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Engagement et motivation

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Fierté, confiance et plaisir : les 3 piliers de l'engagement des collaborateurs. Les 3 piliers de l’engagement Il existe probablement des tas de définitions de l’engagement dans l’entreprise.

Fierté, confiance et plaisir : les 3 piliers de l'engagement des collaborateurs

Sans doute est-il difficile de vouloir d’ailleurs en faire une définition, car il en existe autant qu’il y a de collaborateurs. En effet, il est réducteur et utopique de vouloir donner une définition générale à un état d’esprit qui ne peut se concevoir qu’individuellement. Cependant, cette notion me semble reposer sur 3 piliers, que sont la confiance, la fierté, et le plaisir. Cette approche présente également l’avantage de définir plusieurs dimensions, que l’on a parfois tendance à simplifier.

La fierté C’est sur ce registre que l’on va retrouver les éléments de citoyenneté, de RSE, d’engagement en faveur du handicap. En revanche, les actions de sponsoring, la qualité, l’innovation, le pouvoir d’attraction des produits et des services, le charisme des dirigeants, leur vision, sont autant d’éléments qui contribuent fortement à la fierté des collaborateurs. Le plaisir. The High Cost of Employee Dis-engagement. If you care about sales or customer service levels – and I think we all do!

The High Cost of Employee Dis-engagement

– then you should care about how your agents feel about their job. For this reason, many call centers are turning their attention to employee engagement. In our most recent study of nearly 120 call center and BPO firms, we found that 76% of call centers conduct an employee survey to measure and improve engagement. Unfortunately, most managers then focus on the wrong group of employees for action. The tendency is to try to maximize the number of highly-engaged in a call center. The business case for employee engagement is often couched in terms of effort and performance. If you imagine a distribution of employees by their engagement levels, you’d see a bell curve in almost every call center. The costs associated with disengagement stem from two factors: turnover, and lost productivity.

But much more disturbing are the costs associated with disengaged employees that stay with our companies. CallMe! The Call Center Agent Employee Lifecycle. Call center agents go through a lifecycle starting at the point they are hired for the call center job and ending at the point they leave the company.

The Call Center Agent Employee Lifecycle

Often, this cycle leads to low engagement and performance and ultimately turnover. In our experience, the cycle can be broken down into four distinct phases, but they key is that effective management including coaching, mentoring, and development can greatly impact the cycle and the outcome. New Hire and Honeymoon New agents are often the lifeblood of a call center. Bringing new energy and excitement – they are highly engaged and motivated. Crossing the Chasm At some point, the honeymoon phase wears off and agents either reach maturity or need to be coached up or out.

Experienced, but at What Cost? Call Center work is a grind. Create a Connection Between Work & Company SuccessShow a Commitment to Employee DevelopmentAsk for Employee Feedback and IdeasSet Expectations about PerformanceEstablish a Clear Value Proposition Checked Out. Motivation Techniques for Call Center Employees. Motivational Games for Call Centers.

Fun Games to Play in a Call Center to Keep Reps Motivated. Introduce a new mascot to your call center reps.

Fun Games to Play in a Call Center to Keep Reps Motivated

Choose a funny-looking stuffed animal, like a teddy bear, to be the mascot. Pass the mascot around the room as kind of badge of honor. Every hour, pass the bear to the representative who makes or accepts the most calls or makes the most sales. Whoever has the bear the most during a shift or during a workday wins a special prize, like a candy bar or small gift certificate at a local fast-food restaurant.