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Nautilus script to push files to S3 in python. April 09, 2012 16:58/0 comments/ python scripting Sometimes I want to push a file on my harddrive to S3 for safe keeping.

Nautilus script to push files to S3 in python

I wrote a little script for nautilus which appears in the context menu to push files to a specific S3 bucket. It uses the boto library and looks like this: The World's Most Customizable Online Chat Software - Envolve. So you want to write a fast Python? Posted July 10th, 2011.

So you want to write a fast Python?

Thinking about writing your own Python implementation? Congrats, there are plenty out there , but perhaps you have something new to bring to the table. Writing a fast Python is a pretty hard task, and there's a lot of stuff you need to keep in mind, but if you're interested in forging ahead, keep reading! First, you'll need to write yourself an interpreter. A static compiler for Python doesn't have enough information to do the right things , and a multi-stage JIT compiler is probably more trouble than it's worth .