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OpenTK. February 2013. I'm just messing around in OpenTK for a while I wait for things to pick up. Random colored boxes was something that was a fad in WAYWO a while back, so I thought it'd be a decent post-hello world thing. Then I took it further, loading textures into it: Then I did one last thing, making a basic light that follows the mouse: Learn OpenTK in 15' So, you have downloaded the latest version of OpenTK - what now?

This is a short tutorial that will help you get started with OpenTK in 3 simple steps. [Step 1: Installation] Run the installer you downloaded. It will ask where you want OpenTK to be installed. Any folder will do. [Step 2: Use OpenTK] Create a new project in your .NET IDE (don't have a .NET IDE? Now, add a reference to OpenTK.dll: In your new project, right click "References" and select "Add Reference". Repeat this process for System.Drawing.dll. Now you are ready to add some graphics! Build and run this application. [Step 3: Play] Now it's time to start playing with the code. Every OpenTK game will contain 4 basic methods: Load: this is the place to load resources from disk, like images or music.UpdateFrame: this is a suitable place to handle input, update object positions, run physics or AI calculations.RenderFrame: this contains the code that renders your graphics.

Why don't you try modifying a few things? [Step: next] AForge.NET :: Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics. VS Cloud.