ways to Engage With Customers Using Video. Are you using video to connect with customers and prospects? Videos will enhance client communication and collaboration, and help support and drive new business. In this post we’ll cover 26 ways you can engage and interact with your customers by using video in several different forms. Like its predecessors in the five A-Z guides published here on Social Media Examiner—Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, blogs and Lead Generation—we’ll cover a lot of territory and introduce solutions to give you ideas about where you may want to spend time exploring video options for your business.

A to Z Guide to Using Video #1: Apple’s FaceTime Apple’s FaceTime has created an important new option for video calls. Sameer Patel of the Sovos Group says, “Whether it’s for customer or employee communication… voice, video, conferencing and virtual meetings are front and center to how organizations look at collaboration.” Show your face to clients and colleagues on Apple’s FaceTime #2: Behind the Scenes #3: Case Studies.

5 Tips for Running a Part-Time Business. As the saying goes, don't quit your day job. Launching a part-time business can be just as rewarding—and potentially as profitable—as full-time entrepreneurship. It can also reduce many of the financial risks associated with entrepreneurship while you continue to generate income and maintain the benefits from your full-time job. "Chicken entrepreneurship," as Michael Masterson puts it in his book Seven Years to Seven Figures, is becoming an increasingly popular, and feasible, way to start your business. "I think there are thousands and thousands of potential chicken entrepreneurs out there in the world, dreaming of quitting their jobs and starting their own businesses, but afraid to do so," he wrote in a recent article.

Dig Deeper: How Launch Your Dream Company Running a Part-Time Business: Understand Your Investment The first thing you must define is what exactly "part-time" means to you. Dig Deeper: Part-Time, But Fully Committed Dig Deeper: How to Run a Business From Home. Too Much On Your ‘Plate’? MindMap Your Way to Sanity | Original Impulse Blog. As usual, you’re juggling a lot of things at once. You’re managing creative projects, work projects, family projects. You have a lot on your plate but you get lost in the daily details. You keep adding more and because you don’t have a sense of the whole, you live in a state of overwhelm and stress.

The problem? You don’t have a solid sense of everything that you’ve committed to, so you keep saying yes. The solution is simple. Draw a visual of your ‘plate.’ February's Plate, Mapped At the end of the month, do a plate map for the following month. I don’t list ongoing things like client work, administrative work, or miscellaneous things like commenting on blogs and in forums.

Seeing my big projects on the page helps me know when I’ve taken on too much. When new opportunities arise, I can check my plate map to see if I can truly add anything more. At the end of the month, I go back to the page and check in to see if I completed my projects. Here’s a bonus.