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French grammar/literature/research

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Ancient/Medieval French. Poetry. Literature. Colle Fran&aise - StumbleUpon. French dictionaries/translators. Grammar Research. Grammaire Française Interactive, Orthographe et Conjugaison – Reverso. Index: la grammaire de l'absurde. Subjunctive or Indicative? The Subjunctivator! French Subjunctive Tool. By Laura K.

Subjunctive or Indicative? The Subjunctivator! French Subjunctive Tool

Lawless, The Subjunctivator helps improve your knowledge of which French verbs and expressions take the subjunctive. French Verb Timeline. French Subjunctive - Subjonctif. The subjunctive mood is used to express actions or ideas which are subjective or otherwise uncertain: will/wanting, emotion, doubt, possibility, necessity, judgment.

French Subjunctive - Subjonctif

It is nearly always found in dependent clauses introduced by que or qui, and the subjects of the dependent and main clauses are usually different. Je veux que tu le fasses. I want you to do it.