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Growth Hacker is the new VP Marketing. The rise of the Growth Hacker The new job title of “Growth Hacker” is integrating itself into Silicon Valley’s culture, emphasizing that coding and technical chops are now an essential part of being a great marketer.

Growth Hacker is the new VP Marketing

Growth hackers are a hybrid of marketer and coder, one who looks at the traditional question of “How do I get customers for my product?” And answers with A/B tests, landing pages, viral factor, email deliverability, and Open Graph. On top of this, they layer the discipline of direct3 marketing, with its emphasis on quantitative measurement, scenario modeling via spreadsheets, and a lot of database queries. If a startup is pre-product/market fit, growth hackers can make sure virality is embedded at the core of a product. After product/market fit, they can help run up the score on what’s already working.

This isn’t just a single role – the entire marketing team is being disrupted. Airbnb, a case studyLet’s use case of Airbnb to illustrate this mindset. Why I doubted Facebook could build a billion dollar business, and what I learned from being horribly wrong. Facebook, early 2006Sometimes, you need to be horribly, embarrassingly wrong to remind yourself to keep an open mind.

Why I doubted Facebook could build a billion dollar business, and what I learned from being horribly wrong

This is my story of my failure to understand Facebook’s potential. In 2006, I was working on a new ad network business that experimented a lot with targeting ads with social network data, broadly known as “retargeting” now. The idea was that we’d be able to take your interests and target advertising towards them, which would lead to higher CPMs. As part of this project, we did a meeting with Facebook when they were ~12 people. I had read bits and pieces about the company in the news, but since I was a few years out of college, I hadn’t used their product much.

We met the Facebook team at their office right next to the Sushitomo on University Ave. Ultimately, we didn’t get to work with them though we did eventually sign 1000s of publishers including MySpace, AOL, Wall St. Facebook was growing fast- very fast, and impressively handled by a super young team (like me!) Le prix n'est pas la seule motivation pour acheter via les ventes groupées.

Le succès de Groupon ne s'explique pas uniquement par une politique de prix agressive, mais également par un ensemble de micro-incitations à l'achat.

Le prix n'est pas la seule motivation pour acheter via les ventes groupées

Pour toucher le plus de consommateurs, Groupon tente d'optimiser certains paramètres dans la gestion de ses "deals", à savoir l'agressivité des publicités sur une offre, la durée de la disponibilité de l'offre ou encore l'heure et le jour à laquelle elle est proposée. Pour comprendre ce système d'optimisation des ventes sur le site, une analyse de données a été réalisée par des chercheurs des universités de Boston et Harvard. Cette dernière montre que plus le prix d'un deal est élevé, plus Groupon rendra cette offre disponible longtemps, même si elle sera moins vendue, et cela quelque soit la zone géographique.

En effet, les internautes achètent plus difficilement des produits aux prix élevés et il faut donc leur laisser le temps. Le prix n'est pas la seule motivation pour acheter via les ventes groupées.