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PowerShell in Windows–A Nice Feature List. 25 Cool Windows 7 Keyboard Tricks That Will Impress Your Friends. Advertisement Anyone working professionally with a computer has their hands on the keyboard most of the time. Reaching for the mouse can be an annoying disturbance and personally I often turn over my mouse in such situations. An easy solution is to simply keep the hands on the keyboard and complete as many tasks as possible with keyboard shortcuts only. Apart from making you work more efficiently and faster, you can also impress your friends or colleagues by being able to work without a mouse. This article describes some cool Windows 7 keyboard tricks to get you started. In the end you might never want to take your hands off the keyboard again. For your convenience, more keyboard shortcut resources are attached at the bottom.

Note that some of these shortcuts will only work if Windows Aero is enabled. Aero Shortcuts [Windows] + [Spacebar] (Aero Peek) Make all open windows transparent to view gadgets and icons on desktop. [Windows] + [D] (Aero Peek) Show or hide the desktop. Windows & Taskbar. Excellent Analytics - Free Google Analytics Excel Plug-In. About Excellent Analytics “I’ve been using GA for quite some time and fetching data from GA was the most boring part of the job.

But with Excellent Analytics, things became interesting again. [..] Thanks for bringing out such a great tool. Great work!” - user comment Excellent Analytics is an Excel addin that lets you import web analytics data from Google Analytics into a spreadsheet. Automate more of your reporting process, and spend time on analysis instead. Excellent Analytics exists in two versions: open source (the one you can read about on this page) and Pro (which is sold by Next Analytics and is based on a completely different codebase.) The Pro (paid) version from Next Analytics is updated more frequently, and there are no guarantees provided for the open source version. Excellent Analytics has been around since 2009.

Download Excellent Analytics To download the open source version, click here. Why is this page hosted on Support? License Excellent Analytics functionality. 40 Useful Online Generators For Web Designers - Noupe Design Blog. Oct 11 2010 Generators can be a great way to save time in your web design projects. High-quality generators can create graphics or code or even layouts in a matter of seconds or minutes, things that might take an hour or more if done by hand. Below are some useful generators to help you speed up your web design process. There’s everything from color scheme tools to complete layout generators included. If you know of other useful generators out there, please share in the comments! Color Schemes A good color scheme is the cornerstone of a good website design.

Color Scheme Designer 3Color Scheme Designer 3 has a really fantastic user interface that’s both attractive and easy to use. ColorSchemer Online V2ColorSchemer lets you create color palettes around RGB or HEX values, or using a color selector tool. KulerAdobe’s Kuler is one of the best color scheme tools available, with multiple options for both creating and finding color schemes. Layouts There are CSS generators for almost everything. Répertoire de flux RSS. Aweber ou Feedburner comme outil d’emailing ? On ne se le cachera pas, le marketing par email est une arme redoutable pour qui sait s’en servir.

Certains marketeurs américains (et de plus en plus de français) n’utilisent d’ailleurs que ca pour vendre. Combiné avec une landing page ou une squeeze page. Mais alors, que faut-il utiliser : Feedburner ou Aweber ? La réponse est dans l’utilisation que vous en faites. Les avantages: -c’est gratuit, peu importe si vous avez 4 abonnés ou 400 000. Les inconvénients: -pas de possibilité d’envoyer de message publicitaire 1 fois par semaine ou de mail unique à vos abonnés de newsletter sans qu’il apparaisse d’abord sur votre blog. Les avantages : Les inconvénients : -à part le fait que ce soit payant, j’en vois aucun. En résumé: Pour une utilisation avec un blog et si vous n’avez rien à vendre ou que ce n’est pas votre objectif principal, je vous conseille Feedburner.

Mon utilisation personnelle: sur ce blog il hors de question dans le moment que je mette Aweber.