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These Photos Are Actually Paintings | Raw File. Louis K. Meisel likes to let you know that he doesn’t care for famous graffiti artist Jean-Michel Basquiat’s paintings — which sell for millions of dollars — because he thinks they don’t show much skill. “People don’t buy Basquiat’s work because they like what it looks like,” Meisel says. “It’s all a big distortion.” What Meisel does like is a genre of painters called the Photorealists. For decades he’s been collecting, selling and promoting the Photorealists and he’s also produced four different books that document this art movement. For Meisel, the Photorealists’ value lies in their technical proficiency and quality. He’s such a large part of the genre that he came up with a five-point definition to clarify exactly what exactly qualifies as Photorealism. 1. Some Photorealists’ paintings are highly detailed but still obviously paintings.

“The so-called cultural elite may from time to time confuse the issue, but eventually truth will endure,” he writes in the new book. Tägliche neue Designprodukte und Design-Inspirationen.


Artshop77 (Artshop77) Bent objects ou les désopilantes natures mortes de Terry Border » Article » OWNI, Digital Journalism. C'est fou la poésie et l'humour que l'artiste américain Terry Border insuffle aux objets les plus quotidiens et aux aliments, à l'aide de simples fils de fer. Sélection de scénettes. Billet initialement publié sur Petite fille chic McDonald’s utilisé comme matière à sculpture Ouais, c’est de là qu’elles viennent. Dancing Queens Petit-déjeuner à l’anglaise Sylvia Muffin a mis sa tête dans le four. L’introverti Bananes au lit – Glissons-nous jusqu’au lit. Tu dis noir, je dis blanc. Fruit avec une expérience de la vie. Les zombies aiment quand les cacahuètes croustillent Poire modeste Interprétations littéraires. Le journal, une protection pour jeune chiot Un petit chat gribouille Crédits photos : Terry Border sur Bentobjects. Exposition Monet 2010 - RMN - Grand Palais - Paris.


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