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Building GUIs with Julia, Tk, and Cairo, Part I. This is the first of two blog posts designed to walk users through the process of creating GUIs in Julia. Those following Julia development will know that plotting in Julia is still evolving, and one could therefore expect that it might be premature to build GUIs with Julia.

My own recent experience has taught me that this expectation is wrong: compared with building GUIs in Matlab (my only previous GUI-writing experience), Julia already offers a number of quite compelling advantages. We’ll see some of these advantages on display below. We’ll go through the highlights needed to create an image viewer GUI. Before getting into how to write this GUI, first let’s play with it to get a sense for how it works. It’s best if you just try these commands yourself, because it’s difficult to capture things like interactivity with static text and pictures.

You’ll need the ImageView package: Pkg.add("ImageView") First let’s try it with a photograph. Display(img, pixelspacing = [1,1]) OK, nice. The Julia Blog. Using Julia in the classroom. Julia is ready for the classroom. We encourage instructors to participate in the Julia community resources for questions about Julia or specific packages. Classes using Julia for teaching Julia is now being used in several university courses in North America. If you know of other classes using Julia for teaching, please drop us a note.

Stanford University, Spring 2014 AA222, Introduction to Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (Prof. For a quick introduction to Julia, see these introductory slides. Steve Johnson maintains an excellent resource for using Julia in the classroom at MIT. Installing Julia The Julia and IPython teams have collaborated to develop IJulia, which provides a powerful graphical notebook interface to Julia. Julia binaries are available for Mac and Windows. Julia tutorials Topical material Julia packages The Julia community has put together a number of packages spanning multiple disciplines. The Julia manual Videos. Julia Studio - Home. The Julia Language.